Sexxxiest Video Game babe?

Jessica McCarney [Dead Rising].

Is that the one with the glasses? I just played the Dead Rising demo and that girl was mega hot.
My favorites are:

Lara Croft
Kasumi (DOA)
Cammy (Street Fighter)
Ivy (Soul Calibur)
Bastila (Star Wars: KOTOR) (I loved making her turn to the dark side)


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Apple from Zillion (hey, hormones were getting me at that time!).


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Alyx from Half Life2, and all the strippers in Duke Nukem!

"Come get some"
Jessica McCarney [Dead Rising].

I just bought Dead Rising and My God, Jessie is fucking gorgeous. Big butt, big boobs, glasses, nerdy, she's fucking perfect. I'd give anything to fuck her. ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She is without a doubt the hottest woman I have ever seen in my 25 years on Earth.
i think is between Kasumi and Ayane from DOA. i had a set of pics of Tia Tanaka cosplaying Kasumi, if i found the link i will post it.