"Rock and Roll "


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I have gotten lost in this site twice now. Its just like a "Bible" for eclectic music lovers. Put me to mind to share with those here who may be interested. It covers decades from 50's on into the 2000's.

The first page alone is a great read of "censorship" in music over the years. The rest just a fascinating journey of oh "I knew that" / "I didn't know that!" I :lovecoupl trivia.




The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
14-year-old Daniel Shellhammer is ordered by police officers in Northwood, Ohio, to remove his shirt, which features slogans for the rap group Insane Clown Posse. The officers inform Shellhammer that Insane Clown Posse clothing is "banned" in Ohio and that they will rip the shirt off his back and arrest him if he does not comply.

I'm not really sure if that's actually serious or not. People in my high school always wore ICP shit and I graduated in 2000. I mean, it SHOULD be banned, because ICP sucks, but still...:dunno:
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Interesting stuff, thanks for the link, LL. I was looking at the 100 most played songs. I'll delve in a little deeper later when I've got time to get lost for a few hours.;)

Hey I like ICP...what's the chances the board's only ICP fan would come along...lol
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Closed Account
Looks like a nice site LL I have booked marked it check it out more when I have time too. :)
Cool topic!!

There is so much stuff that was objected to or forced to change.I remember Ed Sullivan made bands change lyrics all the time.And bands almost always agreed as being on Ed's show was one of the few ways to get national exposure.The Rolling Stones changed "lets spend the night together" to "lets spend some time together" and The Doors who had agreed to change the lyric "girl we couldn't get much higher" in the song "Light My Fire", but Morrison sang the original words and The Doors were never on the show again.

Here is one of the early examples of rock that was national scandal in its day.Looking at it now it may be hard to see what the hubbub was all about.It was an appearance on the Milton Berle show By Elvis doing probably his best song "Hound Dog".National media went nuts over this performance as being across the line in being sexually sugestive.Later when Elvis appeared on Ed Sullivan they only showed him from the waste up.And so Elvis the pelvis was born.:cool:

For me it's always funny and strange at the same time to hear about different cases of censorship in mucis, because there are COUNTLESS albums with much more rough/explicit/obnoxious content than in any of mentioned among "censored"...
it can be explained when it comes to 50-70, but in late 70ies and 80ies it was such a time when lyrics became as explicit as it could be. So it is very silly to see some problems of "beastie boys", when even before them there were a lot of *dirtiest* reggae artists, with tracks about cocks, pussies, sucking, fucking, toilet sex, and even about watching own mother in the bathroom, and talking with her about "what is it" and how ... everybody who loves reggae music knows that "slackness" style.. it was originated at late 70-ies - early 80-ies.. The more surprising are all that talks about "explicit" rap. Rap said nothing new in terms of dirty shit that was not before told in reggae songs. And even such bands like 2live crew just developed the topics that already were covered before.
I saw the title of topic, "rock'n'roll", but since some examples in the article were about rap and other styles, hope that my post is OK.
Besides, I think that any kind of censorship is stupid and useless, but it is even more stupid, when it is applied to some bands that were *dare to* mention the word "cock" in their lyrics, when at the same time there are a lot of uncensored bands that are talking about that cock already puted in the pussy, and good bout sticking, with moans at the background and naked girls at the album cover. it is all about double-standarts, and ... stupidity again. just aint no logic in that.
...and in addition to the censorship topic, I had similiar link to a page dedicated to forbidden album covers. the site is about censorship in music in general, but that section of covers is the most interesting to watch. again, can't see no logic, cuz there many covers that are much more dirty/provoking than censored ones, but you can take a look just for fun:


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Very nice LL.


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Thank you everyone, I figured a lot of people would enjoy it. We have a lot of big time music lovers here. While the point of the thread wasn't just the "censorship" deal thank you for the input jamrak. A bit graphic but some good pints made none the less.

This is a album my parents had that always made me giggle when my mom pulled it out to play it. It was very controversial at the time I was told. Also your link was a good read and I have the original "Mamas and Papas" in the tub album and cover. ;)


I have gotten lost in this site twice now. Its just like a "Bible" for eclectic music lovers. Put me to mind to share with those here who may be interested. It covers decades from 50's on into the 2000's.

The first page alone is a great read of "censorship" in music over the years. The rest just a fascinating journey of oh "I knew that" / "I didn't know that!" I :lovecoupl trivia.


Ladylove I am a huge trivia fan when it comes to music. Now, I will be very impressed if you can tell me the exact way Hendrix died.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
That's like the easiest question in the whole music world.


Closed Account
Purple†Pain;1562916 said:
Ladylove I am a huge trivia fan when it comes to music. Now, I will be very impressed if you can tell me the exact way Hendrix died.

I have heard two stories. One that he died with a needle still in his arm. The other drowned in his own vomit drunk. My dad had said the former was the first news release and the latter a total cover up. So I could at best guess by what I was told. :dunno:

Man i could spend hours on that site just reading all the cool stuff.
I love it, thanks for that info.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I know the answer but the question is for LL.
I have heard two stories. One that he died with a needle still in his arm. The other drowned in his own vomit drunk. My dad had said the former was the first news release and the latter a total cover up. So I could at best guess by what I was told. :dunno:

Lady. He did infact die on his own vomit. According to his girlfriend, he went down for a nap and to aide his sleep he took a bunch of sleeping pills..he had been drinking, but she never said how much. When she went to wake him she found that he wasn't waking up so she called an ambulance. According to doctors reports he died on the way to the hospital by choking on his vomit.

Ladylove gets a gold star:nanner:


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I told you; it's the most easiest question in the music world.