Do tell...
So you've done a more complete statistical study and have more reliable consumer data than both JD Power and Consumer Reports? Because you know that an opinion without data is just an opinion, right?
Not that it's a sin, but I think you just don't like Apple products for whatever reason and you're filling in the blanks with beliefs based on false statements to support your position. Roald, and everyone else, should buy whatever brand or type of computer that best suits their needs. My iMac and my other Apple products won't get me into Heaven any faster than people who own or use PCs (I still use them too). But in the nearly 20 months that I've had this machine, it has not had one crash, freeze or hiccup. I run AutoCAD, FeatureCAM, MasterCAM, TeleCharts and any number of other Windows based programs just as if I was on a regular PC. It works as I require it to and that's all that matters to me. I wasn't looking for the cheapest route to get things done. I was looking for the best and most reliable way to get things done. I like to tinker with cars. But I don't like to tinker with computers. So I bought the brand that received the highest build quality and consumer satisfaction rankings. If that rubs some people the wrong way... well, that's too bad.
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