Scientists and the .........................!


Nattering Nabob of Negativism

Scientists and the Pirates! In an adventure with​

I assume this is a movie name thread?
Starring Jihadi John

@akayy -- You are on a forum which is a board for pornography. I hope you realize that!

Preach to the back of the pews all you want! No one is stopping you. But as @Automate keeps doing it -- you'll continue get the :poop:

Talk about how great Islam is over the other main religions of the world, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Shinto, etc. etc.

However, answer me this, "What does it say in the Qur'an or Koran about pornography?" And looking at naked female pornstars and adult models??

Do you pull your pud?

1. They stone women to death in Iran, Iraq, Saudia Arabia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc. if they commit adultery. Although, nothing is done to the man.

2. Then what about covering the female body up with burqas?

3. Women in those countries have no rights. ... They just "make babies" ... As that, getting pregnant, is what they are allowed to do.

Last comment I'll make, promise -- the last I heard, as a practicing Muslim, you're not even allowed to look at naked ladies. Lust is one of the seven deadly sins.

Take heed of it or get the hell off this board with your "justified" quotes from the Qur'an. Notice how they are one sided. Your side. Nobody else.

Being here makes you a hypocrite.
You forgot to mention how men can can be put to death, if they "envision" themselves having sex with another mans wife. How do you even prove that?

And the Qur'an states that homosexuality is punishable by death. Speaking of that, which ignorant Ayatollah was it that proclaimed his country had no homosexuals?

Honor killing is legal.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
All Zionist lies. Johnny was beheading people - peacefully of course. And then there are the peace-lovings acts against Malala Yousafzai and Salman Rushdie.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Non of that happened. It's all lies and propaganda, spewed out by the corrupt Jew media, and designed to portray muslims as terrorist.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
It won't be long before the ASPCA and PETA get involved.
Fucking PETA is worse then DEA, ATF, and EPA put together. Normally I wouldn't wish that on anybody, but in this case, fuck it, I hope they throw paint on their goats.
I had this buddy from Catholic Elementary School. He and his family were from Kenya. But every now and again, within our polite and quiet neighborhood, his family would slaughter a goat in their back yard. I went to school with him but I'm glad I didn't live next door. They were as Catholic as anyone else too but their nationality put a little swerve on their Catholicism.

Stoning is not found in the Qur'an, but it is in the Bible

According to the Bible if a man accuses his wife of cheating unjustly, he must compensate his father-in-law and keep his wife until the end of his life. And if a man and a woman, married or unmarried, are caught fornicating, they must be stoned to death, an exception for the woman who has been coerced. A man must cut off his wife's hand without mercy if she seizes another man from the shameful part (according to the Bible)!

In the Koran, the founding text of Islam, there is no trace of incitement to stoning. This subject is not discussed. Even if the Koran, on several occasions, repeats that adultery is a bad act, a crime from which one must move away, you will not find stoning cited as a punishment for this act, however strongly condemned.

It should be known that one of the essential rules of legal practice in Islam is that of the presumption of innocence. We must never apply the sentence when there is a doubt, tell us the most rigorous jurists of Islam. They also tell us that it is better to set the guilty free than to convict the innocent. Finally, from the outset, Islam insists on the fact that only women and men who can be held responsible for their actions should be judged, thus excluding the insane and minors.


Hijab is imposed by God in Islam, Judaism and Christianity

The First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians: Chapter 11

6 For if a woman does not cover her head, she might as well have her hair cut off; but if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, then she should cover her head.

Here, a woman who prays with her hair uncovered
should cut her hair or shave her head

If we apply this, we will not find a Christian woman with her hair

The truth is that a woman should modestly cover her hair during prayer and when she leaves the house

I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, 10 but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.

1 Timothy 2:9-15

The writer of the letter advises that women should appear in a decent and modest appearance

He covers the faults, and makes it clear that the true adornment of a woman is reason, modesty and sobriety

It is not the visible adornment, and after that the writer forbids the ornaments of all kinds

And adornment with clothes or hair braids, and he says in the end that this is what befits a believing woman

Taqiyya, where true adornment lies in fearing God and obeying His command



European women 100 years ago used to wear the hijab and the niqab



1. The Bible says “the birth of a daughter is a loss”. (Ecclesiasticus 22:3)
The Qur’an says both are an equal blessing (Qur’an 42:49)

2. The Bible forbids women from speaking in church (I Corinthians 14:34-35)
The Qur’an says women can argue with the Prophet (Qur’an 58:1)

3. In the Bible, divorced Women are labeled as an adulteress, not men (Matthew 5:31-32)
The Qur’an does not have Biblical double standards (Qur’an 30:21)

4- In the Bible, widows and sisters do not inherit any property or wealth, only men do (Numbers 27:1-11)
The Qur’an abolished this male greediness (Qur’an 4:22) and God protects all.

