Yeah, yeah...blah, blah. It's the fuckin truth. Lex Steele...good for him, livin the stereo type. Mandingo, good for him, livin the stereo type. This fucking obnoxious cunt? She sure as fuck acted like ghetto trash, and you fucking know it. That word...that horrible, horrible word. The one we can't even type...that's all about attitude, and has nothing to do about color, and you know that too. You know how I know it? Because EVERY BLACK FRIEND I HAVE, SAYS IT'S TRUE!! EVERY fucking one! That twat in the video, acted horribly, and is a disgrace to her people. Her actions were uncontainable, and ANYONE that would defend them for ANY reason, is a blind, and clueless fucktard, that has no class, and less common sense. Contrary to the popular current belief, just because a person is black, doesn't mean their ass should be kissed, or they shouldn't be called out, on bad behavior. And just so you fucking know...and read this carefully. I don't give a flying, flaming fuck, in a rolling doughnut what your race, religion, or economic standing is....if you pull a stunt like this cunt did, I would do EXACTLY what I posted I would do. You wanna do stupid shit, and get your dog to attack dies, and if you wanna move on me, and threaten my safety, and well being, you obviously have no regard for life. That means I will preserve my life, in any way I need to...and if that means I have to do what I have to do, I will. It's pretty clear to me, by your reaction, who the racist REALLY is.
STDiva said:
You know as well as I do, if the grieving mother was white, not only would Sam not use the word gorilla, (which is racist as fuck. It has nothing to do with acting like an animal) but he wouldn't have posted the video at all.
I won't argue that point one bit. You're probably right. That doesn't make what SHE DID, acceptable. Two wrongs, DO NOT make a right. And if you think she was "acting" like a grieving mother?!?! She was acting like a fucking asshole. Last time I grieved, I hide myself away, I didn't trow rocks, and act a fool.
Although it doesn't make the gorilla comment acceptable...I have heard large, muscular men referred to in the same manner. Albeit, it was a reference to strong arm still was a term that was used.