Sasha (Penthouse)

I've just done a careful photo-by-photo comparison between Sasha 'Key Girl' and Carita Tevez and I'm sure they are the same girl. Eyes, eyebrows, ears, hair, tits, ass, pussy, legs and overall body and head shape and I am sure they are the same person.

Anyone know of any other aliases?
I've just done a careful photo-by-photo comparison between Sasha 'Key Girl' and Carita Tevez and I'm sure they are the same girl. Eyes, eyebrows, ears, hair, tits, ass, pussy, legs and overall body and head shape and I am sure they are the same person.

Anyone know of any other aliases?

I believe the man is right.

what a fucking hotty.
I'd fuck the everloving shit out of her, for sure.