Sarah Palin caught with crib notes on her hand

Who wouldn't be nervous and need notes.
I love the people that make fun while working factory jobs.

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
I hope she gets the 2012 nomination. She will destroy the Republican Party and help cement in Democratic control forever.

It is amateurish and of low intellect to prepare for a paid speech by scribbling cheat notes on one's hand.

She is not ready to be taken seriously and is an embarrassment to actual qualified conservative women.

Meg Whitman should get breast implants and dye her hair blond if she wants to ensure a big win for the CA Governorship. That might be all it takes to secure today's white conservative male vote :dunno:

After the crap the Democrats are trying to pull, no way in hell they will win the next presidental election. I hope Obama runs again, that will be a sure loss for the dems. :thumbsup:
After the crap the Democrats are trying to pull, no way in hell they will win the next presidental election. I hope Obama runs again, that will be a sure loss for the dems. :thumbsup:

Keep in mind...there are allot of things that can turn around in 3 yrs. F.Y.I. Obama's first year will obviously be his roughest...

If you have to look at it this is much better to have a great 4th year than a great 1st year.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
People being enraged or terrified by Sarah Palin amuses me....

I'm more concerned about people who aren't. If she's on the ballot, I'm going to be forced to vote for a Democrat for the first (and hopefully last) time ever. That's completely unfathomable, but that broad scares the shit out of me. She's not even qualified to run her own damn family, let alone an entire nation.
It doesn't bother me when somebody uses a teleprompter. It doesn't bother me when somebody uses notes. People forget stuff all the time. I wonder how many people would forget an item on their grocery list occasionally if they didn't write it down. The problem I have with this is two things. One is the hypocrisy. After people bitching about Obama using a teleprompter or mocking him for doing it including Palin, it's doesn't look good when she has to then go out and do that afterwards. The other thing is with a teleprompter and often a normal list of things that are jotted down what your looking at is detailed and a lot longer. It’s not like she has to remember whole paragraphs. For something like this where Palin should have been supremely prepared and did her homework, she couldn't remember four or five simple things. That seems to show how much she really cared about this, and to top it off she had to jot it down on her hand so nobody would notice instead of just walking out with a page of paper or an index card like most normal people would have done.
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.............`~.*-,..........You Betcha!.........|,./.....,__
I'll just copy and paste what I put in the other thread regarding the same news story:

It's more honest than a teleprompter. I mean, I am sure that could be constituted as going green, right? Instead of using electricity to use a teleprompter she is using her hand to mention said subjects and continue on with an otherwise speech she is actually speaking on; not reading.
Amazing all the people upset at Palin using crib notes when our current president can't even form a coherent sentence without a teleprompter, not even for a class of sixth graders.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Amazing all the people upset at Palin using crib notes when our current president can't even form a coherent sentence without a teleprompter, not even for a class of sixth graders.

First I'd like to point out the excellent post by D-rock above. :thumbsup: x 2! I couldn't have put it any better. I didn't major in history, but rumor is (;)), even Abraham Lincoln wrote down the words to the Gettysburg Address on a piece of paper. I think that piece of paper is pretty valuable these days... least that's what I've heard. Imagine if he'd written it on his hand. We'd have to dig ol' Abe up and hope that he forgot to wash that hand before he got shot, huh?

You can foolishly claim that Obama can't form a coherent sentence without a teleprompter if you want to. Just like I can claim that the sun rises in the west if I want to. But I'm going to provide you with a segment of the question & answer session Obama did with the Republican caucus a few days ago. I'm not asking if you agree or disagree with his responses. Just please tell me where during this clip he was using a teleprompter, as he took questions that he didn't know in advance (as Palin did... and still needed notes). Just tell the class the minute and second that the teleprompters rose out of the floor, so we can see them too. :wave:

Every President, and every person who has made more than one or two speeches in their life has used notes or teleprompters at some point. But in all of my born days, I've never seen a person over the age of 12 use notes written ON THEIR HAND. :wtf: No business person would do that. And I'm amazed that someone, who was touted as being fit for the highest office in the land, would do it. Simply amazing!

I'm not defending Obama because I'm in love with him or agree with all of his policies... I don't. But you'd have to have a zip code in the Land of Make Believe to compare Palin to Obama when it comes to basic intellect. I could agree with her on 99 points out of 100. But that wouldn't dismiss the perception that the woman has some fundamental "intellectual issues". :)rolleyes:)

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Palin is by far the worst thing that could happen to the US in 2012. That would be the end of the world.

Oh, I don't know... Rome survived both Caligula and Nero. Then again, there's no record of either of them having to write notes on their hands because they were too stupid to remember 3 or 4 simple words. So, you may be right. :hatsoff:
The "P" and the "S" are silent.:2 cents:

I knew that, but thanks for pointing it out anyway.

The point of my post was not so much to take a petty shot at Obama, but rather, to point out that it would be nice if the liberal media could find something a little more substantive to discuss other than Sarah Palin's notes.

Also, I would like to point out that I'm not one of these right wing "Dittoheads" who do nothing but listen to Rush Limbaugh and Fox News and just spew the same petty responses they come up with for the side of the right.

Instead, I do try to look at each situation with an unbiased mindset and form an opinion by looking at the facts that are available. I admit that I do tend to lean to the right, in some issues quite a bit more than others. Some of them I'm pretty outspoken on, and I probably shouldn't be that way so much. However, as I grow older I'm finding that all the petty bickering gets us nowhere. It also gets pretty boring too.

It doesn't do anybody any good for all the people on the left and right to just keep their minds closed and continue arguing by using the same old cliches that they have been using for years.

In this instance, the lefties are doing so by trying to give everyone the impression that Sarah Palin is just a dumb, lightweight, country hick. That's just not true, even though some would find it a lot easier to dismiss her if it were. Is she ready to hold the office of President right now? I personally don't think so. Still, that doesn't mean she has nothing of value to offer. The people on the left can probably learn a thing or two by hearing what she has to say AND by trying to understand WHY she is saying it.

The same holds true for us right wingers and President Obama. While I don't think I agree with most of his political ideas, but he is an intelligent man, and he IS the President, and for these reasons he deserves my attention and respectful introspection when he has something to say. George W. Bush certainly never seemed to get much of that from the overwhelming majority of democrats.

Maybe we could all start a new trend and find out which things we agree on and work from there.