Sam Fisher got banned?

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Special Operations FOX-HOUND


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
It's supposedly so hard to get banned here anymore you have to wonder what he did. Surely it wasn't the "gorilla" thread, that was tame compared to a lot of shit that gets a pass.
I do not know, but I hope that he will be back.

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Uh huh, just because red neck Sam borrowed the name from the popular game character does not mean you can use his image when referencing the now mercifully banned member.

The only reason you have said that you want him back is once again to fuel your little troll mobile.

Sam is banned, albeit temporarily. Hopefully, you're next.

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
I hope he'll be back. He was fun. :)

Okay calling all black people gorillas is racist. But c'mon, some guys really DO look like gorillas. Look at Gerald Asamoah! :facepalm:


A grieving black mother, that acted like an animal. She was no more then a filthy piece of ghetto trash. If I was that reporter, I would have put a fucking bullet in the dogs head, and begged the useless waste of life to come and get some herself. The cameraman should have fallen to the ground, and screamed for an ambulance, filed a lawsuit, and put that assclown, and her family into a refrigerator box under the nearest freeway overpass. If her kid was anything like her, it probably got what it deserved. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

SOMETIMES STEREOTYPES ARE TRUE!!! She certainly lived up to one, in this case.

Ban this racist too.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Okay calling all black people gorillas is racist. But c'mon, some guys really DO look like gorillas. Look at Gerald Asamoah! :facepalm:

Sam just seemingly got banned for that and you want to express a similar sentiment? Damn, M12, get yer head out of yer arse, mate.

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
I'm not saying Asamoah looks like a gorilla, because he's black. But because his fucking head is shaped like one. This statement has nothing to do with skin color. And is not racist.

He's just ugly. Just like there are ugly people in every race.

And he's not a member here so I can "flame" and offend him all I want. At least if it's not against his race which like I said I'm not doing.
A grieving black mother, that acted like an animal. She was no more then a filthy piece of ghetto trash. If I was that reporter, I would have put a fucking bullet in the dogs head, and begged the useless waste of life to come and get some herself. The cameraman should have fallen to the ground, and screamed for an ambulance, filed a lawsuit, and put that assclown, and her family into a refrigerator box under the nearest freeway overpass. If her kid was anything like her, it probably got what it deserved. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

SOMETIMES STEREOTYPES ARE TRUE!!! She certainly lived up to one, in this case.

You know as well as I do, if the grieving mother was white, not only would Sam not use the word gorilla, (which is racist as fuck. It has nothing to do with acting like an animal) but he wouldn't have posted the video at all.
At least the politics section is a little safer to go into now. I usually avoid it most of the time, and it's because of a handful of people there that drive me away from it.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Ban this racist too.

Yeah, yeah...blah, blah. It's the fuckin truth. Lex Steele...good for him, livin the stereo type. Mandingo, good for him, livin the stereo type. This fucking obnoxious cunt? She sure as fuck acted like ghetto trash, and you fucking know it. That word...that horrible, horrible word. The one we can't even type...that's all about attitude, and has nothing to do about color, and you know that too. You know how I know it? Because EVERY BLACK FRIEND I HAVE, SAYS IT'S TRUE!! EVERY fucking one! That twat in the video, acted horribly, and is a disgrace to her people. Her actions were uncontainable, and ANYONE that would defend them for ANY reason, is a blind, and clueless fucktard, that has no class, and less common sense. Contrary to the popular current belief, just because a person is black, doesn't mean their ass should be kissed, or they shouldn't be called out, on bad behavior. And just so you fucking know...and read this carefully. I don't give a flying, flaming fuck, in a rolling doughnut what your race, religion, or economic standing is....if you pull a stunt like this cunt did, I would do EXACTLY what I posted I would do. You wanna do stupid shit, and get your dog to attack dies, and if you wanna move on me, and threaten my safety, and well being, you obviously have no regard for life. That means I will preserve my life, in any way I need to...and if that means I have to do what I have to do, I will. It's pretty clear to me, by your reaction, who the racist REALLY is.


^^ I won't read your thread ... I'll skim it.

