woot 950th post! :thumbsup: and a hot babe too! :D
Sandee, you are a pearl, a true jewel and I mean just by your personality.
Quelle belle femme!!! To put it simply.....WOW, everytime.
Thank you !!!


Official Checked Star Member
Aww bluesman... you're soo sweet! Glad you're happy! hehe! ;)
And LOL @ Sewerside... you pretty much summed it up! ha! Here's the pic I tried to attach to my last message:

xoox, Sandee


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awesome sandee :hatsoff: :thumbsup: Is that your personal harley davidson? You look very nice :boobies: :angels: :kiss:


Great pix, Sandee! You look sooo hot!
That looks like a pretty big budget shoot (video?). What is it?
come on guys! we gotta get the nextdoor nikki thread! just 300 posts and about 180.000 (wtf?!) views left!
you know that sandee deserves it, so don't stop posting those great links and pictures.
@ sandee: what is it, that you have with cars 'n stuff? how come you like them so much?
great pics btw!

Cheers, Blackjack
sandee posed for lowrider magazine as far as I can remember. Sandee loves Muscle cars and motorcycles I am sure.
georges said:
sandee posed for lowrider magazine as far as I can remember. Sandee loves Muscle cars and motorcycles I am sure.

Does anyone have pics of her magazine shots ????

That would be fabulous ! :nanner: :bowdown:
Dude i hope she comes out with a Calander or something....An 05 calander with custom bikes would of been totally cool,and it would make my billards room that much better !!
that is one hell of an idea! i would have Sandee Westgate wallpapered in the whole house!
ok, I would need like 2 hours just to get to the toilet, but there's worse things than looking at sandee for two hours ^^


Official Checked Star Member
Hi guys! It was a shoot for Peach DVD. A new video I was the star of. It should be coming out in about 3 months. They chose the "bike" theme.. not me. But Yes I do love cars... thats why I have that other site too: http://www.chromeonline.com
Check it out and let me know what you think of it! :) It's a fun site to have! :nanner:

I have been called over the duration of my career to do a lot of car magazines and such. I always say yes.. cause it is a passion of mine. I'm actually on the cover of Mini Truckin this month.

I did do lowrider.. but it was a loooooong time ago. Like back in 1999 or something.

Anyway.. glad you guys like the pics! xoxoxo, Sandee


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