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But Satan is the scary one? Amazing how a powerful majority can keep spreading scary myths while pretending to be protected.


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FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Staff member
This thread hurts my eyes in a most turrible way. Yes, turrible.
Lark Voorhies MK -Ultra Trauma-Based Mind Control Malfunction

“There are things that have traumatized her," Tricia Voorhies, 64, told the magazine regarding concerns about her 38-year-old daughter's mental health. “


This article is meant to be a simplistic overview of trauma based mind control as has been employed in the MK-Ultra Monarch Programming method. It is important to understand the foundation of how and why this type of mind control works, with respect to trauma, dissociation and subsequent programming.

This system of mind control has its origins in Illuminati based black magic practices. Multigenerational Satanic cults and high level Illuminati members have employed mind control for centuries. The basics of this type of mind control slavery was optimized and expanded after World War 2 following the gruesome experiments conducted in the Nazi concentration camps. Dr. Joseph Mengele, (aka, Dr. Green) disappeared from Auschwitz in January of 1945, and was smuggled into the US by the Illuminati.

When Monarch Programming started, the top men were Illuminati. Originally Mengele was the lead Programmer and became skilled in many things including Cabalistic Magic, abortions, torture and programming children. When Mengele came over to he US, the existing mind control programming jumped from being an occult science, to one that had full access to the Medical, Psychiatric, Judicial, Scientific and Governmental sectors via the power of the National Security Act and the Intelligence Agencies. According to Fritz Springmeyer, author of "The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Mind Controlled Slave", the Illuminati created the CIA. Intelligence agencies such as Britain’s MI-6 began investigating these mind control techniques early on even in World War 1.

These were most likely the early multiple personality Manchurian candidate types of agents. The Illuminati’s programming of multiple personality agents through trauma, ritual abuse, and hypno-programming was simplistic compared to the sophisticated techniques engineered by the Nazi Germans and even today. Secret mind control experimentation continued after WW2 in the US and also Canada under the CIA’s, Project Paperclip.

The primary MK-Ultra project adapted from these early systems was the Monarch Program. The reason why I think this system is important is because it is the original programming used to lay the groundwork for future more sophisticated mind control systems. The main factors for success in Monarch programming is the genetic tendency for dissociation, high intelligence and creativity. It was discovered years ago, by the Illuminati that dissociative ability was passed on from generation to generation. The children of multigenerational abuse are good at dissociation. These genetic qualities have been fine tuned and specific bloodlines; both Illuminati and non-Illuminati are closely monitored, so that most Monarch slaves are even chosen before birth. Genealogical records of Illuminati bloodlines are highly guarded secrets, but in general these consist of 13 major families which include the Royal bloodlines of Europe.

The reason why dissociation is important to mind control is because the human mind is more susceptible to hypnotic command in these trance states. Dissociation is also a survival skill of great value in response to trauma and abuse. Frequent traumas, which split the mind of a child before the age of six, will produce multiple personality states. This is also known as dissociative identity disorder. This is one reason why the programming must be done in early childhood and in some cases, infancy and in utero. It is known that trauma based personality splits remain isolated in the mind better than hypnotic based mind splits.

Once the victim is systematically traumatized through various methods, which may include ritual abuse, programming is anchored in to each individual trauma. These dissociated traumas are linked to hypnotic programming commands and scripts. Then the traumatic memories linked in with the programming are walled off with amnesia from the host personality. The traumatized "split" is also known as the newly created alter personality. Alter personalities are created according to the Programmers needs, while the host personality is unaware of the traumatic memories and alters who hold the memories. The alter personality can be called up to the front of the mind via codes or specific cues that the programmer knows, and be trained to do a variety of functions.

All programming is anchored upon some type of trauma. A variety of scripts may be used, along with specific training for individual alter personalities. This extends into the childhood and adulthood of the slave. The idea behind this is to create the perfect slave who can carry out a variety of functions while maintaining secrecy and obedience to the programmers. Such functions may include assassination, espionage, sexual servicing, couriers, "photographic "mind file data storage, and even psychic abilities. There are other important elements employed in Monarch mind control such as the overlaying of demonic entities through ritual, or the power of ancestral generational spirits, which may make the person very psychic. Many of the Monarch victims are chosen because they have a powerful level of generational spirits within their families, who may have practiced black magic for generations.

Nowadays, sophisticated scientific technology is also used, such as biochip implants, electroshock, drugs and brain wave entrainment systems to lock in hypno programming more effectively. Real physical trauma is sometimes substituted for virtual reality headgear, which simulate horrific traumas to quickly split the mind, priming it for programming. The important thing to remember is that the powerhouse behind this type of mind control system is demonic and technical. The key to freedom lies in deliverance and specific deprogramming therapy and support systems.
He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.*Revelation 13:16-17]​

The economic strategy of the first beast and the second beast.

1. He causes all . . . to receive a mark: Under the government of the beast and his associate, all will be given a*mark. Without the mark, one will not be able to participate in the economy (no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark of his name).

a. Since the ancient Greek word for*mark*(charagma) isn’t generally applied to people, some have taken this as a symbolic mark. But in reality, it is a literal mark in the form of RFID chip implant technology already created, and being pushed on consumers by the media mouthpiece of the corporate industrial complex.*

b. The corporate satanic elite will force people to take a mark (microchip) in order for them to buy and sell in the electronic economy. There are many different ways it is happening, and programs such as Apple Pay are the pre cursor to the actual human RFID implantation.

