Shoe-thrower in Iraqi judicial custody


Hiliary 2020
You guys are being very closed minded.

It doesn't matter one bit whether you like bush or not.

I don't like teddy kennedy, but if someone threw a shoe at him while he was speaking I expect them to be punished.

I think I go bean Obama in the head with a size 14 steel toe klondike and see what happens. See how you all react.

You can't attack elected officials,If you allow this type of thing to happen without consequence than you are allowing fffffffffreakin anarchy man.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
The guy has it coming to him. Who throws a shoe? If he's going to try and hurt the President, throw a brick or something. What if he did hit him? How would be run away with out shoes?
The guy has it coming to him. Who throws a shoe? If he's going to try and hurt the President, throw a brick or something. What if he did hit him? How would be run away with out shoes?

Well, to be fair, it's probably a lot easier for a journalist to get his shoes into a press conference than it is a BRICK.



The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Well, to be fair, it's probably a lot easier for a journalist to get his shoes into a press conference than it is a BRICK.


True, I suppose. Perhaps a brick was a bad example. :tongue:
You guys are being very closed minded.

It doesn't matter one bit whether you like bush or not.

I don't like teddy kennedy, but if someone threw a shoe at him while he was speaking I expect them to be punished.

I think I go bean Obama in the head with a size 14 steel toe klondike and see what happens. See how you all react.

You can't attack elected officials,If you allow this type of thing to happen without consequence than you are allowing fffffffffreakin anarchy man.

'Doesn't matter if you don't like Bush'? You make it sound like he stole the last brownie. People despise this man for being responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. That man is a killer, a kidnapper and a torturer - being President of the United States does not place him above the law.

Now, ideally, you want people like that dealt with in a courtroom, but since that will never happen, can you really blame someone for their emotions bubbling over? People shouldn't take the law into their own hands, but when the law is failing so abysmally to be fair in treating Bush the way he ought to be treated, these things are going to happen.

Imagine he did all those horrendous things to YOUR family for a moment. Now imagine that there was no accounting for what he'd done to you and your own. Would you be able to contain yourself? Would you be able to tolerate him coming around to your devastated neighbourhood, gurning inanely, waxing poetic about how well things had gone? Most people in such a situation would be boiling over with rage.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Truthfully, Bush better be down on his knees thanking someone that it was only shoes. Considering he was in iraq and the sentiments against Bush aren't all that great (actually, it's not all that great around the world for varying reasons), it could have been a bullet or a bomb.


Hiliary 2020
'Doesn't matter if you don't like Bush'? You make it sound like he stole the last brownie. People despise this man for being responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. That man is a killer, a kidnapper and a torturer - being President of the United States does not place him above the law.

Now, ideally, you want people like that dealt with in a courtroom, but since that will never happen, can you really blame someone for their emotions bubbling over? People shouldn't take the law into their own hands, but when the law is failing so abysmally to be fair in treating Bush the way he ought to be treated, these things are going to happen.

Imagine he did all those horrendous things to YOUR family for a moment. Now imagine that there was no accounting for what he'd done to you and your own. Would you be able to contain yourself? Would you be able to tolerate him coming around to your devastated neighbourhood, gurning inanely, waxing poetic about how well things had gone? Most people in such a situation would be boiling over with rage.

you said it all when you said for being responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. That man is a killer, a kidnapper and a torturer - being President of the United States does not place him above the law.

you are selective with whom you despise.
maybe youre just following the herd.

read up about saddams 30+ years in positions of power, and the sick shit he did to who knows exactly how many.
Read about the sick things his son did.
And do you actually blame bush when a suicide nutjob blows up an area filled with civillians? Sure you do, youre a liberal.
Selective criticism
No one will ever really know if Iraq, the US or the world is better off now or under hussien, but when you say stuff like bush is a killer, a kidnapper and a torturer, and nothing about the muslims who are actually doing that stuff ,I realize exactly what youre about.
I just can't remember when US troops gassed children chucked people off roofs, and beheaded people for wearing the wrong clothes
But you know more than me.
for those who are sorry that he missed the target:

31 661 400 shoes already hit him in the face!

(a flash game inside)

Ah, the ingenious 'if you're not with us, you're against us' argument. :rolleyes: No, I despised Saddam Hussein as well. He too was a killer, kidnapper and a torturer. But is a warmonger and mass murderer any less evil for the existence of another of his ilk? People are not absolved of their crimes simply because others have committed comparable ones. The reason I didn't mention him here was because, guess what? This thread had nothing to do with him.

No one will know if the world is better off now or under Hussein? Seems like a paltry, pathetic excuse for the anarchy which has reigned in Iraq since the commencement of the war.

For all Saddam Hussein's vicious tyranny, at least the country was stable. People could go to school, get jobs, lead relatively normal lives as long as they kept their heads down and did nothing to upset the powers that be. Prior to the invasion, Saddam had not attacked any of his population on a large scale in some time. Over the last 5 years in Iraq, every day life has been utter chaos and anarchy. When a 7/7, a Madrid or Bali bombing occurs every single day, when there are militias running around starting gun battles every other week, when US soldiers are dragging people off for ritual humiliation and torture, just how much of a normal life can people experience? So, are Iraqis happy that Saddam is gone? Definitely. Are Iraqis happy with what they have today? Clearly, no. One horror has been substituted for another.

And what does it mean in terms of terrorism? Well, only a complete idiot could think the West is safer now than it was in 2003. Where once Arab nationalists and Islamic terrorists had an antagonistic relationship (which is why al-Qaeda's supposed alliance with Saddam was so ludicrous), the Iraq War has produced an unholy amalgam of the two. Those who were not radical, now feel they have ample reason to blow themselves up and indiscriminately kill as many as possible in the process.

By the way, I don't identify myself as a liberal at all, if by that you mean my views are somehow in consonance with your Democrats in the States (liberal means something quite different in Europe). I don't like Bill Clinton. I don't like Hillary. I've heard things in Obama's rhetoric which I find chillingly reminiscent of Clinton and Blair, so I am very, very wary of him too. He was better than any of the alternatives, but that's not saying much.


Hiliary 2020
my final comment to you sparrow is that you enjoy blaming all the killing on the United States and Bush.
and no blame or scrutiny for the people who are and have been actually doing the killing.

from that point of view I can fly to Iraq today, cover my body in explosives and blow up 200 people on the street.........and its not my fault, its the United States and Bushes.

I am actually against the Iraq invasion, but it seems these people have been and are going to continue to kill each whether it happened or not.


knows petras secret: she farted.
[B][URL=" said:
Friday[/URL][/B] on my mind, post: 2779385, member: 44516"]Good vid Hos,well put together.:thumbsup:

hehehe yeah! nice shot curly!

n'yuk n'yuk n'yuk~!