Repost! Repost! I just post this shit again:
Since we're into to repost here's where sex dolls come from. :eek:
Repost! Repost! I just post this shit again:
A friend and I were in a porn store. He bought a doll, I bought a movie. The next day he told me not ever to get one and wished he'd bought a movie.
But there are some (I saw them on German TV) realy real looking dolls you can have custom made to whoever you want them to look like. But they cost like around 1000 bucks or something. But damn do they look real. If I had the cash, I'd shure get me a pair of Britneys' and Avas'....
I want real woman
you should see the movie "Lars and the Real Girl". you'll be surprised what a doll can achieve.
Since we're into to repost here's where sex dolls come from. :eek:
Since we're into to repost here's where sex dolls come from. :eek:
I think those Real Dolls are fucking creepy, for a theory on why they're creepy see here: