CNN is wrong. Honestly, I don't think that any of those were the major causes which lead people to vote for Bush. What did? Stupidity, lack of caring and laziness.
Hardly anybody who votes has a valid reason as to why they are voting for or against something.
CNN is wrong at times, yes... But those were the people's responses not CNN (it was a poll). You'll notice that the result seems to be actually in agreement with what you just said. "Most important qualities" are not positions on issues but vague concepts of shared ideology and perception of personality traits. (Is he "a decider?", is he "for positive change?", "does he believe in hope?") If the people vote based solely on such things (which is not necessarily true) then they are showing exactly the traits you describe - stupidity, lack of caring and laziness.
If you asked 100 people who voted for Barack Obama why they voted the way that they did, I will guarantee you that at least 90 of those people wouldn't even be able to tell you Obama's stand on different issues that effect our country. It's sad, but true. Our country is full of stupid people who act like they know what's going on, even though they are the most ignorant mother fuckers around.
Stated very bluntly and unfortunately probably true.