You must study Islam from specialized Islamic centers and not from sites hostile to Islam that hunt ignorant people and hide from them the correct facts about Islam.

Islam gave women rights and privileges at a time when only barbaric manners and values dominated.

Yet, some people argue that Islam has alienated women in some domains. In fact, this belief is a misconception. People who say so, may have read about it in a magazine or seen it on TV. A quick examination of the issues judged as unjust to women will certainly correct the misunderstanding.

see here

Women's Rights in Islam Protected Or Subjugated? - Dr. ...



All religions encourage marriage
You can enjoy a way that pleases God by getting married

rom the scientific and physiological point of view, the act of looking or gazing upon non-Mahram women sets off a complex process of hormonal stimulation and release, and prepares the body and the sex organs for the process of sexual intercourse.

It is well known that the effects of stimulating sexual desire through unnatural or prohibited means has numerous harmful effects on the mind and body.

Recent studies confirm that porno scenes have destructive consequences on human’s psychological health also it has bad effects on people’s social status,

Debate over the issue of pornography often starts with the assumption that it is harmful. In fact the US Attorney General's Commission on Pornography, the Surgeon General's workshop on Pornography, Public Health and many academic researchesdetermined that pornography is harmful.

Sex issues are in chatting rooms

In a new study, American researchers believe that growing numbers of married people are turning to internet chat rooms for sexual thrills.

Most spouses who got involved with the opposite sex over the internet did not think they were doing anything wrong, said the report by a University of Florida researcher.But partners felt betrayed even though in most cases no physical contact had taken place.

"The internet will soon become the most common form of infidelity, if it isn't already," said Beatriz Mileham, from the University of Florida, who carried out the new study.

According to counseling groups in the US, Chat rooms are today the fastest rising cause of relationship breakdowns.

“The problem would get worse as the number of people online continued to rise” said MsMileham.

Researchers found that most people ventured into the chat rooms because of boredom, a partner's lack of sexual interest, or a desire for variety and fun.

The study found that what often started out as just friendly chat turned into something much more serious.

"We are hearing from therapists around the country reporting online sexual activity to be a major cause of marital problems," said Al Cooper, author of the book, Sex and the Internet: A Guidebook for Clinicians.

"We need to better understand the contributing factors if we are going to be able to warn people about the slippery slope that starts with online flirting and too often ends in divorce. “Added AL cooper.

For Muslims, sex is seen as a gift from Allah, to be kept strictly within marriage between a man and a woman.

Generally speaking, all religions not tolerate homosexuality, because it is unnatural and against the will of Allah.

"And as for the two of you men who are guilty of lewdness, punish them both. And if they repent and improve, then let them be. Lo! Allah is Merciful."
Qur'an 4:16

people caught taking part in homosexual acts.

In public, in front of the people and society, they are punished by the judiciary

But those who do this in secret,

God will hold them accountable for it

An American Muslim sheikh talks about the decision of same-sex marriage in America

Gay and gay rights in Islam - Dr Zakir Naik
Dr Zakir Naik
Quran: The Word of God

Since its revelation, the Quran (also spelled ‘Koran’) has remained preserved in its exact, primary text. While numerous translations of the Quran exist, they are all based on the single, original Arabic script, making the Quran unique from previous scriptures in its pure authenticity.

God promises in the Quran, “We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly Guard it (from corruption)” (15:9).

the Bible was subject to additions and omissions and that we even find contradictory accounts when comparing different passages,

Let me ask you something: I have a bible in my house and have read most* of the bible, especially the new testament. In fact I am confident that I am more knowledgeable about the bible and the teachings within it than you are. But have you read the Quran?

I challenge you to read the Quran forty verses a day and report back on here with your thoughts, feelings and even criticisms if you feel you have them.

See here

100 Proof Quran Is The Word Of God (Zakir Naik)


the Prophet Muhammad dropped a bombshell on his followers: He told them that all people are created equal.

“All humans are descended from Adam and Eve,” said Muhammad in his last known public speech. “There is no superiority of an Arab over a non-Arab, or of a non-Arab over an Arab, and no superiority of a white person over a black person or of a black person over a white person, except on the basis of personal piety and righteousness.”

In this sermon, known as the Farewell Address, Muhammad outlined the basic religious and ethical ideals of Islam, the religion he began preaching in the early seventh century. Racial equality was one of them. Muhammad’s words jolted a society divided by notions of tribal and ethnic superiority.