These black friends of yours ... do they like to be referred to as apes? Try it out ... call them apes. See how that goes.

That's what Sam did.

You sound a lot like Georges. And that's about as bad as it gets around here.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Ban this racist too.

Yeah, yeah...blah, blah. It's the fuckin truth. Lex Steele...good for him, livin the stereo type. Mandingo, good for him, livin the stereo type. This fucking obnoxious cunt? She sure as fuck acted like ghetto trash, and you fucking know it. That word...that horrible, horrible word. The one we can't even type...that's all about attitude, and has nothing to do about color, and you know that too. You know how I know it? Because EVERY BLACK FRIEND I HAVE, SAYS IT'S TRUE!! EVERY fucking one! That twat in the video, acted horribly, and is a disgrace to her people. Her actions were uncontainable, and ANYONE that would defend them for ANY reason, is a blind, and clueless fucktard, that has no class, and less common sense. Contrary to the popular current belief, just because a person is black, doesn't mean their ass should be kissed, or they shouldn't be called out, on bad behavior. And just so you fucking know...and read this carefully. I don't give a flying, flaming fuck, in a rolling doughnut what your race, religion, or economic standing is....if you pull a stunt like this cunt did, I would do EXACTLY what I posted I would do. You wanna do stupid shit, and get your dog to attack dies, and if you wanna move on me, and threaten my safety, and well being, you obviously have no regard for life. That means I will preserve my life, in any way I need to...and if that means I have to do what I have to do, I will. It's pretty clear to me, by your reaction, who the racist REALLY is.

STDiva said:
You know as well as I do, if the grieving mother was white, not only would Sam not use the word gorilla, (which is racist as fuck. It has nothing to do with acting like an animal) but he wouldn't have posted the video at all.

I won't argue that point one bit. You're probably right. That doesn't make what SHE DID, acceptable. Two wrongs, DO NOT make a right. And if you think she was "acting" like a grieving mother?!?! She was acting like a fucking asshole. Last time I grieved, I hide myself away, I didn't trow rocks, and act a fool.

Although it doesn't make the gorilla comment acceptable...I have heard large, muscular men referred to in the same manner. Albeit, it was a reference to strong arm still was a term that was used.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
^^ These black friends of yours ... do they like to be referred to as apes? Try it out ... call them apes. See how that goes.

That's what Sam did.

You sound a lot like Georges. And that's about as bad as it gets around here.

I wouldn't call them that, BECAUSE THEY DON'T ACT LIKE THAT!!! See the difference?

STDiva said:
That twat is a disgrace. So condemn her actions, not skin colour.

I think if you reread all of my posts, you will see I never condemned her race. I condemned her actions, and said she's perpetuating a negative stereo type...which I believe she is. Like I said, sometimes they're true...just don't be naive, and ignore the negative ones. If it was said that all black men are better basketball players, this wouldn't even be an issue, but it certainly IS, a stereo type...even if it isn't true. Sure it's not as negative, but with some of the uber tree huggers around here...who knows how it would go over.


I wouldn't call them that, BECAUSE THEY DON'T ACT LIKE THAT!!! See the difference?

There is no difference. You believe that it's ok to refer to this woman as an ape because of her actions.

You do realize that you're wrong though? The person that did this has been banned. Even sites like LiveLeak do not allow racist commentary.

You don't refer to black people as animals for any reason, agreed?


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I looked at his recent posts and didn't see anything blatantly against the rules. Unless the offending post got deleted it must have been the gorilla thread.
I feel there are some inconsistencies in how the "rules" are being enforced. Perhaps I'm just not seeing the larger picture.

Not necessarily. While there may be some people who've offered greater (or equal) single offenses, Sam has been trolling, spamming, and saying offensive stuff in a tonne of threads for a great long while. So while the thread that got him banned may only have been an "8" while other people have had "10s" the fact that Sam has a plethora of 8s, 7s and 6s kicking around in his posting history probably shouldn't be forgotten. Don't think there's any rule that says that someone's entire posting history can't be taken into account while deciding their fate. :dunno:
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