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Sanatorium crackdown may catch Internet porn viewers


I know Santorum is a out of his mind, but does he really believe the bullshit he is spewing?
Obviously these religious fanatics haven't learned yet, if you take it away or try to outlaw it. This just invites a criminal element to proliferate. Oh, the hypocrisy of it all....for educated people they don't learn from history. Look at prohibition and how the mafia grew. Or the "war on drugs".... such hypocrisy.

In the future we will find that Santorum is one of the most degraded sexual deviants alive as most of these types really behave.
Santorum is a and asshole. He thinks we live in to 1950's last time I checked porn was a right that we all had. But then again if your rich and back Him you can keep your porn


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What percentage of people is Santorum actually trying to appeal to?

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
The Rev. Sir Dr. Stephen T. Mos Def Colbert, D.F.A. was tweeting about Santorum all day long. Some of my favorites;

- Rick Santorum's childhood nickname was Mr. Santorum #InMyHeart
- Rick Santorum believes it's a mortal sin to mix slushy. flavors. #InMyHeart
- Rick Santorum refuses to put his left hip in during the hokey pokey. #InMyHeart
- For Halloween, Rick Santorum went as a Saltine. #InMyHeart
- Rick Santorum wrote an op-ed about the filth in Finding Nemo. #InMyHeart
- Rick Santorum has body hair in the exact shape of his sweater vest. #InMyHeart

:facepalm: This is exactly why I crap myself laughing every time I hear the words "Conservative" and "Pornstar" used in the same sentence. Why the hell would someone be in favor of a person who advocates you not only losing your job, but possibly going to jail for it? I know not all conservatives are like this. It just seems that a sizable portion of the republican party is going out of its way to appease the far right evangelical ultra conservative assholes who don't even account for half of the Republican party's voting base. What I find even more hilarious is the fact that when there isn't even a shred of evidence that Obama is gonna implement strict gun control laws, these same assholes complain until they are blue in the face about how government should stay out of our lives and stop infringing upon our rights.
However, it is completely fine if Santorum wants to expand the power of government by monitoring what you do within the confines of your home to force people to conform to some Puritan-esque lifestyle. I see why some Democrats are salivating at the idea of Santorum getting the Republican nomination.:1orglaugh


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
He's just pushing for the religious vote. They all spew the same crap around this time.

Will E Worm

How many politicians keep their promises? Do you really believe he will keep this one?

I doubt it. He will probably be caught doing something sooner or later.

Look at Bill Clinton and John Edwards.
i have faith in the american people to make the right choice when its time for election and thats electing obama. this santorum guy is the greatest joke i have seen in media and we have a lot of crappy people on tv in germany.
He's just pushing for the religious vote. They all spew the same crap around this time.

Bingo. Let's imagine that by some miracle he wins the nomination, and by a bigger miracle wins the general election, there's a little something called the First Amendment that he will have to challenge to make that happen.

Jonathan Turley, a law professor at George Washington University, noted that “What constitutes obscenity remains maddeningly vague,” but added that he’s not entirely convinced Santorum would be successful in an attempt to snuf Internet porn.

And another thing, a Daily Caller article on Rick Santorum? Shit, why don't I publish some Rush Limbaugh commentary on Barack Obama? :dunno:

Anyway, like Kingfisher says, he's pandering to the religious vote. Once.... If he's in office, I'm pretty sure he's going to find a lot more important things to do, especially if he's advised that it'll most likely be a waste of time and resources.

And if any Santorum campaign people are reading this, remind Rick of this bible verse..

Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Which is what I tell those religious people when they say they're so concerned about their innocent little children getting involved in pornography, marihuana, prostitution. Just raise them properly and when they grow up they won't want to get involved with any of that (of course I've known some people from very religious parents who were involved in some of he sickest shit you can imagine). But those of us who are adults and for some reason decide to get involved in that they should just butt off. We're not their innocent little children that they need to watch for us.... and yes, I included marihuana there. I'm all for legalizing it but not while Mexico is going through their drug war. I don't want to reward those violent cartels.

And while we're at it, Ricky boy should also read Joshua 24:15

But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.”

Well, Ricky, go serve the Lord, but let us have our fun! We are adults and if we want to spend a whole hour watching porn or praying, it's none of your business anyway!!

But anyway, if pornography becomes illegal.....it'll be extra hot :rubbel: The forbidden fruit :drool2:

And by the way, all this from someone who is leaning towards Santorum in the primary :tongue:


The republickunts are going to take away porn as much as the jackasses are going to take away guns, at ease!



Which is what I tell those religious people when they say they're so concerned about their innocent little children getting involved in pornography, marihuana, prostitution. Just raise them properly and when they grow up they won't want to get involved with any of that

Easier said than done considering the ever increasing numbers of single parent households in society these days. I sure as heck wouldn't want to play the role of being a disciplinarian after working an 8 - 10 hour day mon-fri. ... As if driving half way across town (after work) and picking up the little bass turds at their devious little friends' single parented residence wouldn't be enough... then I have to get dinner on table on top of that?!!:uohs:
It's no wonder why today's kids are going to pot so to speak, their custodial parent is simply burned out... running on fumes as it were.
How many politicians keep their promises? Do you really believe he will keep this one?

I doubt it. He will probably be caught doing something sooner or later.

Look at Bill Clinton and John Edwards.
these were men doing what men do. Sanatorium is a freak who more than likely puts cupcakes in his ass......
Santorum is a and asshole. He thinks we live in to 1950's last time I checked porn was a right that we all had. But then again if your rich and back Him you can keep your porn

The rich bastards that back him have the Asian twinks delivered straight to their living rooms with accompanying livestock and bondage gear.
What frustrates me is that Santorum claims porn is dangerous. He makes this claim based on exactly zero research (as it turns out, studies have shown that porn does NOT lead to violence towards women.) He simply spouts his ideas as if they are accepted facts and people have a tendency to simply swallow what they're told.

In fact, in this thread alone, a few of you have refered to porn as a "dirty" or improper thing. Well, I don't think porn is dirty. I think masturbation keeps people from killing each other. I think that sex is a wonderful thing and I enjoy that I have the ability to look at beautiful women whenever I wish.

I bet most of you agree, yet we still find ourselves calling porn a dirty thing.

One last question: Why is it that Repulicans who claim to be against big government always want to stick their noses into the media I consume? Talk about Big Brother.