For me it's always funny and strange at the same time to hear about different cases of censorship in mucis, because there are COUNTLESS albums with much more rough/explicit/obnoxious content than in any of mentioned among "censored"...
it can be explained when it comes to 50-70, but in late 70ies and 80ies it was such a time when lyrics became as explicit as it could be. So it is very silly to see some problems of "beastie boys", when even before them there were a lot of *dirtiest* reggae artists, with tracks about cocks, pussies, sucking, fucking, toilet sex, and even about watching own mother in the bathroom, and talking with her about "what is it" and how ... everybody who loves reggae music knows that "slackness" style.. it was originated at late 70-ies - early 80-ies.. The more surprising are all that talks about "explicit" rap. Rap said nothing new in terms of dirty shit that was not before told in reggae songs. And even such bands like 2live crew just developed the topics that already were covered before.
I saw the title of topic, "rock'n'roll", but since some examples in the article were about rap and other styles, hope that my post is OK.
Besides, I think that any kind of censorship is stupid and useless, but it is even more stupid, when it is applied to some bands that were *dare to* mention the word "cock" in their lyrics, when at the same time there are a lot of uncensored bands that are talking about that cock already puted in the pussy, and good bout sticking, with moans at the background and naked girls at the album cover. it is all about double-standarts, and ... stupidity again. just aint no logic in that.