Should I tan myself?


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I am still not sure. My head is pretty much tanned because of all the time I spend outside walking but I feel ridiculous everytime I look myself on the mirror seeing my head tanned and the rest of my body paler. There a tanning bed for not too much money (3-50$) but I am still worried about Skin Cancer. I was wondering, once I tan my whole body... will my body's color naturally go back to what it was used to be?
If you lay out in the sun sans clothes you will get a tan. Use tanning lotions. No need to go to a tanning salon. Of course you will return to your natural skin color but there could be a few new feckles.


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I would suntanning but I am worried about skin cancer. I hear tanning salon doesn't or at least have less risk at skin cancer. What does tanning lotions do?


Good ol' farmers tan:D
The makers of tanning lotion claim that you will tan quicker and have less painfull sun burn. Some may work but I don't know which ones work or if this is true. There are indoor tanning lotions but I think they are more or less some kind of color dye.
Definitely, unless you're part of the 0.000004% of people who look good pale, or a redhead.

and don't do sunless tanning because the color usually looks off.

also don't fall asleep with a sleeveless t-shirt on.
I did the tanning salon thing a few years ago. Its not so bad. Its convenient and quick. They only let you tan for about 12 - 15 minutes. A Bonus is a hot chick works the counter. 3/50 seems a bit pricey. I'd look for a coupon or something. Good luck!!!


How is tanning bad? It just make his skin darker and from his description, seeing a tanned head with a pale body sound ridiculous. Most peoples think tanned peoples are hotter/sexier anyway.


But his skin color will go back to his normal color anyway and tanning salon is just for like 5 minutes of tanning. Sound safe.
sure , tan yourself out but for fucks sake don't go to the salon when you have
the sun to help you out...

Only ladies tan at a salon... no offense ladies!


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By the way, I have eczema... is it still a good idea to tan?

Tanning beds I hear are great for eczema and psoriasis. It may help kill two birds at one time. ;) Of course though check with your doctor. I know of two people in the same family (it is a hereditary ailment) that go tanning for just that reason. I have also heard its good for acne (again always check with your doctor).

Good luck to you, the farmers tan bites as does the truckers (one arm). I think the beds less risk of cancer than the sun. I myself take the sun risk very seriously. Both of my parents had a form of skin cancer early in life later each dieing of other forms directly attributed to the skin cancer. It went in deep at a given spot, spreading and attacking organs. Sadly they had been very garden, fishing, boating always outdoors baby oil and iodine (old tanning concoction) type people. :(

Sorry so long winded, once again I can't help it when its something I'm passionate about.


Only ladies tan at a salon... no offense ladies!

Sorry, but that's so not true. They are full of men, tanning and looking for the women. Better than the supermarket to meet and greet. :D

Sorry, but that's so not true. They are full of men, tanning and looking for the women. Better than the supermarket to meet and greet. :D


Hell, i know...

I just don't like it that men are becoming so fucking vain...


But tanning salon doesn't use UV ray, isn't ok?

No offense, but of course tanning beds have UV (ultra violet) rays. That is how the melanin (the pigment that makes your skin brown) is brought to the surface.
There are two tanning rays (I believe) - UVA and UVB. Tanning beds usually have only one - UVA rays.
UVA rays are a longer wave length then UVB, so they go deeper under the skin. So they do more damage deeper and cause premature aging more then UVB rays.

How can anyone think that tanning is safe? You are bombarding your skin with radiation to get the skin to produce excess melanin. It's the bodies defense against UV ray damage.
Why would the body produce a defense to something that causes no harm to it? If melanin was purple, no one would deliberately tan. But because it is brown and looks nice, people do.
People aren't dieing from skin cancer (including my mother) because it's safe.
It also causes premature aging - big time.

Look Simon MK, if you want the truth, go to a dermatologist. No one knows more about skin then they do.
Failing that, do a Google search for an online one that takes questions.
The ones I have spoken to have stated time and again that sun tanning is the WORST thing you can do to your skin that is popular.
Especially if you are pre-adult. It is especially important to not get bad burns when you are a child. The younger, the more important. As these UV rays can do permanent damage to the immune system.

I don't blame you for wanting a tan. They look great.

My advice, try one out of a bottle.

It may be hard to find the one that is right for you - as they are all different on different people.
But they can look great and best of all,
they are completely safe.


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Hell, i know...

I just don't like it that men are becoming so fucking vain...

True, men are turning extremely vain these days. Most of the vain/metrosexual guys in my town are also the ones who get drunk and start fights on the weekend, to show how manly they are.

It's a confusing contradiction...