sex chat


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I am male and would love some females to talk dirty to! even web cam if needed

Oooooh, you have a webcam? YES, I can watch you jerk yourself onto your stomach!!!

I'd be more than glad to talk to you! I'm not female, but I can look the part, if you'd like. :D
can anyone tell me what it takes (besides drugs) to produce a cumshot like the porn pros? Ive heard drink lots of water, eat fruit (for taste) and dont masturbate for 2-3 days in between, but nothing helps. I want to cum all over my wife and she wants it too, but I cant seem to produce enough to do it. Help?:helpme:
Get close to blowin your load, then slow down and rest a tad, then do it again, slow down when you get close to poppin, then wait a bit, then go ahead and give er. You Might surprise yourself.

Waiting a couple days in between also helps. No wanking at all. And maybe get some protein intake.