Today, with racial tension and violence roiling contemporary America, his message is seen to create a special moral and ethical mandate for American Muslims to support the country’s anti-racism protest movement.

American prisoners become Muslims

Hadith #32: Racism and Tribalism | 40 Hadiths on Social Justice​

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
WOW! Are they paying you by the word Shakespeare?
With regard to what you say about paying money (paying people to become Muslim), this is something you should be ashamed of referring to. The whole world knows who it is who goes to poor countries with bread in one hand and a copy of the Bible in the other. The entire world knows who it is who carries medicine and a few dollars in one hand, and a copy of the Bible in the other.

calling to Islam, enjoining what is good, and forbidding what is evil is an obligation. And the Da’awah today is in need of men whose hearts are filled with Iman and who work for what they have been promised by He who never breaks His promise: “Can someone to whom We have made a fine promise be equal to someone to whom We have given enjoyments in this world, but who will be, on Resurrection Day, among the arraigned?” [al-Qasas-61]

Muslims also believe in another prophet named Muhammad(may Peace Be Upon Him), who is a direct descendant of Abraham through his first born son, Ishmael. His prophethood is prophecied in the Bible in several places, including Deut 18:18 and John 14:16. Mohammad (may Peace Be Upon Him) stands as the last messenger and the crowning glory of the foundation of prophethood.

Muslims believe in all original scriptures and revelations of Allah, accepting them as the guiding light that the messengers received to show their respective people the right path to Him. However, some of these books and revelations had been lost or corrupted before the revelation of the Qur'an. The only authentic and complete book of Allah in existence today is the Qur'an, which has been preserved as it was revealed to prophet Muhammad (may Peace Be Upon Him) through Angel Gabriel in its pristine, pure form.

The Qur'an contains many stories that are familiar to Christians and Jews. It contains no scientific fallacies or internal contradictions. In fact, it contains much scientific knowledge discovered by scientists only in this century. The Qur'an is an unparalleled Arabic literary masterpiece.

People living in the West and throughout the world should not allow themselves to be ignorant about Islam and Muslims. For example, there are ten million Muslims living in the United States out of 1.8 billion in the world. Only 18% of Muslims live in the Arab world. Demographers say that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the U.S. and the world. Islam is the second largest religion in America, France, Great Britain and many more, surpassing Judaism, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witness, and other religions.

Death does not wait for anyone, so people must be informed of the true religion before it is too late
Sometimes informing people in a gentle manner
and sometimes informing some people in a harsh manner

Arrogant and lying people who mislead people and hide facts to implement their own agenda

They know that Islam is the religion of all prophets and it is the last true religion
But they deny it

There is no selfishness or madness in islam

The proof

Increase the number of non-Muslims converting to Islam from Western countries

As for Europe, Islam is spreading rapidly that astonished Westerners, who worked hard to evangelize people by all means, until the institutions of their Christian faith around the world reached a quarter of a million missionary institutions, on which in 1991 AD approximately 181 billion dollars were spent, without the desired results bearing fruit, unlike Islam, People just read a brochure, or hear a tape.
and they will convert to Islam

Not my words, but the statistics
Praise be to God for the tremendous transformations of Islam
one the major reasons Islam is the fastest growing Religion all over the world due to consistency of the scientific prophecies in Qur'an discovered recently in modern science

Be careful, my brother

Death will come at any moment

And you will stand before God
God will hold you accountable for your actions
God will ask you
Why not follow the real religion?

Why didn't you worship the one God that all the prophets said?

Why didn't you look and worry about it?

Who will save you from God's punishment and who can save you?

The Qur'an and the Secrets of Egypt

The mind blowing prophecies of Prophet Muhammad‎(ﷺ)

Why this Mormon Accepted Islam?

Mormon Missionary Converted to Islam: I Felt Darkness in My Heart!

Escaping the Mormon Faith for Islam - My Convert Story

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
He obviously missed your point. Reading comprehension isn’t necessary.
I know everyone gets a little "wordy" now and again, I certainly am guilty of it. I have been known, on a regular basis to space out sentences, and thoughts, but the bard here, seems to take great delight in typing out 1/2 page posts, most of which are just him doing a Jehovah Witness impression, without knocking on doors. I have a great meme for this guy, but I fear it will result in banishment.
This is more Conversion of the Bored than Conversion by the Sword. Mr Dayster is right. Too many words. Sweep up a bit in the name of quality control and sports entertainment.

you want to say that your religion was not spread by the sword. It is as if you want to convince people of the mercy and compassion of the followers of your religion. But none of that is true; here are some examples from your own history:

1.King Olaf slaughtered everyone who refused to embrace Christianity in Norway; he cut off their hands and feet, and banished and expelled them, until there was no other religion in the land except Christianity.

