I will, if and when a mod tells me it's not okay to bump this kind of thread. I'm actually not sure, but no one's stopped me so far, and I'm not bumping the thread for sh*ts and giggles, I'm trying to get a specific question answered. Where do I get Sara Underwood's full Me in My Place photoshoot?
If there's a better place than this thread to ask that question, please, point it out, and I will gladly go there instead, make a thread, and ask my question there. This thread just seemed as good a place as any. If it bothers you so much to see this thread on the front page ONCE a day for a FEW minutes before it gets bumped away. Well, that's your problem. Sara is a gorgeous woman. Certainly you have the right not to care about her, but is it really THAT bothersome to see her on the front page every now and then? Sheesh. All of my questions are rhetorical, by the way.