Shamu Gets His Revenge

om nom nom


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
What the fuck is wrong with you?

A lot of things. You want to know the worst thing? None of those babies fit.

:wave: Thanks for the negative rep and goodnight!


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
negative rep for that? Wow, he won't like it here at all. Especially when he finds out I took your used orca-doms, turned them inside out and fucked the narwals furiously. Now the unicorn whale will have the taste human blood and will start impaling the humans like shish kebobs.

Sure, the carnage will be great but think of the number of downloads on youtube. EPIC!!!

Will E Worm

This KILLER whale has killed before, it will kill again.

Kill it! :ak47:

Wild animals are called WILD for a reason. :rolleyes:
If you had some douche riding your back all day, wouldn't you get a bit hostile if a ponytail hit you in the face???

Or some bratty kid sticking his tongue out at your face, trying stick fingers up your nose, and trying to do means things to you. Wouldn't you get a bit upset when a ponytail hit you in the face?

Or if you had some bitch about to curb stomp you, wouldn't you get a wee bit perturbed over a ponytail hitting you in the face???

By the way, last I knew, the Killer Whale escaped with some members of the Crip gang because they found out that the Killer Whale is not only a Killer, but he prefers to "blue" ocean.... Oh! :hatsoff:


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Its killed 3 people before and yet they still decide to keep him? i guess if its an animal thats killing people then it just needs some more love and affection right? Im sure its satisfied its bloodlust...:rolleyes:

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Killer Whales in captivity being used as a show attraction. :dunno: Killer Whales Size, Weight, & Mass compared to that of there Human Trainers? :uohs::eyeso: Sounds like a bad receipt, a receipt for disaster and plenty of bad times, Do the math, theres bound to be some accidents that happen when your constantly mixing WILDLIFE (A 22' Killer Whale that weights 12 thousand pounds) with a Human Being, it wouldn't have mattered if it was the biggest Human in the world, Humans are not meant to be around such animals.

Is it A Tragedy? yes, very much so! regrettable, and sad, but common sense tells us there will be incidents that happen that will HORRIFY, TERRIFY, people, who don't take into consideration the balance and likelihood of there being accidents like this, I am surprised it doesn't happen more often too be honest, but thankfully, that's NOT the case.

P.s. My heart felt condolences go out to the victim and her family & friends. :angels:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Woah, woah, WOAH!!! Let's leave Shamu out of this. Shamu was nowhere around when this happened. The whale that killed it's trainer is Tilikum, not Shamu.

Stupid Shamu haters. I LOVE Shamu. :crosses arms and pouts:
Woah, woah, WOAH!!! Let's leave Shamu out of this. Shamu was nowhere around when this happened. The whale that killed it's trainer is Tilikum, not Shamu.

Stupid Shamu haters. I LOVE Shamu. :crosses arms and pouts:

Shamu is a fraud!!!!!