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Sex On Prom?...

Did you have sex on your Prom night?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 25.0%
  • No

    Votes: 60 75.0%

  • Total voters
Other than the triple-thread "my wife left me" orgy ...

^ Wait...which posts from this guy are we supposed to believe? Are we supposed to relish in his elaborate embellishments or not?
Other than the triple-thread "my wife left me" orgy that had many people laughing at others, when have I embellished anything?
Literally, despite all the "bitching" by "select people," where the fuck have I even remotely lied out of all of my posts?

I don't post to "win points," I post to share, self-cherish, self-reflect and just be part of the group.
If you don't want to believe me, fine, but many those of you know why I pulled my near-Thanksgiving "fun". ;)

I got sick of being judged by people who have issues with themselves and their own judgments.
Over 2 years and over 4,500 posts guys, versus only one, single, 2-week, 3-thread "lesson" for "select people."


Re: Other than the triple-thread "my wife left me" orgy ...

I got sick of being judged by people who have issues with themselves and their own judgments.
Over 2 years and over 4,500 posts guys, versus only one, single, 2-week, 3-thread "lesson" for "select people."

And just one of these threads:


involved 3,520 views of 146 posts from 56 different members over 11 days. And over 35 of those posts were by you and all lies - except the 144th post:


by you telling us they were all lies.
The "Cost" of Prom?

The prom is probably one of the most colossal wastes of money that young people do. I'm glad I had the sense to never even want to go to one.
Huh? What "Cost" is there to "Prom"?

I wore a black suit to each one, not a tux, but a black suit, twice with a white shirt and black, normal tie, once with tux shirt and tie.
Cost? $120 custom tailored (and $20 retailored once for my senior year when I gained a little weight), which I used for many other events besides prom.

No limo. No bullshit. Normal car. Flowers and a few other things. Prom isn't about "showing off," it's about "showing up" and enjoying yourself. Great time for women to feel good, make love, perfect setting for a lustful man who cares about his lover IMHO.

Maybe I'm "screwed up" but the whole "peer pressure" (and even "parental pressure") never really got to me. If it ever did make me think, I only had to point the finger at myself if I did something, so I really didn't want to go there. What does money have to do with this, really?

Especially when guys would ask me "what I did." None of their fucking business. I don't even tell my best friend anything I do with my wife, her oral fixation, etc... Never have. The most I've ever done is share anonymously here, with others. So money definitely didn't factor into what they though either!

The point of Prom is to enjoy it, not enjoy spending on it or spending because you're worried about others. ;)
Re: Other than the triple-thread "my wife left me" orgy ...

Other than the triple-thread "my wife left me" orgy that had many people laughing at others, when have I embellished anything?
Literally, despite all the "bitching" by "select people," where the fuck have I even remotely lied out of all of my posts?

I don't post to "win points," I post to share, self-cherish, self-reflect and just be part of the group.
If you don't want to believe me, fine, but many those of you know why I pulled my near-Thanksgiving "fun". ;)

I got sick of being judged by people who have issues with themselves and their own judgments.
Over 2 years and over 4,500 posts guys, versus only one, single, 2-week, 3-thread "lesson" for "select people."

What a load of tripe! You lied to everyone on the board. What did you think was going to happen as a result?
You were teaching people a lesson? It was the just the usual self gratifying tripe.
And whatever happened to this? http://board.freeones.com/showthread.php?t=151239&highlight=Prof+Voluptuary
I thought you were leaving?
Was that another "lesson"? Trying to be part of the group?

I don't know dude, I just don't like being lied to. I aint no monkey.
I was there with my girl, and we had been doing it way before prom as well...

So yes on my part


I never graduated.

The hour I learned that I could legally quit high school; I walked outside, got in my car and drove home never to return (for school, anyway).

I had had enough (or I am a quitter - I am still not sure which it is. Probably both.).

So I never had a prom.
Fuck the prom; I only went to the afterparty (boat cruise from midnight to four).
I'm cheap .. and proud of it. $100+ for one night of looking sharp and still having to obey school regulations, or $25 for everything afterwards? You do the math.

Didnt get any on that night, but I dont care. Enough girls grinded on me though; surprised I didnt get blueballs the next morning.
This tangent ends one way or another ...

What a load of tripe!
No, not a "load of tripe"!
Many, many people saw right through it, as it was based on me doing exactly what people were accusing me of in other threads (often as great tangents).
Instead of just getting pissed, I decided to give into their assumptions, and let them say "I told you so" all they wanted.

