Rhyse Richards / Rhyeese Richards / Rhyse Richardson / Rhysee

Re: Rhyse Richarson [New MILF on the block]

Another girl harassed by Christian XXX

Rhyse Richards: Last weekend I was home after spending the afternoon at the vet, I was supposed to shoot a scene that day but obviously I was at the emergency Vet clinic my scene was not I REPEAT NOT with Christian or Pierre ” Director ” as Goldstar could confirm… However I repeatly got text messages from Christian harrassing me about not shooting with him that day… I at no point was suppposed to shoot with him..

No I do not shoot with Christian as a personal choice, as my sister will not as well, Rhylee did in the beginning of our career before we were informed of the risk.. I feel it would dramatically increase the risk that we all currently take !!!!! I agree strongly with Memphis Monroe and her right to choose who she works with …I do not understand why he is allowed to keep harrassing girls for putting him on there no list. Thanks for listening.. xoxo Rhyse Richards
Re: Rhyse Richarson [New MILF on the block]

oh my god her New Mommy Got Boobs scene is fucking hot! It's soo nice to see this Hot, sexxy, Big Tits MILF back in action! hopefully she'll come out with even more really hot scenes soon!!