Mmmm dont you just wanna play with those boobies ..
Maybe you need to read my sig a little better bro !!

did you consider my offer???

would you like to go on a date with me to the movies? we could hold hands??? =D
oh yeah sandee do you have any pics without make up on??? i want to see what you look like natural faced if possible?
Dude shes got her self a bf,i know its kind of a blow.But Sandee is hott !! ,and Hott girls are never singel for a long time.

well, if noone else poses gals of her, i guess it's my turn again!
and considering your boobojb: you were beautiful they way you were, you are beautiful the way you are and you will be beautiful in every way that you will ever be, period!

btw a really great set, but do you plan on getting your hair all brunette or is it just a phase?

cheers, blackjack!


blackjack u also need to get laid u sound so desperate.....sandee's b/f is fat and has a big head he looks like E.T... he looks like boy george


jimmy_truck said:
oh yeah sandee do you have any pics without make up on??? i want to see what you look like natural faced if possible?

that will never happen ....i thought u knew allmost all pornstars are ugly without makeup
blackjack u also need to get laid u sound so desperate.....sandee's b/f is fat and has a big head he looks like E.T... he looks like boy george

ok, let me get that straight. there's a guy who claims that he's proud of his ability to hack porn sites and he's telling me, that I need to get laid?
well, if you say so, i guess you must know quite much aboute not getting laid....

but as i'm a very patient person, i'll start one last attempt to make you understand, how much of an idiot you are:
doesn't it seem a little strange to you, that everything you posted so far was just something that was to disturb people, or you called 'em names, or you just pissed other people off. That's a little pathetic, isn't it? I mean, I know it's gotta be pretty hard, sitting in a room, being the greatest porn-site-hacker this world has ever known and nobody knows about it, but is that really a reason to start crying about on an i-net board? I don't think so, but I guess all you need is help, but I'm also sure that there are professional porn-site-hacker-helpers who are trained to help small, lonely, little children like seem to be one.

So, all I wanna say is: Don't lose your last bit of hope, 'cause I'm sure that one day, the whole world will know, that you are the best hacker, kevinnnn, so don't worry!

If anyone here hasn'`t seen the sarcasm yet, or if you just don't want to read that whole text, I'll just translate it: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOU, SO JUST QUIT IT!


Blacky dont get mad :D u say nobody cares about me ...but yet u take your time to respond back to me ..u make alot of sense cupcake hahahaha :thefinger ..and for your info i get payed to hack pornsites thats the only reason im involved with porn u goofy clueless bastid ..but u on the other hand ..sounds like u aint getting none ...dude ill hook u up with some girls here in LA that will fuck your brains out and suck your dick for free so u wont be desperate no more
thank you so much! and of course the only reason for you being on a porn i-net board is to tell us, that you've got nothing to do with porn! Seriously, there's something wrong with you man...

but if you stillt haven't got, what I was trying to express, then maybe you should pm me the next time as i'm not gonna start a flame war with you on this thread!