I'm sorry select people are still pissed for going down those roads right into the brick wall you had already constructed earlier.
But that's the reality, you guys built it and I decided to just lay the track for you to do so.

Regardless, I have always been honest and I have admitted when I was wrong or, in that case, when I purposely lied.
And that fact still applies to those 3 threads so, again, some 4,500+ posts over 2 years just flat out being honest.

Whether you believe my stories or not, you decide, and then just deal with it.
Continuing to spew tangent after tangent and "wanting to argue" about it is not going to do anything.

My integrity continues to stand for itself.

You lied to everyone on the board.
I informed several people off-board as they posted, and the majority understood why I did it too.
But most of them also understood my character in general before that, so they understood it was not aimed at them as well.

What did you think was going to happen as a result?
I knew what was going to happen.
But what gets old is the children on this board that point to it and go, "See! he lies! He lies! We can't believe him now!"
Whatever, my integrity over the last 2 years stands for itself, and that does not even change with that thread as I confessed as some people couldn't hold back their laughter. ;)

What I find very ironic is that some of you that have completely been proven wrong over and over again, or caught conflicting with your own values (and generally hypocritical) are so "obsessed" with actually catching me in a purposeful lie.
Just what does that "prove"? All it means is that I can make up a thread that is full of lies on purpose, just to make a point, but I'll still admit that it is all lies later.

As such, this continual "pointing" to those 3 threads only confirms that I don't lie, that any lie I ever tell will be short-lived and very calculated for a reason.

You were teaching people a lesson? It was the just the usual self gratifying tripe.
No, I used those 3 threads to teach people some lessons.
Some people just don't learn, others did -- a number laughed and even found it humorous.
In fact, it's not even what I say, but what you say that reflects on you about that thread.

Step back and realize, "okay, he lied, he calculated this lie on purpose, and fully decided to admit to it when he decided it was time. He's only done it once, for whatever his reasons were, and that's that."
Get over it, it was time I did it (and many understood this), I won't be able to do it again, and it still doesn't change my integrity to be considered an honest individual because I decided when to end the lie when I felt I had made my point.

And whatever happened to this? http://board.freeones.com/showthread.php?t=151239&highlight=Prof+Voluptuary
I thought you were leaving?
I left for 6 weeks, thought about how I approached the board, and realized some people can't be impartial.
It was not right for my post to be removed when I didn't start the tangent at all.
But at the same time, I have to take "the higher road" even if other people can't.

Right now there is a member who is trolling every one of my fucking posts and trying to get me to react.
If I ever react, both he and I will most surely be banned.
But you know what is most pathetic about that?
If I react, I'll blame myself for being banned -- but he'll still blame everyone but himself.

So I "take the high road" and his trolling continues, and so be it.

Was that another "lesson"? Trying to be part of the group?
It was me saying, "if I can't even post and be held to the same application of rules as for others, then there is no sense in me being here."
I took 6 weeks off and just decide to "take the high road" and let things be.
No offense, but I'm continuing to do that now, ever since I came back, and it's just how I have to be.

My integrity stands on its own -- people can trust me to post from the heart, and what is reality and truth for myself.
My making up one big facade, that I fully intended to admit to after I let it run its course, doesn't change that at all.
In fact, many, many people told me to never admit to it, but I'm just too damn honest to let such things stand.

If you can't put that simple fact together, then fuck off, quit trolling these tangents to my posts.
I guess I should just block you as well as let you play with yourself and get frustrated when I don't respond.

I don't know dude, I just don't like being lied to. I aint no monkey.
Apparently you can't even realize that I'm one of the most honest people on this board, and have been that way for over 4,500 posts and over 2 years.
And that includes applying the same set of values, striving to be as objective as I can, avoiding areas where I don't have expertise, admitting when I'm not the most experienced in an area, and just sharing my experiences in general.

If you don't see that, then decide if you really want to continue responding to every one of my posts in every thread with a tangent like this.
If you do, then I'll just have to block you and you can have a repeat date with yourself with frustration as I will not respond to you at all.
Someone else currently has this obsession as well, and it's really getting to him (and the mods as he's getting his posts deleted regularly now).

Back to the thread ...

Many of you have whatever dislike for the prom, felt you missed out, a few even were envious, and minorities of those are even denying that they are.
I fucking enjoyed my Proms, the were great, I made love in the ways I wanted and my lover enjoyed, it was just an experience.
It's not to brag, it's not tribe, it just is what it is, and that's all that matters to me.

Get over it, end some of the fixations, ignore me if you will, don't believe me if you wish.
But if you feel the need to repeat these over and over and over on the board, taking a tangent anytime I post, then all I can do is not even respond to your allegations.
So the fucking tangents don't take over the thread.

