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Russia’s Victory Day

I don't see it as a cheap shot at all.
Why should we go out of our way to commemorate this day in a year Russia has invaded it's own neighbor - a neighbor that played a large part in that victory and probably suffered more in the process than any other state of the then Soviet Union?
Considering current events I hardly think Ukrainians are going to feel celebratory about that past partnering. Quite the contrary, I would think.

I do wonder how Mr. Putin will try to spin this - will he express praise and gratitude to Ukrainians for their role in defeating Hitler - and if so will he actually be able to keep a straight face while doing so, knowing he's currently killing Ukrainians while intent on partitioning their territory?
Anyway, fuck you Vladamir. If this is a sobering Victory Day year for you you have no one to blame but yourself, you piece of shit.


Official Checked Star Member
I don't see it as a cheap shot at all.
Why should we go out of our way to commemorate this day in a year Russia has invaded it's own neighbor - a neighbor that played a large part in that victory and probably suffered more in the process than any other state of the then Soviet Union?
Considering current events I hardly think Ukrainians are going to feel celebratory about that past partnering. Quite the contrary, I would think.

I do wonder how Mr. Putin will try to spin this - will he express praise and gratitude to Ukrainians for their role in defeating Hitler - and if so will he actually be able to keep a straight face while doing so, knowing he's currently killing Ukrainians while intent on partitioning their territory?
Anyway, fuck you Vladamir. If this is a sobering Victory Day year for you you have no one to blame but yourself, you piece of shit.

You should document yourself a bit better. Don't just swallow what American media sell you about the Ukraine crisis. I'm neither Russian nor Ukraine and i have great sympathy for America, but Putin is everything but the bad guy in the Ukraine crisis.
There more than 2.5 million Ukrainians from the East went to Russia. Ukraine is likely break up as country in the future. People in Eastern Ukraine will never trust Kiev again. Remember Ukraine's unelected interim government launched an offensive on its Eastern Ukraine Provinces. And Ukraine is broke the EU and United States are financing Ukraine's War with western backed loans from IMF and World Bank. Russia has one of the most educated populations in the world. I have many Russians friends, and most of them don't trust the West. They say the West has done little for them, and Putin has changed their standard of living greatly since he's been in power. Ukraine has a rash of suicides and killings of government officials, and politicians over the last few months. Many of the deaths were members of Viktor Yanukovych's former party. Oleksandr Peklushenko, Oleg Kalashnikov, Stanislav Melnik, and Mikhail Chechetov are people who died from suicide or were killed in Ukraine during las few months.


Closed Account
Anyone who thinks Putin as a pos really needs to get their heads screwed in...Putin brought the country back to it's form ever since the failure of Yeltsin and the oligarch's trying to turn Russia into a capitalist country...Years later, it also made sense why Putin doesn't want to give up Crimea since Crimea is really apart of Russia...Ever since Putin's been in power he was able to give back confidence to the motherland...In any event, i'm looking fwd to watching the Victory Day parade or reading how the event went...I have a great deep sympathy for Russia.
I have a great deep sympathy for Russia.

I agree, Russians are ok.

(They are ok if they do not try to conquer foreign countries such as Finland)

You should document yourself a bit better. Don't just swallow what American media sell you about the Ukraine crisis. I'm neither Russian nor Ukraine and i have great sympathy for America, but Putin is everything but the bad guy in the Ukraine crisis.

Much of my documentation comes first hand from actual Ukrainians who are living this experience - a very large network of family, friends and associates from various regions, primarily the south but also the east. I also visited Ukraine last December.
But never mind that for now. I am interested in hearing why Putin is anything but the bad guy in this situation, and who is.

Putin brought the country back to it's form ever since the failure of Yeltsin and the oligarch's trying to turn Russia into a capitalist country

"While rejecting the legitimacy of the government of Ukraine, Russia ties Nigeria as one of the most corrupt countries of the globe, just a notch ahead of Ukraine. The ruling party in Russia’s parliament is routinely called the Party of Scoundrels and Thieves. Putin’s kleptocrats have stolen Russia blind; ordinary citizens must routinely pay bribes to petty officials and even to the judges just to get by in their normal lives."

