Sarah Palin

You know seeing as how some pick on Sarah for not being able to work without a script as some have accused her of being like. To me that shows one thing about Sarah. That she isn't as full of shit as most politicians are. They don't need a script to bullshit you with their professional lies. So what if Sarah works off of a script on some occassions [or doesn't]. It has only gone and proven what I have said all along. If your not a shark and in the political arena you will not last long. And from what it looks like Sarah hasn't lasted long. Shame really, I was getting used to her being in the limelight. She is a MILF of elite proportions.
"She is a MILF of elite proportions. "

^Agreed. If she just had bigger boobs ...;)
You know seeing as how some pick on Sarah for not being able to work without a script as some have accused her of being like. To me that shows one thing about Sarah. That she isn't as full of shit as most politicians are. They don't need a script to bullshit you with their professional lies. So what if Sarah works off of a script on some occassions [or doesn't]. It has only gone and proven what I have said all along. If your not a shark and in the political arena you will not last long. And from what it looks like Sarah hasn't lasted long. Shame really, I was getting used to her being in the limelight. She is a MILF of elite proportions.

Sarah needs a script so that she sounds like someone who has "seen the world." That's the point. She's nothing more than a close-minded, redneck MILF. The Katie Couric/Charles Gibson interviews pretty much exposed her as a provincial nitwit. How can she say "I'm going to shake up gov't, as a Maverick, because Washington is broken and needs fixin'" when she can't name a single issue that needs fixin' other than "spending is out of control":rolleyes:

She also was really just another politician--she supported the Big Oil "spread the wealth" checks for Alaskans, she supported the bridge to nowhere before she realized it was not the Maverick thing to do, and I guess she had an athletic center built in Wasilla, AK, which is worth more money than every other building combined...:rolleyes: I'm not going to criticize her too much for that athletic center because we are a FAT NATION and hopefully this will help Alaskans and kids get in shape, but there are questions to how it got built?

Don't worry though Palin lovers...she all but admitted today that she's running for Prez in 2012....