Shark fins

Its disgraceful that we allow things to be fished/hunted to the brink of extinction.Many fisheries are so depleted now that moratoriums are needed in many areas.Drift nets are responsible for much of this destruction as they scoop up everything very effeciently.Many species not even wanted by the fisherman get caught and killed and then just discarded.Many places have banned drift nets now also,when you see dolphin safe on tuna cans that means the tuna were not caught by a drift nets.
here we go. what about the thousands of cows, pigs, chickens, and whatever else we eat? :rolleyes:

Nothing wrong with eating meat or fish at all.Just not smart to drive them to extnction,then what would we eat?Cows,pigs, chickens are bred and slaughtered,so they are not in danger at all.
I ate in a Chicago Chinese eatery last week and noticed Sharkfin dishes on the menu. The couple accross from us ordered a few of them. I felt really sad that people dont know the true issue with their menu choices.

Found this article about it...


Thoughts anyone?

Out of ignorance some years ago I used to order Shark Fin Soup. Shark meat is edible, and I believed the fins were the leftover from the "steaks", but I have also seen guys cut off the fins and toss the live sharks back in the water. So, now I'm off that, but would eat it again if I knew the fisherman used the whole shark.
IT'S german for "Brain Dead"

Golly! :)



Purple†Pain;1573626 said:
IT'S german for "Brain Dead"

And you're calling someone out for expressing a perfectly valid opinion. Why try to start a fight - which *might* end up in a flame war - over an innocuous comment? How did his post affect you personally? Let it be, man. His comments and opinions are just as valid as yours, mine, or anyone else's. No need to be insulting, Purple†Pain.

Calling someone "Brain Dead" in two languages is akin to me calling you an a**hole for saying something out of line and unnecessary to someone who's been on this Board for a mite longer time than you.

Might wanna think about that next time. :hatsoff:
And you're calling someone out for expressing a perfectly valid opinion. Why try to start a fight - which *might* end up in a flame war - over an innocuous comment? How did his post affect you personally? Let it be, man. His comments and opinions are just as valid as yours, mine, or anyone else's. No need to be insulting, Purple†Pain.

Calling someone "Brain Dead" in two languages is akin to me calling you an a**hole for saying something out of line and unnecessary to someone who's been on this Board for a mite longer time than you.

Might wanna think about that next time. :hatsoff:
Your Right.
My Apologizes
The reason people are against this issue is because the fins are taken off the sharks for food, while the animal is helplessly tossed back into the ocean. If the animal was eaten whole, (which most often it is not), it wouldn't be so bad. The fins earn a much larger bonus than the whole animal. The people who do this are akin to clubbing seals for sport. Or killing elephants for their tusks.

Sharks kill very few humans and attack very few which is often fatal. People hate them despite this, and I can't say I much blame them, but that might also be my bad reaction. I recently spared a rattlesnake his life, knowing that he keeps down the mice and rodent population, but it's certainly easier to just kill it, although I've learned that's not the best reaction.

Yes, keep the language polite and understandable in the board language please.
The reason people are against this issue is because the fins are taken off the sharks for food, while the animal is helplessly tossed back into the ocean. If the animal was eaten whole, (which most often it is not), it wouldn't be so bad. The fins earn a much larger bonus than the whole animal. The people who do this are akin to clubbing seals for sport. Or killing elephants for their tusks.

Sharks kill very few humans and attack very few which is often fatal. People hate them despite this, and I can't say I much blame them, but that might also be my bad reaction. I recently spared a rattlesnake his life, knowing that he keeps down the mice and rodent population, but it's certainly easier to just kill it, although I've learned that's not the best reaction.

Yes, keep the language polite and understandable in the board language please.
AFA....It will not happen again
I think it is a shame that they chop off the sharks' fins and throw them back in the water. Even if they used the carcasses for cat food or fertilizer it would be better than this waste.
Its just not right. Its like killing deer and not using any of the meat. Sad thing is I Know a lot of rednecks who do this time and time again.