[SOLVED] Russian Blonde that did scene with Voodoo?

I am looking for the name of a porn star that is fairly new to the business who did a scene with Voodoo. She is from Russia or one of the countries near it, with blonde hair, big tits, and I think 1 or two tattoos. She has an amazing body, who is tall, with a nice ass and a beautiful face. Voodoo in the scene comments on how pretty she is.

If anyone could help me out with those clues, I would appreciate it. I found the clip searching some other site and never remembered her name.

Killer B

I Like Big Tits! (song by Joe Walsh)
In the video, the girl is wearing jeans and a white shirt, I believe with a black leather coat on as well. of course she takes it off to have sex with Voodoo. When they are having sex, Voodoo says how sexy she is. She is either Russian or Swedish.
Yes, that is her. Thanks man. Rep to you. Now if I could just found out how to put the solved thing on it. I guess she doesn't have a tattoo after all though.