Re: SHEMALE SNAKES: Males say: screw genetics! If it smells like a female, I'm gonna
Then you build on the decision you've made, going as far with how you choose to live as you see fit. Choice begets choice. So long as there are options, there is choice.
By the way, I don’t ignore science in the least, but their study is predicated on physical and biological reasoning behind chosen lifestyles. As I said before, you could've chosen to live anyway you want, and you're more than a transsexual. Everything you are isn't determined by biology, but rather most being defined by your experiences and perception, formed via the compilation of situations your life has presented.
Then you build on the decision you've made, going as far with how you choose to live as you see fit. Choice begets choice. So long as there are options, there is choice.
By the way, I don’t ignore science in the least, but their study is predicated on physical and biological reasoning behind chosen lifestyles. As I said before, you could've chosen to live anyway you want, and you're more than a transsexual. Everything you are isn't determined by biology, but rather most being defined by your experiences and perception, formed via the compilation of situations your life has presented.