
Favorite character

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Will E Worm

So, I'm watching youtube and came across this video.

Top 25 Seinfeld moments.

Who's your favorite character(s).

What are your favorite moments from the show?
What are your favorite moments from the show?
It's hard to decide on a single moment but there are several bits in the episode where the reporter thinks george and jerry are gay that still crack me up even after seeing the episode god knows how many times now.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Seinfeld is so damn funny, and ofcourse Kramer.


Nikkala made me do it!
Favorite episode is The Contest! :banana:

"I go out for a quart of milk. I come home and find my son treating his body like it was an AMUSEMENT park!" :rofl2:
The episode when Jerry is trying to throw a marble rye up to George on the fourth floor is one of my favorites.


Bob Sakamano


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
What, no Art Vandelay?

One of my favorite moments (for some reason) is during the episode when Frank Costanza decides to cook for Kramer's Jewish "singles party". He's sitting in his kitchen eating eggs and...

Frank: These eggs are dry.
Estelle: That's how I always make them.
Frank: ...well it SUCKS!!!


Yes, George is in the lead! I've got seasons 1-7 on DVD and I'm hoping to get 8 and 9 soon. The special features on the DVDs are great. They explain where they came up with some of the ideas for episodes. Not all of them, but a lot.

