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Shooting at Texas school


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Hey mester, did you find any dead people walking around yet? Have you asked any of the yourtube sources that have information to find dead people? No, you wouldn't dare do that. That would mean for you to take your lips off their dicks.

mayster, find us a dead person. Your whole fucking mantra is no one dies. You have yet to produce a dead person still alive. Till you produce a dead person still alive from ANY shooting events that you respond to, accept my little dick into your ass. Feel it stroke with repeated rhythms.

So long as you don't produce a dead person still alive, so long as you will feel my little dick stuffing your ass.


Hiliary 2020
see the vile stuff you post bob?
The level of maturity.
This is why I can't take you seriously.
I decided long ago in my life not to associate with scumbags.
I'm sorry I have to call you that but the things you write are deserving of that name.

To everyone else here who can still think:
There are no "yootoob sources" . You can not post anything questioning these weekly frauds.
Any video questioning these things will be immediately deleted and the user account banned.

That is what its come to.

I post videos from CNN, ABC, CBS ect.
This is the story THEY are giving, not me.
All that is left is the comment section in the yootoob videos and they are even starting to remove that because the majority of comments are calling them bullshit.

With the exception of mainly certain types of women who the MSM targets, Americans are figuring out more and more after each one of these that they are drills portrayed as real which all have an agenda. This is where your tax money goes.
No coincidence that states with higher private firearm ownership are used for these frauds.
After each one they chip away at gun rights and pass laws to make it harder to legally obtain a firearm.
While also attempting to , in Eric Holders own words, "BRAINWASH" school children to be against guns.
And using fear and terror to do so.

Its becoming common now for Terror Drills in US schools in which they literally scare the shit out of students with fake gunshots and herd them out into fields like cattle.
You people are ok with that?

I don't know why I bother here really. Pretty much all of you have long ago lost your ability to think for yourselves.
Maybe I just post on these weekly shootings just to laugh at how dumbed down people have become.
Others i know are in complete denial and refuse to accept what your world, your governments have become.
Your GOV is part of you life, part of your self. Like a parent of a drug addict who refuses to admit their child is a alcoholic drug addict scumbag thief. Its called denial.

So how about this red headed boy? Shot through his head at the base of his skull.
Released from the hospital the same day, a few hours later even.
Doing smiley interviews. No sign of physical discomfort or emotional trauma.

It's true
It's true.
It's true
I haven't really been following the event, just getting tidbits of info here and there. It really don't interest me so excuse me if I repeat something that's already been posted. 99% of what I've seen has been about a female Pakistani student that was killed. Not sure why the spotlight is on her. Was she royalty or something? Were any American students killed? Just curious


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Vile? What is more vile than denying the deaths of innocent people? And when I accuse you of denial, I back up my claims with documentation.

You, on the other hand, deny birth, work, school, and death records. Who the fuck are you to deny my existence.

mister, find us claimed dead people walking. Go to yuutube and post a video of someone. The more that these events happen, the more dead people you say are walking. Find one.
What irks me with Meester is he does deny and come up with any excuse to call these mass shootings (usually school involved) a inside job, fake, nobody died and basically spit at the living victim's faces.

Yet a terrorist event gets blown up and he yells right at us, with no research except photos and articles about the strikes, for shame that we have no sympathy for dead terrorists.

Read it again. He sympathizes with terrorists; no questions asked. He denies Americans dying in mass shootings and consider it fake.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
As above, mayster, how are you sure any Palestinians died?

You have nothing to back up your claims of dead people walking.

You have nothing in the form of communications.

myster, all of my FreeOnes points I put up for you to find me a dead person. I'll give you one month. Adam, mayster is chicken shit to put up or shut up.

muster, put up or shut up.


Staff member
Why this generation has decided shooting your classmates is performance art is beyond me.
Quit blaming everyone or everything else when it seems the kids of today are one fucked up demographic.

This is has nothing to with kids but more with education. Remember what kind of insignias the shooter was wearing? The problem is that the kid had a bad education and was sharing far left socialist ideas.The liberal medias always and systematically blame the mass shootings on the NRA and the responsible guns owners, that is too easy.
This is has nothing to with kids but more with education. Remember what kind of insignias the shooter was wearing? The problem is that the kid had a bad education and was sharing far left socialist ideas.The liberal medias always and systematically blame the mass shootings on the NRA and the responsible guns owners, that is too easy.
This is simply politics.
Not everything is political.
Something in their collective brains is out of whack.
Are you serious? I mean you called Bob vile but here you are fucking posting a video making fun of a student talking about his experience? Ever thought in your tin foil fused brain, holy shit! This is a high schooler that hasn't been a national spotlight being asked to speak in front of a camera!?

I mean nevermind being fucking nervous about asking a date to prom.

Are fucking for real?