2.In Montenegro in the Balkans, the Prince-Bishop Danilo Petrovic led a campaign of slaughter against non-Christians on Christmas Eve.

3.In Ethiopia, the king Sayf Ar‘ad (1342-1370 CE) executed everyone who refused to become Christian, or he banished them from the land.

4.Moreover we find that it was Christianity – and not Islam – that eradicated the Native people in America.

5.We also find that it is Christianity that uprooted the Palestinian people from their land in order to hand it over to the enemies of both Christ and Muhammad (peace be upon them).

6.Who is it that started the world wars? In the First World War, ten million people were killed, and in the Second World War, the death toll was seventy million!

7.How many humans were killed by the atomic bombs that were dropped on the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in Japan?

8.During the Crusades, when the Christians besieged Jerusalem and the siege intensified, and its inhabitants realised that they were defeated, they asked the crusader leader Tancred for safe passage for themselves and their wealth, and he granted that to them on condition that they all seek refuge in al-Masjid al-Aqsa (the mosque), carrying safety banners. Al-Masjid al-Aqsa was filled with old men, children and women, and they were slaughtered like sheep; their blood flowed in the holy place until it came up to the knees of the horses, and the streets were filled with crushed skulls, severed arms and legs and mutilated bodies. The historians state that the number of those killed inside al-Masjid al-Aqsa alone was seventy thousand, and no European historians deny these atrocities.



The pope himself threw in a word of caution. As a serious and renowned theologian, he could not afford to falsify written texts. Therefore, he admitted that the Quran specifically forbade the spreading of the faith by force. He quoted the second Sura, verse 256 (strangely fallible, for a pope, he meant verse 257) which says:

“There must be no coercion in matters of faith.”

How can one ignore such an unequivocal statement? The Pope simply argues that this commandment was laid down by the prophet when he was at the beginning of his career, still weak and powerless, but that later on he ordered the use of the sword in the service of the faith. Such an order does not exist in the Quran. True, Muhammad called for the use of the sword in his war against opposing tribes - Christian, Jewish and others - in Arabia, when he was building his state. But that was a political act, not a religious one; basically a fight for territory, not for the spreading of the faith.

Jesus said: “You will recognize them by their fruits.” The treatment of other religions by Islam must be judged by a simple test: How did the Muslim rulers behave for more than a thousand years, when they had the power to “spread the faith by the sword”?

Well, they just did not.

For many centuries, the Muslims ruled Greece. Did the Greeks become Muslims? Did anyone even try to Islamize them? On the contrary, Christian Greeks held the highest positions in the Ottoman administration. The Bulgarians, Serbs, Romanians, Hungarians and other European nations lived at one time or another under Ottoman rule and clung to their Christian faith. Nobody compelled them to become Muslims and all of them remained devoutly Christian.

True, the Albanians did convert to Islam, and so did the Bosniaks. But nobody argues that they did this under duress. They adopted Islam in order to become favorites of the government and enjoy the fruits.

In 1099, the Crusaders conquered Jerusalem and massacred its Muslim and Jewish inhabitants indiscriminately, in the name of the gentle Jesus. At that time, 400 years into the occupation of Palestine by the Muslims, Christians were still the majority in the country. Throughout this long period, no effort was made to impose Islam on them. Only after the expulsion of the Crusaders from the country, did the majority of the inhabitants start to adopt the Arabic language and the Muslim faith - and they were the forefathers of most of today’s Palestinians.

There is no evidence whatsoever of any attempt to impose Islam on the Jews. As is well known, under Muslim rule the Jews of Spain enjoyed a bloom the like of which the Jews did not enjoy anywhere else until almost our time. Poets like Yehuda Halevy wrote in Arabic, as did the great Maimonides. In Muslim Spain, Jews were ministers, poets, scientists. In Muslim Toledo, Christian, Jewish and Muslim scholars worked together and translated the ancient Greek philosophical and scientific texts. That was, indeed, the Golden Age. How would this have been possible, had the Prophet decreed the “spreading of the faith by the sword”?

What happened afterwards is even more telling. When the Catholics re-conquered Spain from the Muslims, they instituted a reign of religious terror. The Jews and the Muslims were presented with a cruel choice: to become Christians, to be massacred or to leave. And where did the hundreds of thousand of Jews, who refused to abandon their faith, escape? Almost all of them were received with open arms in the Muslim countries. The Sephardi (“Spanish”) Jews settled all over the Muslim world, from Morocco in the west to Iraq in the east, from Bulgaria (then part of the Ottoman Empire) in the north to Sudan in the south. Nowhere were they persecuted. They knew nothing like the tortures of the Inquisition, the flames of the auto-da-fe, the pogroms, the terrible mass-expulsions that took place in almost all Christian countries, up to the Holocaust.

