After meeting Nikki a few months ago, I'd pay major to see a hott makout session between you and her. The sexiest round boobies besides yours ever! She did tell me she's upsizing soon. I wish more than anything that'd you make a appearence or feature dance in the Midwest! I'd trade all the models/pornstars I've ever met to meet you!!!
yeah she is cute
Mbeal78 I was lucky enough to meet Sandee at glamourcon in 2004. She is so amazingly beautiful. I was soooooo nervous when I met her and when she hugged me I was butter in her arms. I even had a couple of pics taken with her just to prove to myself that I had met her. She is such a sweet person. Glad I got a chance to do so and would love to meet her again someday. Did I mention I was soooooooo nervous lol.