Don't ever call anybody vile or whatever. Because you crossed beyond vile.
Here meester, allow me to connect your first dot:

Galveston county coroner's office:

Phone number

Address in case you want to send them a aluminum foil letter of discontent:
6607 FM1764, Texas City, TX 77591

There's your first step. I'm sure you have a Hamas penpal so I won't waste my time on a US Embassy number for you to get contact information to Palestinian officials. You already believe the terrorists so it would be moot point anyways.
We're rounding out, Meester. I hope for a response tonight, good sir. I believe I can speak for BobJustBob as well, we are patient in your real life discoveries. Just remember drop FreeOnes or FO, whatever, say I'm feeling whimsical upon your recorded phone call to the Coroner's office. Either way I shall have a play on words from the great Bucky Banks quote from Chasing Amy film:

What is it about these conspiracy theories man, you know you have no shot at getting real information into this forum, so why do you even bother wasting time with it, because you're Meester fucking Perfect, the most persistent conspirator on the FreeOnes board that's not the path of least information, everything has to be a f***ing conspiracy for you and this little relationship with that HAMAS is a prime example of your f***ing condition. Well I don't need a magic tin foil 8-ball to look into your future, you want a forecast here, will Meester ever f*** True Information?, oh what a shock, NOT F***ING LIKELY. These conspiracies are affecting you, our posts, and the time is going to come when I (already done so) throw down the gauntlet and say it's sanity or conspiracies then what are you going to say???

Here is link to actual speech Bucky gave Holden



Hiliary 2020
Ok I'll respond to you a little.
I was busy at my shrink. I keep having recurring dreams about being strangled by Larry Fine.

A few points.
You are getting too serious here. If you want to believe all these mass killings every week are real you can.
Just like I can say they are fake. And I know they are. I am an expert at detecting bullshit.
At least I show things that to many people indicate they are fake.
All you have is "CNN said its real".
You look at the comments on the MSM's own video's and about half of them are calling them bullshit.
So I am far from alone in my beliefs.

But you rarely see me getting nasty with people. If I do its usually after they drew First Blood. And even then I usually try to keep it light.

your pal bob talking about sucking dick and ass fucking to me is vile. Its gross.Why would I want to try to have a rational discussion with someone like that?
I understand he has strong feelings because he thinks I am disrespecting dead people but he gets too emotional at times.

You believe in terrorists?
I could laugh at you for that.
Where are these terrorists?
Terrorists are a boogeyman created by a group of people to be used as an excuse to make billions and trillions of dollars a year "Protecting The People".
But its all a scam. A Snake Oil show.
If there really were these crazy Muslim Terrorists out to kill us they would be blowing shit up everyday.
Its just fear mongering for financial gain and excuses to drop bombs on civillians, take out their governments and steal their wealth.
The US and Britain have been doing this for a long time.

And everything that you think you know comes from an electronic box.
They can tell you anything and you will believe it.
I've tried to show you that you should not trust anything that box tell you but you still do.
To try to think for yourself and not automatically believe everything they tell you.

And for the last time, I am not going to infiltrate one of these fake killings and find a live person.
Not gonna do it.
You show me and actual dead person instead.
Show me a witness or victim who is not laughing.
Show me an actual tear while one of them is fake crying.

I don't need that to see the obvious blatant in your face level of bullshit in every one of these.
The scripted prepared and rehearsed witnesses and victims who recover from gunshot wounds overnight then head directly for a CNN microphone.
But you don't see it. I do.
No reason to go back and forth.

But again I research these things with the information they give in order to form an opinion.
You and people like you just automatically believe because they told you.
You spoke a whoke lot of nothing, good sir. Stop filling your void with conspiracies. You have nothing and cannot produce nothing. Show me evidence. Concrete evidence. Show FreeOnes evidence.

Bob speaks to you as he does. I am cordial. I am requesting of you. Show your proof.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Show you a dead person? We've been down this road already. You possess the gift of knowing if someone is dead from a photograph. Have you told your family of this mystical power? I'll bet they can get 10 bucks cover charge for listening to your rants.

And while we are at it, how do we know that Palistinians actually die? Second time asked.

Yea I'm emotional about disrespecting the family and friends that have to claim and lay to rest the bodies of innocent victims. You could very well fall into this situation. (I do not wish this to you or anyone else. Let's get that straight.) But these acts are as random as sleeping in your bed and a stray bullet flies through your window and into you or your child.

You don't want to do due diligence to find walking dead? Fine. What are the excuses of all of those yootoobers you follow? They are spread all over the places where these events have happened. Do some independent thinking and ask them if any of them have ever taken a 20 minute drive to an event that happened. Ask them if they live in the area of such events. Do what you preach. Go to the source of your information and question them.

In the immortal words of Ralph Kramden,"Somewhere in this world there is a straight jacket waitin' for miester!"


Hiliary 2020
Everything you think you know is only what the ones who control your information want you to know.
And most of that is lies.

Politics, the Fake News, its all scripted.
Its all created, invented, thought up.
All of it.

If there was a real mass killing they wouldn't even know how to report it at this point.

The people on the news are actor reading from a script. It is so obvious, the fact that people still believe anything they say baffles me.

Its all so in our faces that I think most Americans are so conditioned, so used to it, so dumbed down that they can't even see it anymore.

So you can say the word proof all you want. You can label me with a word.
It is not my fault or my problem that some people can't see what is right in front of their face everyday.
And how every one of the FAKE SHOOTINGS follow the same exact pattern.

It goes much deeper than that but if you can't even detect the bullshit on the surface there is no way you will ever understand just how deep it really is.

You are owned. You are property. You are a commodity.
Your politicians are owned. They are property. They are a commodity.

Everything you think you know is from information your owners told you. And they only told you want they want you to know.
And everybody really knows this, most just won't face it.