I did this 8 hour day of donating time at Target Field for this stupid "get motivated" thing and it just felt rotten to me.
I seriously helped the rich get richer by selling these stupid scam things to people. I didn't even get paid for it and that pisses me off. I'm not pissed because I didn't get paid since we were donating time, but to help the rich get richer is so damn dumb. I would of rather have helped someone who needed it. We got no breaks and one meal.
4 people raised there hands when there's 60 (waiting to go) of us to go donate time (the 4 were people who couldn't go). About 10 of us actually showed up.
The last thing that really ate me up inside is that I could of done better stuff with my time like look for jobs when my bank account is -$225 and I can't buy anything and am having a tough time. I don't want to help someone get richer when I'm having a horrible time with money and there's other people far worse than me.
I at least got another job interview this time at DQ.
And on another note. We were left alone to do the work. When people asked questions and we couldn't answer them they looked at us like we were idiots since we didn't know and if they wanted to speak to a manager too bad they were gone for most of the day. If we ran out of something they'd get pissed at us.
I seriously helped the rich get richer by selling these stupid scam things to people. I didn't even get paid for it and that pisses me off. I'm not pissed because I didn't get paid since we were donating time, but to help the rich get richer is so damn dumb. I would of rather have helped someone who needed it. We got no breaks and one meal.
4 people raised there hands when there's 60 (waiting to go) of us to go donate time (the 4 were people who couldn't go). About 10 of us actually showed up.
The last thing that really ate me up inside is that I could of done better stuff with my time like look for jobs when my bank account is -$225 and I can't buy anything and am having a tough time. I don't want to help someone get richer when I'm having a horrible time with money and there's other people far worse than me.
I at least got another job interview this time at DQ.
And on another note. We were left alone to do the work. When people asked questions and we couldn't answer them they looked at us like we were idiots since we didn't know and if they wanted to speak to a manager too bad they were gone for most of the day. If we ran out of something they'd get pissed at us.