Where are my lefties to argue for more government intervention on this one? What's next, a porn semen gestapo to arrest any persons caught exposing bodily fluids on film??
You are a political ignoramus.
The Democrats and what are called "Liberals" in the United States are actually Center-Right on the political scale. The "lefties" you scorn would be considered rightists anywhere else in the world. For example, even the ultra-rightists in Europe support universal healthcare (real universal healthcare, not the Obamacare plan under which everyone will be forced to BUY insurance).
Real "lefties" (people who would be recognized as leftist anywhere in the world) are against the intervention of the capitalist state into our lives; especially when it comes to sexual matters.
Here's a quote from the newspaper of the U.S. communist organization The Sparticist League:
"The government has recently seized on the spurious crusade against 'sex trafficking' to introduce draconian new legislation criminalising men who 'pay for sexual services of a prostitute subjected to force', a move which marks a significant shift towards outlawing prostitution altogether by penalising customers. We Marxists oppose not only reactionary 'age of consent' and 'statutory rape' laws, but also other laws against 'crimes without victims', such as gambling, prostitution, drug abuse and pornography." - Hands off Roman Polanski!,
Workers Hammer, Winter 2009-2010.
(On a side note, Nina Hartley belonged to this group for a number of years).
Remember the most important of the seven habits of highly successful people: seek first to understand then be understood.
PS. The Gestapo was the police arm of the fascist NAZIs. They were on the
extreme right of the political scale. They were overthrown by the Union of
Socialist Soviet Republics, which was run by a leftist bureaucracy.