Sex domain gets official approval

See, but the problem is that would have to be a wider scope than just the government of the United States. There are other countries that correlate to domains, so forcing porn sites to register with a .xxx domain would essentially require one of two things: A. a global initiative to take this action or B. The US would basically have to create it's own subset of the Internet and rebuild the entire Internet as we know it.

That's only to ban porn coming in worldwide. There would be nothing stopping them from restricting what can get put up here. That's pretty significant considering the majority of porn, especially the most well known of it, is created here. I wouldn't want there to come a day where I had to search through some untrustworthy site I can't even read in English just to find something on the net.
That's only to ban porn coming in worldwide. There would be nothing stopping them from restricting what can get put up here. That's pretty significant considering the majority of porn, especially the most well known of it, is created here. I wouldn't want there to come a day where I had to search through some untrustworthy site I can't even read in English just to find something on the net.

See but the Internet is a worldwide domain. The US really doesn't have control over who registers what, because it only has the power to regulate what people register through American companies. There are more holes in this plan than swiss cheese.
I'd start a new thread but this one isn't too old. Anyway... It's done. The ICANN Board passed .xxx March 18th. People who care to may read their 20 page explanation.

I guess someone can start the clock to see how long it takes politicians to push through legislation making it illegal (or just plain difficult) to start a porn site outside of the .xxx TLD. ...and another to see how long before ISPs are pressured to block or limit access to .xxx domains as they were with USENET in 2008.
ShayD and his stats. Let me show you the facts!

Google search porn:
About 510,000,000 results

Google search mature porn:
About 13,700,000 results

Google search amateur porn:
About 21,700,000 results

Google search all the porn on the internet:
About 168,000,000 results

OMGzers it is a conspiracy! Why must WTC be banned? Only he can tell us the truth and put ShayD in his place via YouTube videos! ShayD works for the government! He is nothing but a puppet! A puppet for Michael Eisner, Bill Gates, and even Steve Jobs (rumor has it that ShayD is going to take over for Steve Jobs if his health doesn't improve) imagine a world with nothing but Apple computers! Macs! Macs I say!

Stop ShayD! He is nothing but a huge industrial media/technological complex conspiracy! Why else do you think he posts when it is relevant to his so called "technology experience/knowledge" expertise? He is actually a computer programmed by the government! By computer I mean android human willing to push Mac.Apple products!

Do not listen to ShayD!

Your porn will be safe ladies and gentlemen! IT WILL BE SAFE!

Computer makers know they are mainly used to store porn that is why we are in the terabyte age! Soon to be Petabyte and that will be a Exabyte and that will be a Zettabyte and that will be the Yottabye! Imagine the porn! The advanced age of technology! ShayD wants to stop that! He wants to destroy it!

Fuck ShayD and his sumbitch government fascist programming elite politicians! I will not be controlled!

OMG I feel I Mel Gibson in the film Conspiracy. I bet you anything ShayD will come to my home and try and kill me! Take this truth and run with it! Spread it everywhere! EVERYWHERE! For I will be dead within the next three days.

OMG. I love you STDiva! I LOVE YOU!

Dear STDiva If you're reading this, you've gotten out of the conspiracy tornado. And if you've come this far, maybe you're willing to come a little further. You remember the name of the town, don't you? I could use a good man to help me get my plan on wheels. I'll keep an eye out for you and the chessboard ready. Remember, STDiva. Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies. I will be hoping that this letter finds you, and finds you well. Your friend, ~~whimsy~~.

I love you........
Despite whatever ^^^ that was (or in agreement with? I can't tell; I don't speak 'rant'), it looks like we can stop the clock. Apparently, India has decided to block the entire .xxx tld before it's even fully active. Whoever had India in the office pool should step into my office. Uh, claim their indoor grill.

...not that anyone would ever abandon .com for .xxx anyway.