San Diego Man Forgives Pilot Whose Plane Killed Family


San Diego Man Forgives Pilot Who Ejected To Safety As Plane Kills Family

Yoon said he bore no ill will toward the Marine Corps pilot who ejected safely before the jet plunged into the neighborhood two miles west of the runway at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar. "I pray for him not to suffer for this action," Yoon said. "I know he's one of our treasures for our country."


That is an amazing capacity of understanding.
Humbling, actually.


I hope that he is put on flights of transports over water from now until he leaves the service.
How many really brave pilots have ridden in on their planes to keep them from crashing into civilian buildings and doing what just happened...killing families?
I can't speak for the pilot, but it seems he had time left if he ejected safely...and traded his life for the lives of a mother, grandmother, and 2 children.
Doesn't seem to be in the highest tradition of military aviation.
Pilot was trying to avoid crashing into the area with houses, but it was impossible due to technical problems with the plane. If he didn't eject, his plane would crash into another house. That's the only choice he had! And he would die too. It was not a matter of just a few seconds - he needed much more time to fly away in a better area to crash. And he had not that time.

Though I understand how hard it gotta be to admit that, and not to blame pilot if your family was dead. Respect to this San Diego Man! :hatsoff:


I don't know the conditions that would lead up to, or the likelihood, of two engines failing in flight, independent of one another, but apparently, they did.


Good for him, I wish I could do the same if I had been in his shoes...

Will E Worm

I just saw this.

He said he didn't know if his father-in-law would forgive him?

He didn't do anything. :rolleyes:
A nice thought.

But forgive him for what?

Unless there is proof of pilot error, then there is nothing to forgive.


A nice thought.

But forgive him for what?

Unless there is proof of pilot error, then there is nothing to forgive.

The investigation continues, as they say . :p

It's obvious that our gracious survivor is a new citizen, otherwise he woulda had
Gloria Allred
(victims rights specialty atty) by his side, and she would have been headlining the press conference. :dunno: :p


Weird...I agree with every post so far.

Especially about waiting 'til the investigation is done...
I think his naivety is honest and touching. But I see a fat lawsuit being plopped on the desk of the XO of Miramar soon.....
This is a terrible tragedy; An event that makes a person question existence. This man is in grief and he can say whatever the hell he wants to say. I don't think the media needs to be creating a bandwagon to then jump on.