this technology could easily be put to the test by simply giving the researchers a skeleton of a person you have photographs of alive, that they of course haven't seen. i'm sure they would look very different.
Yeah, like noone ever tested that before... unbelievable...
The views some people have on scholars and scientists are almost unbelievable and sometimes even disrespectful. You know the kind of workload most scientists have? I know scholars and scientists that work 60 to 80 hour weeks without a secretary or a big office, conzeptualizing and arranging classes, tests, exams etc., grading papers, holding consultation hours, conducting experiments or surveys, keeping up on the research of others, translating sources, composing and writing essays, articles, monographs etc., organizing symposia, fighting with politicians and bureaucrats over budget cuts... mostly with a salary of about 50,000 or 60,000 $ a year.
And all they get from some people is disrespect as if they're god knows how stupid. You know who also hated scientists? Hitler. There I said you. You knowlegde-nazis.