2.*A mark on their right hand or on their foreheads: Satan is not a creative being, all he can do is imitate God. We are not surprised to find that this too is a Satanic parody of something God will do; it imitates God’s mark upon his people (Revelation 7:3-4).

The Blood Sacrifice of Tommy Ford for Martin Lawrence and The cast of "Martin"

1.) The whole cast of the ‘90s sitcom “Martin” of course signed deals with the Devil.

2.) Martin, and the rest of the cast’s careers eventually tanked because they got tired of doing the devils work.

3) Because Martin was the biggest star, they had to discredit him, and destroy (clone him), and destroy his career overtime. The rest of the crew was reduced to small bit pieces and odd jobs.

He gave up Bad Boys 3 because of that, but he just couldn’t take the incessant continuous sick demands of devil worship. The voices and shadows with him wherever he goes. But he made a deal.

4) Eventually, In order for Martin, and the rest of them, to get more work, a sacrifice had to be made.

5) Tommy Ford was chosen for sacrifice because he was one of Martins’ best friends, he was on the show, and because he was not doing the Devils works, and refused to do anymore evil, although he had signed a contract in blood.

6) Tommy was supposed to be doing the Devils work by making a mockery of pastors and the church. Cooning and Calling himself "The Pope" of comedy.

7) But instead he was using his fame and wealth to run a youth ministry for young black men.

8) So he had to go, and Martin, and the rest of the crew, agreed so they could help re-vive their dead careers. God couldn’t save Tommy's life because of the contract he signed with the Devil, which he continued to profit from until his death.

So they gave him a stomach aneurysm when he went into the hospital for routine knee surgery. And poisoned him to death with Lisinopril and other drugs.

9) This is their payoff so far.

10. RIP Tommy. May God have mercy on your soul, and bless all those you tried to help.


Kubrick agreed to a faustian contract to fake the moon landings. A faustian contract is a contract with the devil. You get fame and fortune in exchange for your soul. And the Devil can do whatever he wants with you during this life (thus opening the door for cloning, robotoids, demonic/reptilian possessions. etc.)… and then you go to hell when you die.

The purpose of this deception against humanity was to help the government (NASA/PROJECT PAPERCLIP) lay the foundation for the demonic new world order slave technocracy. Making man and science supreme and all-powerful, instead of God, when, in actuality, humans can’t even leave the earths’ atmosphere.

I don’t know why Kubrick picked such a sniveling little douche bag to do the interview, but Kubrik admits to the Faustian agreement at the 4:21 video mark. Revealing such an agreement is an automatic death sentence, which is why this video wasn’t released until after his death.

(4:21 mark)

Prior to his confession, Kubrick made many cryptic and symbolic artistic confessions, as is the usual way for artists. But now the truth is so much more readily evident and available. NASA doesn’t even bother denying that people can’t leave the earths' atmosphere. Because nowadays people already don’t trust the government, and, by conditioned design, they don’t really care.

But the point for those who do care is that God is still supreme, and this earth that we live on is mans' only home, so we better take good care of it.

The Tower of Babel: The United Nations - A World Without God

Genesis 11

The Tower of Babel

They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. 4 Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves;

Genesis 11
The Tower of Babel
11*Now the whole world had one language and a common speech.

Brigitte Boisselier (part 2) - Part 1 is in my thread discussing human cloning.

“But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves. Therefore will I cause you to go into captivity beyond Damascus, saith the LORD, whose name is The God of hosts."

Amos 5:26-27

Brigitte Boisselier, of CloneAid, is not a person of God. Her hexagram (Star Of Moloch) pendant indicates that she serves the devil. The symbol is used in high ceremonial black magic witchcraft when you are summoning up demons. The cult of Moloch practices child sacrifice, necrophilia, male prostitution, etc. It is considered by occultists as one of the most vile symbols in the occult world.

Notice how this demon spews the satanic atheist bullshit perfectly. Praising the merits of “rationalism” and “science” as her god. And stating how people have no souls.

For those of you who are actually innocent clueless atheists, and not just demonic liars, now you see why God labels you as satanists. It is because your rhetoric is that of the devil.

(10:00 video mark)

below, Kid Buu, a musician who claims he was created at Brigitte Boisseliers' Clone Aid . See how they are using such monstrositys as Kid Buu to further their demonic agenda.



Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I don't think you know the meaning of being an Atheist.
Brigitte Boisselier (part 3)

*Notice in this old predictive programming video, Brigitte Boisselier and the other woman advocating for clones ALL all wear The Star of Remphan/Molech/Satan - NOT the Star of David. Also notice that within this symbol they have a german swastika (Raelian). The Raelians call it a “good luck” symbol, but it wasn’t good luck for the jews of Nazi Germany'
http://www.rael.org/e107_plugins/faq/faq.php?cat.3.16 =

So know that when you see that symbol around their necks (swastika inside of a hexagram), and they are talking about making clones, it means death to you, and to all human beings with a soul.

Claiming and popularizing these symbols of demonic hate is a prerogative of the the NWO in its goal of normalizing violence, killing, and racism, as you can see being illustrated by The Trump presidency. This is necessary for their long-term objective of creating a one world demonic government.


Shhh... don't get involved here. Observe from a distance and understand there is no mingling here.




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