"Although Putin’s administration has declared the ruble crisis over, the artificial ruble stabilization is based on orders to state enterprises to sell the precious dollar holdings they desperately need to refinance their foreign debts."

"Putin apparently will not ask his inner circle of billionaires to bear the burden of Russia’s economic collapse. He is already depleting reserve funds to prop up major banks and energy companies run by his inner circle. The Kremlin has raided the national pension fund. The upshot: Ordinary Russians will bear the burden of recession, not those who run the system."

Furthermore, Russia is no longer a member in good standing of the G8 community. On the contrary, it's now on the short list of sanctioned rogue nations along with Iran and North Korea.

Ever since Putin's been in power he was able to give back confidence to the motherland...

:) Exchange the word motherland with fatherland and that sounds exactly like what so many people said about Hitler. And in an incredibly striking display of irony, Putin is borrowing directly from Hitler's playbook to justify invasion, partition, occupation, annexation. To wit: Hitler's pretext for dismembering Czechoslovakia was to protect the rights of the German-speaking minority.
Hitler also claimed he had a right to Danzig based on that same pretext.
Just as Hitler did.....Adolf...err, I mean Vladimir has asserted his right to intervene militarily under such circumstances.

more overlap:

Hitler promised to make a Greater Germany of all German speakers and to create a German empire (Lebensraum)
Putin refers to territories in east Ukraine (a sovereign nation) as "Novorussia," or "New Russia," and asserts Russia's ties to the area.

Anyone who thinks Putin as a pos really needs to get their heads screwed in...

I'm sorry, you're right, pos is way too mild.


Closed Account
I've never come across a bunch of ignorant Putin haters in all my life. Do you not see the good in him? The leadership and the charisma? Comparing Putin to Hitler is like comparing apples to oranges. You should be ashamed of yourself for typing such words. Oh how was your trip to Ukraine btw?


God Bless Christian Louboutin
I guess Mikhail Shishkin, the Russian novelist, needs to "get his head screwed on straight." You ought to read his essay:

"My father was a Russian; my mother, a Ukrainian. But the Putin regime has set our peoples against each other. Sometimes, I think it’s good my parents did not live to see how Russians and Ukrainians are killing one another.

"It is impossible to breathe in a country where the air is permeated with hatred. Much hatred has always been followed in history by much blood. What awaits my country? Transformation into a gigantic version of Ukraine’s eastern Donbass region?

"Once again, the dictatorship is calling on its subjects to defend the homeland, mercilessly exploiting the propaganda of victory in the Great Patriotic War. Russia’s rulers have stolen my people’s oil, stolen their elections, stolen their country. And stolen their victory."



Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Congratulations to the Soviet Uni....er, I mean Russia....for single-handedly defeating the Germans in World War II. :rolleyes:

The article from The Nation is seriously biased. Consider this excerpt:

In fact, the Soviet Union did far more than the United States and Britain combined to destroy Nazi Germany and the Wehrmacht.

If by using the phrase "did far more", the author means they sacrificed more lives, that is definitely the case by a longshot. However, the war against Germany could not have been won without England's stoic resolve and the USA's economic and industrial might. Anyone who argues differently needs to brush up on their history lessons. I also find it ironic that some people conveniently forget that, prior to Barbarossa, Stalin's agenda for imperialist expansion was as ruthless and aggressive as Germany's. The Non-Aggression Pact of 1939 paved the way for Germany to feel free to move against the west without worrying about a second front on the east which led to the capitulation of Norway, Denmark and the Low Countries, the fall of France and the Battle of Britain. In the interim, Stalin and Hitler carved up Poland and the Soviets invaded Finland. Once the Nazis invaded Russia, that all changed and suddenly a scenario for strange bedfellows to find common cause was created. Ever wonder what might have transpired had Hitler resisted the temptation to establish his much sought-after lebensraum until well after Great Britain had been vanquished when the Germans could have focused their sole effort on destroying Russia? Well, thanks to his impatience and greed, we'll never know.

I have nothing but respect and admiration for the incredible strength, character and sacrifice of the Russian people during World War II. The Russian government, however, by its direct and deliberate action, was and is every bit as culpable for the events that led to the invasion as are the Germans.

