Should I get a Xbox 360 or PS3?

What the hell is that supposed to be? I've been staring at it for like 3 minutes and I still just don't see whatever it is!:dunno::dunno:

NBBCash Matze

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Approved Content Owner
If you just like to play with your friends I would suggest the Xbox 360, it has a better community "interface" I think and the controller is ok after a period of playing. Many games run "faster" or more fluent than on PS3 and graphics looks sometimes better. Only few PS3 games support full hd, most have just 720p, embarrassing.

If you like to watch DVDs and BluRay in addition I would suggest the PS3, it's more silent than the Xbox and has a bluray player in installed.
I had both game consoles and now I just have the PS3 because of the BluRay player, it also has a lower wattage I think.
PS3 for many reasons.

PlayStation network is free, Xbox makes you pay.
Blu-ray player
Better graphics
Better controller
Problem free.
No retarded fanboys, we PlayStation fans KNOW what is really better. :tongue:


Got a Xbox when it came out , then got a PS3 when that came out

Xbox now redundant

PS3 all the way


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
what the hell is that supposed to be? I've been staring at it for like 3 minutes and i still just don't see whatever it is!:dunno::dunno:

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It's Captain Picard. Sheesh.
PS3 for many reasons.

PlayStation network is free, Xbox makes you pay.
Blu-ray player
Better graphics
Better controller
Problem free.
No retarded fanboys, we PlayStation fans KNOW what is really better. :tongue:

That one especially, though I"m going to have to say that I"ve heard what probably were ex-X-boxers playing CODMW2 on PS3, kind of annoying when they talk shit.

That and I like the PS3 controller better. I've used an Xbox at a cousin's place and the controller just felt awkward.

But if you want to play with your buddies online, get what they have, you'll like it better.
I own both, I have 3 XboX's - I find the game selection to be better on the 360 as well as better online service. It's $50 for a year for Xbox Live, PS3 is free but you get what you pay for. I hardly ever use the PS3 - it has only a few exclusive titles that are worth playing.
The RroD is not a problem in newer models.
I just bought a brand new PS3 a few days ago,and couldn't be happier.

One thing I don't understand is why people say that 360 has better exclusive titles.

Let's see...

Metal Gear-no
Killzone 2-no
Uncharted 2-no
Ratchet and Clank-no
plus upcoming titles like...

God Of War 3-no
Gran Turismo 5-no
Final Fantasy XIII-don't think so

Sorry,but there really isn't anything besides Gears Of War,on 360,that's "exclusive",that I'm remotely interested in playing.I'll put PS3's exclusives up against 360's any day of the week.

Personally,the choice was clear for me.
I am on my third 360 with a fourth one at the side on stand by. Where as I am still on my first PS3 (60Gb model). The PS3 has been raped in terms of usage it's had. The 360 is used regular but no where near as much as the PS3 is or was. Too scared to use the 360 as often due to the piss poor hardware quality. YOU KNOW how crap a machine is when the company that makes it gives all their user base a FREE three year warranty. No company gives away a free three year warranty, unless there is something really wrong with the product. That's just my view on the machines themselves not the game selections for both machines. The 360 has some good games just like the PS3 that's why I own a 360. It does say something about the games on it that if the machine is a pile of shit in terms of quality and durability and yet I own one for the games it has. You just hope when you turn it on the light stays GREEN.
PS3 Hands down. Its a more powerful machine than th 360, is more reliable than the 360 and you can pretty much do everything including Netflix now. Don't waste your money, buy a PS3
Don't have either but from what I have seen the 360 games will eventually come out on PC anyway so I wouldn't bother buying it just for the games...
I've owned my PS3 for close to three years now. My roommate owns a 360. I remember his first RROD right when HALO 3 came out. I dubbed that evening "The Night of a Thousand Tears".

But then, my roommate has also thrown temper tantrums when a football game has run long and he wanted to watch Star Trek TNG.

I've never had a problem with my PS3. The controllers plug in to recharge. The Blu Ray is very nice. I also think that Bioshock plays much more nicely on it than on the 360.
Having had both, (I have a PS3 now after selling my XBOX 360) I would say PS3 is better and more advanced. Also, with an XBOX it's inevitable you will get red ring of death because I had it and all my friends with XBOXs had it too.

That said, Microsoft have been buying up some good exclusives so they've got that going for them.

that's exactly how i came to own the PS3, and although most people I know have the xbox, i love my PS3. Internet play is free, its serves as my Blu-ray player, its wireless, and no red rings of death!