should I lose my virginity to a prostitute

Will E Worm

No, don't do it. You're only a kid. 18 is young and I know peer pressure is a bitch but fuck what your friends say. It's your life not theirs. Give yourself a break. There is no shame in being a virgin. Don't punch your ticket with a prostitute. Losing your virginity should have meaning and not be something that's thrown away. You really need to stop taking shit about yourself. No one finds that attractive, least of all girls. What girl do you know wants to hear a male piss and moan about how shitty he thinks of himself? Not one. Confidence is key to everything. Work on that and your golden!
If only the internet was scratch and sniff, I promise you this one would stink of teenage desperation.

"Im a virgin at 18! (Insert sound of child sobbing into a pillow)" Get over it child, there are bigger things in life to worry about.
Nah kid... After a while, there will be no denying the feeling of wanting to take that moment back. There is no expiration date on your dick or on pussy, so don't worry about it. You're letting this worry you, and you shouldn't because:

'What worries you, masters you.'
-Haddon W. Robinson
I'm seriously sick of being the only guy I know who is a virgin

Unless you've watched every single one of your buddies have sex, I wouldn't bet the farm that this is necessarily true.
Roll up a piece of veal after it been in the microwave for a little bit and proceed to make sweet, passionate love to that. :hatsoff:
definitely depends. if you would rather be made fun of for not having sex or being made fun of for having sex first with a prostitute
I was so pathetic at it she probably wishes she can't remember mine, either
Good to know some things haven't changed about you. :thumbsup:

Roll up a piece of veal after it been in the microwave for a little bit and proceed to make sweet, passionate love to that. :hatsoff:

Ok, now what? :dunno:

Anyone care for some veal steak with tartar sauce? :D


Closed Account
NO! Dude, who gives a rat's ass if you're a virgin or not? If your friends are pressuring you, tell them to go fuck themselves. Your first time should be something special that you do with someone who you care about and who cares about you. Do you think a prostitute's gonna care about you? As someone who's used escort services in the past, I can tell you that the only thing about you that they care about is your wallet. Most of the time they don't even ask your name, and they NEVER tell you what their real name is. How special can that be? I'm not against people hiring prostitutes, I just don't think anyone should do so for their first time.

Also, why does it matter if you're still a virgin at 18? Plenty of people hold on to their virginity for much longer than that. I was 22, well, a few days shy of 22, when I lost mine. I wanted to wait for someone special. The bitch turned out to be a psycho, and then I regretted having had her as my first. My current girlfriend waited until she was 24, and she only did it because she thought I was someone very special to her. I've known people who said they would much rather have waited for someone special to do it with on their first time than with the person they lost their virginity to.

Anyway, long story short, don't get a hooker for your first time. Find out what it's like to do it on your own before you pay for it.

Wonderful words, as always. :)

And even though I believe that Prostitution should be Legal and tolerated, just like I am Straight-Edge and feel all drugs should be legel (because everyone ultimately has the right to experiment with substances on they're own body and time), I am also against it for myself only and I feel it is just not for me. And I wouldn't totally lose respect for some other gentleman who paid for it, because lonliness & human sexuality is just SUCH a long and complicated road, but you have to look at yourself in the long run: Much better to lose your Virginity someone who is really into you and has a lot more in common with you, and whom might one day be with in a much longer-term relationship with, as opposed to haveing a certain social stigmata because your the guy in your group of four or five guy friends who "had to pay for it". So please listen up. I'm sure in the long-run you don't really want you first time to be cold, mechanical and with a rubber (condom) and weird/arkward nagociations with all of these pre-determinded terms & conditions.

Hope we all got through with you, and the best of luck on the dating scene and road to good mental health as we all need. Peace be with ya.
So when you start dating and the subject of previous sexual experiences comes up, what are you gonna say??

Good luck with that one.

Hang in there mate it'll happen for you.