That said, congratulations to the Russian people on your Victory Day celebration. :glugglug:
I went on holiday to Russia last year and found the place to be fanatastic. Everyone friendly and hospitable. In anyone gets the chance to look around the Kremlin do it. An amazing place.
"Nine of every ten German soldiers killed in World War II were killed by the Red Army."


The France and the United Kingdom turned down a pace with USSR. During the 1930s, France and Britain did nothing while Hitler was illegally rearming the Germany military. The Phoney War was major blunder by leaders of France and the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom and France should've invaded Germany while the bulk of Hitler's forces were invading Poland. Stalin paranoia helped the Germans. Stalin purged much of Red Army's senior leadership in the years leading to WWII. Stalin did not believe his spies that Hitler was going to attack the USSR, so the Germans caught the Red Army off guard. Stalin's Red Army, military mistakes, and disregard for human life were major reasons for Soviet losses in WWII.
Oh how was your trip to Ukraine btw?

I was there for the funeral of my wife's pregnant sister. She was beaten to death by soldiers of an identifiable unit of your charismatic leader's Russian military - military who according to your good, charismatic leader are not present in Ukraine at all :facepalm:
And why did they beat her to death? Because they stopped her on a highway in Eastern Ukraine to examine her documents (which of course they have no legal right to do) and while doing so decided they wanted her car. She resisted their demand, now she is dead. This act was witnessed by several completely apolitical citizens. But they are too afraid for their own lives to testify.

You should be ashamed of yourself for typing such words.

Actually I'm ashamed for you for your naivete.
That's true, Russians are very friendly people

Generally yes.

but their leaders are sometimes fucked up.

That's putting it mildly.

Bears repeating....

I guess Mikhail Shishkin, the Russian novelist, needs to "get his head screwed on straight." You ought to read his essay:

"My father was a Russian; my mother, a Ukrainian. But the Putin regime has set our peoples against each other. Sometimes, I think it’s good my parents did not live to see how Russians and Ukrainians are killing one another.

"It is impossible to breathe in a country where the air is permeated with hatred. Much hatred has always been followed in history by much blood. What awaits my country? Transformation into a gigantic version of Ukraine’s eastern Donbass region?

"Once again, the dictatorship is calling on its subjects to defend the homeland, mercilessly exploiting the propaganda of victory in the Great Patriotic War. Russia’s rulers have stolen my people’s oil, stolen their elections, stolen their country. And stolen their victory."


Closed Account
I was there for the funeral of my wife's pregnant sister. She was beaten to death by soldiers of an identifiable unit of your charismatic leader's Russian military - military who according to your good, charismatic leader are not present in Ukraine at all :facepalm:
And why did they beat her to death? Because they stopped her on a highway in Eastern Ukraine to examine her documents (which of course they have no legal right to do) and while doing so decided they wanted her car. She resisted their demand, now she is dead. This act was witnessed by several completely apolitical citizens. But they are too afraid for their own lives to testify.

I would retaliate but in respect over your wife's sister death I won't.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
"Nine of every ten German soldiers killed in World War II were killed by the Red Army."


The France and the United Kingdom turned down a pace with USSR. During the 1930s, France and Britain did nothing while Hitler was illegally rearming the Germany military. The Phoney War was major blunder by leaders of France and the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom and France should've invaded Germany while the bulk of Hitler's forces were invading Poland. Stalin paranoia helped the Germans. Stalin purged much of Red Army's senior leadership in the years leading to WWII. Stalin did not believe his spies that Hitler was going to attack the USSR, so the Germans caught the Red Army off guard. Stalin's Red Army, military mistakes, and disregard for human life were major reasons for Soviet losses in WWII.

Poland was vanquished in 3 weeks via Blitzkrieg. The world had never seen a rapid-deployment force strike with such force and speed before so one can hardly have expected France or, especially England, to have declared war, mobilized their forces, moved them into position on the Maginot Line and followed up with a successful invasion across the Siegfried Line into Germany in that short time frame. Hell, even Stalin was caught flat-footed by the German advance and wasn't able to join in to claim his share of the spoils until September 17 when the battle was all but over. Truth of the matter is, Stalin himself bears sole responsibility for what happened to Russia at the hands of the German military. Stalin was a depraved and soulless despot who killed on a scale Hitler never dreamed of.