I honestly hope you see that, because if not, we're done for good.


Re: This tangent ends one way or another ...

Regardless, I have always been honest and I have admitted when I was wrong or, in that case, when I purposely lied.
And that fact still applies to those 3 threads so, again, some 4,500+ posts over 2 years just flat out being honest.
Maybe. Or maybe some of them are lies as well and you just haven't decided to 'let us in on it' yet.
Re: This tangent ends one way or another ...

I knew what was going to happen.
But what gets old is the children on this board that point to it and go, "See! he lies! He lies! We can't believe him now!"
Whatever, my integrity over the last 2 years stands for itself, and that does not even change with that thread as I confessed as some people couldn't hold back their laughter. ;)

So, um, what are the "children" of the board supposed to do next time you spew your tripe over the board? Are they supposed to gawked in wide eyed wonder and say to themselves, "Look, there HE is again, HE is teaching someone, or maybe even all of us, a lesson on our own insecurities."

It's kinda weird how YOU get to decided how YOUR integrity stands on this forum. Like, I don't know, I thought it was a public forum, but I guess it's your world.

Or is this all another lesson?

Dude, cut the crap and own up. Who the fuck were you teaching lessons to? "Some learned it, and some didn't"? WTF? And who are the many that understood your lessons? Dude? Are we on the same board?

And I am not going to step back and realize, "okay, he lied, he calculated this lie on purpose, and fully decided to admit to it when he decided it was time. He's only done it once, for whatever his reasons were, and that's that."

I'm going to step back and realize, that you are not one of the most honest people on the board, and one weird dude. I just don't know how you're whole "three thread incident" has gone unchecked for this long! But I can see how your weird ass post in this thread could trigger a response from me.

Go ahead and block me. Let me have free reign to pick apart your tripe for the masses. Let me give the lessons around here!
The 2-person tangent now ends (it's now just 1)

It's kinda weird how YOU get to decided how YOUR integrity stands on this forum.
No, I was just pointing out the obvious that many people know.
I've been on this board since 2005, and a few even know me from a few other boards going back to 2002.
My integrity doesn't exist because I say it does, it exists after over 4,500 posts over 2 years here.
Especially when I'd be challenged over and over on select things, and I came back with consistent answers.

But you believe what you want, and you continue to throw everyone of my posts into a tangent.
A few people have decided to do that, and they are blocked, so I don't go into this tit-for-tat like right here.
You see, there are only a handful of you complaining, most others recognized what was going on, or I told them shortly after they posted in the thread if not.
I'm going to step back and realize, that you are not one of the most honest people on the board, and one weird dude.
I'm completely weird, no doubt about it, it bothers many people because they don't understand where I'm coming from.
But there are several people who see it, the "method to my madness," and understand I have a rock solid foundation.
My wife is very much one of them, despite people trying to call me an abuser or whatever they feel.

I just don't know how you're whole "three thread incident" has gone unchecked for this long!
It wasn't "unchecked," there are a couple of you complaining, but I'm just not responding.
Why? Because You Missed the whole point of the exercise, especially after I told you it was all made up.
Some people didn't know what to believe or felt bad, but once I laid it all out, some of them got a really big laugh.

Because I basically took everything that other people said about me and made that facade!
There was basically not one, original, fictional incident in there that someone else had not said.
I took some of my personality and crossed it with things I'd never do or situations I'd always avoid.

"I was the only one trying to warn you." He he, he he he, he he he. ;)

Go ahead and block me. Let me have free reign to pick apart your tripe for the masses. Let me give the lessons around here!
Agreed, it's time to block you since you keep wanting to keep this tangent going.
You join one other individual who constantly wants to "give me lessons" when I only gave him one and left it at that.
If you don't see it, then you're part of the problem as well.
Re: The 2-person tangent now ends (it's now just 1)

but once I laid it all out, some of them got a really big laugh.

Who are these people he's talking about? :dunno:

I don't think he was giving a lesson. I think it's just all part of some deviant sexual fantasy played out on the message board, at our expense!

I mean, look at this thread, "Sex on Prom?" http://board.freeones.com/showpost.php?p=1829690&postcount=17
He mentions prom in the first sentence, then goes into this sexually charged dissertation about his four years in High School, womens cup sizes, mammary intercourse....


Was his story about molesting that women in his "Lesson" thread really necessary either? And then we find out that she actually made advances on him? And that's supposed to be funny?

wow this is getting pretty intense between you two here =]