You hated Mitt Romney too and he wasn't exactly Barry Goldwater. I still remember your posts about him during the 2012 campaign and it wasn't all about Paul Ryan. Do you really expect me to believe that you would have ditched Obama for Romney if he hadn't chose Ryan?
Let's face facts here. Sarah Palin is not hated because she says makes gaffes, she is hated because she is an ultra conservative. Now my joke about Walker was just that, but it does give me insight into your mindset. Short of Jon Huntsman, there is not one person from the Republican ranks that you would cast a vote for. And basically it seems to come down to religion and civil liberties for you. Well, Obama has trampled on our civil liberties more than any president in recent memory and he has his own fucked up views on religion to be concerned about.
So yeah, if liberals despise a Republican candidate you can rest assured that candidate is saying some pretty conservative things or has a conservative record. Now I don't base my vote on how much they are hated but when liberals start squealing about candidate X I can be fairly certain they are espousing some solid conservative principles. I have yet to see one Liberal that hates Jon Huntsman. That tells me all I need to know about him.