Why? Because Islam expressly prohibited any persecution of the “peoples of the book]. In Islamic society, a special place was reserved for Jews and Christians. They did not enjoy completely equal rights, but almost. They had to pay a special poll-tax, but were exempted from military service - a trade-off that was quite welcome to many Jews. It has been said that Muslim rulers frowned upon any attempt to convert Jews to Islam even by gentle persuasion - because it entailed the loss of taxes.

Every honest Jew who knows the history of his people cannot but feel a deep sense of gratitude to Islam, which has protected the Jews for fifty generations, while the Christian world persecuted the Jews and tried many times “by the sword” to get them to abandon their faith.

The story about “spreading the faith by the sword” is an evil legend, one of the myths that grew up in Europe during the great wars against the Muslims - the reconquista of Spain by the Christians, the Crusades and the repulsion of the Turks, who almost conquered Vienna. I suspect that the German Pope, too, honestly believes in these fables. That means that the leader of the Catholic world, who is a Christian theologian in his own right, did not make the effort to study the history of other religions.

Why did he utter these words in public? And why now?

There is no escape from viewing them against the background of the new Crusade of Bush and his evangelist supporters, with his slogans of “Islamofascism” and the “Global War on Terrorism” - when “terrorism” has become a synonym for Muslims. For Bush’s handlers, this is a cynical attempt to justify the domination of the world’s oil resources. Not for the first time in history, a religious robe is spread to cover the nakedness of economic interests; not for the first time, a robbers’ expedition becomes a Crusade.

The speech of the Pope blends into this effort. Who can foretell the dire consequences?

Listen to these wise people who are not Muslim, writers, literati and historians, and see what they say:

.Thomas Carlyle said in his book: On Heroes and Hero-Worship:

Accusing him – i.e., Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) – of relying on the sword in order to force people to respond to his call is nonsense beyond comprehension, because it is inconceivable that a man would wield his sword to kill people unless they responded to his call. If people who were able to fight their opponents believed in him, then they must have believed willingly and sincerely.

Ahmed Deedat shocks Anis Shorosh regarding the spread of Islam by the sword,
Sun’s Orbit

In 1512 the astronomer Nicholas Copernicus put forward his theory that the Sun is motionless at the centre of the solar system, and that the planets revolve around it. The belief that the Sun is stationary was widespread amongst astronomers until the 20th century. It is now a well-established scientific fact that the Sun is not stationary, but is moving in an orbit around the centre of our Milky Way galaxy

The Quran mentions the orbit of the Sun:

“It is He who created night and day, the Sun and the Moon, each floating in its orbit.” (Quran 21:33)

The Quran would have been wrong according to astronomers just a couple of decades ago. But we now know that the Quranic account of the Sun’s motion is consistent with modern Astronomy.

It is mentioned in another verse, too, that the Sun is not static but moves in a definite orbit:

"And the sun runs to its resting place. That is the decree of the Almighty, the All-Knowing. "
(The Qur'an, 37:38)

These facts communicated in the Qur'an have been discovered by astronomical observations in our age. According to the calculations of experts on astronomy, the Sun is traveling at the enormous speed of 720,000 kilometers an hour in the direction of the star Vega in a particular orbit called the Solar Apex. This means that the sun travels roughly 17,280,000 kilometers a day. Along with the Sun, and all planets and satellites within the gravitational system of the Sun also travel the same distance. In addition, all the stars in the universe are in a similar planned motion.

That the entire universe is full of paths and orbits such as this one, is written in the Qur'an as follows:

"By the sky full of paths and orbits."
(The Qur'an, 51:7)

The Quran Mentions that the Sun Rotates about its Axis 1400 years ago - Dr Zakir Naik
Qur'an confirmed by Bible Scholar


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
you want to say that your religion was not spread by the sword. It is as if you want to convince people of the mercy and compassion of the followers of your religion. But none of that is true; here are some examples from your own history:
What religion is ‘ours’? Considering this is a porn board, most of us are likely not very religious: shades of atheism and agnosticism. As noted earlier, the name of god has been used to kill people for millennia. None are exempt.

There is no ‘your’ history. We all have the same history. You claim to have converted in November 2022. Your history did not change.

We will ignore the obvious: the month after claiming to convert you joined a porn board on Christmas.

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