Rockstar with vodka

hey just saw this stuff in the booze store........just wondering how many of these things can one drink without exploding his or her heart.

Im asking cause once i drank two rockstars (while smoking some weed ) and I got the most major anxioty attack ever. I actually thought I was going to have a stroke and I almost fainted.

so this is why Im a littke sketchy about this drink it tastes pretty good my buddy had one...but has anyone had more then lets say 5

if so how did it go and were you able to sleep at all that night?


Monster is pretty good - I tend to think its better than Rockstar. But I wouldn't mix too many energy drinks and vodka, or else your liver will cry.


what the fuck you lookin at?
red bull and jager is excellent! :thumbsup:


knows petras secret: she farted.
i also dont understand these uppers and downers. it might be fun for awhile but its not good for you. one thing is speeding you up, the other slowing you down. im sure we'll hear something about it in the news soon enough.
wow, just a coincidence that me and my friends were recently discussing just this. jagger bombs IMO are amazing, and easily i could find myself drinking 4-5, and honsetly that cannt be good for you haha.
i try and stay away from energy drinks. But I do like Sobe Essential Energy. But anyway maybe you should just stop smoking and drinking rockstar.