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Rewarding U.S. sex offender by serving time in Canada !?@#$%

O M G !

A Judge in Buffalo, New York sentenced a New York private girl school teacher to 3 years probation provided he is exiled from United States "Stay out of U.S. and serve his three years probation in Canada" The private girl school teacher admitted having sex with a 15 year-old school girl in a car outside the school.

The school teahcer Watson, a 35 year-old married man lives with his wife and three children in St. Catherine, Ontario. The Judge ordered him be allowed only to US to report to his P.O. (Probation Officer) in New York.

Is this another Terrorist Act passed by Washington to exile convicted sex offenders overseas ?

http://www.torontosun.com/News/2006/10/27/2145540.html :rolleyes:
Some aren't, but the fact that Hawaii and Pennsylvania and Holland and other western areas have 14 years as the age of consent shows you that some consider 15 to be old enough to make that choice.

i happen to know that california is 18. what u.s. states are 14? none. why would you include pennsylvania? unless you mean the amish community. i know zilch about them or their beliefs. except they are borderline 13th century.
fuck, ask Dave Chapelle, he would agree with fox and I...."what is 15, really?" This girl was probably trying to get an A ;) The teacher felt guilty and confessed. I dojn't know the whole story but come on. If she didn't want to bone in a car by the age of 15, she would say no...all kids can kick, scream and say no....simple.
And secondly as a Canadian I feel like punching that judge across the jaw. He is your tax payer and law defier. Not ours! Now we have to use more tax money on each person you guys feel like sending north. Your criminal, your prison....I can't see any reason to give us a pedophile, we have our own to deal with ignorant prick(aimed at the ignorant judge)
fuck, ask Dave Chapelle, he would agree with fox and I...."what is 15, really?" This girl was probably trying to get an A ;) The teacher felt guilty and confessed. I dojn't know the whole story but come on. If she didn't want to bone in a car by the age of 15, she would say no...all kids can kick, scream and say no....simple.
And secondly as a Canadian I feel like punching that judge across the jaw. He is your tax payer and law defier. Not ours! Now we have to use more tax money on each person you guys feel like sending north. Your criminal, your prison....I can't see any reason to give us a pedophile, we have our own to deal with ignorant prick(aimed at the ignorant judge)

first you say that what he did wasnt wrong. (you said its okay to fuck a 15 year old.) then you label him as a pedophile. which one is it?
He actually banged a high school girl! I don't know whether to call him stupid or lucky!
I didn't label him....i said don't send pedophiles....which is what the judge did. Wether I agree with the sentence or not. He sent a convict north to Canada, in doing so he is considered a pedophile and in the future the same may happen. Not saying anything about that guy in that term. But if that judge convicts a man of molesting and raping an 11 yr old next month, then sends him north, he is doing the same thing....if you follow....


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
i didnt know that many states had a law against being gay.:dunno:

some states were 14. 14 years old. am i the only one who sees something wrong with this? in new mexico you can be 13 if youre gay. :eek: :eek:

In America.. 1860, the law was unanimously 12. Of course, one had to perpetuate the farm.. make more kids, possibly with your own kin.. put 'em to work, and be happy if you live 'til 40!

I'm with Fox on this one, granted the context is right..there are immature 30 year olds who shouldnt be sexing or driving.. and there are mature 12 year olds who should be studying politics and military strategy. ;)

Age is just a number, but statistically..its perversion of a legal sort to just 'accept' that 18 is magically okay to show somebody nude, or all of sudden make it legal for them to do practically anything. Drinking aside, cuz honestly a lot of us started earlier. 18, 13.. hell, our teenage years are when we need it the MOST! Your body changes, you have to put up with total BS.. and thats just at school. You have no real money, no car.. and dammit your dick is in the best shape of its life!UNGH! ::thrusts at everything with tits::

So..::sips my earl grey:: 15 and 35 arent the best numbers, but 18 and 38 arent uncommon. 13 is the average age of virginity loss in the U.S. Might as well come to terms with that.

Or if I wanted to be a dirty young man, the saying starts..

If her feet can touch the floor...
all right. im beaten. three of you say its okay to have sex with a child. im done. i dont want to get booted. this is the last i will say on this topic.
Not to be a dick or nothing but isn't this thread breaking one of the rules of this board discussing pedophilia? Just wondering! :dunno:
There has to be a line where you can classify somebody as an adult. While teenagers might believe they are mature, in my experience that is just what it is, something they believe and not something that is true. Almost everybody I knew growing up and almost everybody that hasn't reached 18 years old are with very few exceptions dumb kids that don't have the common sense or life experience they need to make adult decisions. I spent a lot of my time just observing them around me. The vast majority of them cared more about where the next party was, who they could get to buy alcohol for them, or which chick they could screw rather than any serious matter in their life. That was the biggest reason I never socialized with them, they acted like stupid kids. Oh sure almost every single one of them would have said that they thought they were all grown up, but most of them now that they really have become an adult would probably admit they did some pretty stupid stuff they wouldn't have done if they knew then what they know now. They recognize what they thought and did back then wasn't because of maturity but because they were just being stupid. Just because teens do things doesn't mean they should.

What's ironic was that the few people that acted older than they were at that age didn't have any problems waiting a few more years and realized just how inexperienced they were in life. Most of them didn't want to do what everybody else did or weren't concerned yet with all the other people thought they were ready for. It's an extremely rare 14 year old that is anywhere near that mature to handle those sorts of things, especially here. I can maybe see in a war zone or a third world country where people might end up growing up faster than they otherwise would, but with the lives we lead.

Centuries ago I could give people a break for marrying young and other things because people of that era didn’t live that long and by necessity had to do things like start a family in their early teens. For much of the world that isn't the case anymore.

I wonder, if people that really believe people that young are adults and capable of making any decision they wanted, would you be willing to let them have sex with any older person they wanted? Would you let them vote in important elections? Would you let them buy all the alcohol they wanted, let them smoke, and let them buy porn? Would you believe they were old enough to make a decision about joining the military so they could go die in some God forsaken country half way around the world? Would you think children of that age are mature enough to go in and buy a firearm whenever they wanted? Could they get a driver’s license and go drive a car whenever they wanted?

It might be unfair to the very very very few people that are young and have the maturity of an adult but the fact is that the vast majority of them are still kids and that's why in most places they are treated as such. It isn't possible for society to go around and somehow determine how capable each and every person is at a young age. That is why you need to have an age of adulthood where you get the rights of an adult, and in my opinion that sure isn't 14, 15, or even 17 years old.
1. I do agree with Fox that this is public lynching and a 15 year-old did know what would happen if she got into a car with her teacher in a shopping mall and started heavy petting, kissing and the next thing is having sex.

2. The consent for sex may not be up-to-date in the link as the Conservative Government of Canada in 2006 "attempted" to raise the age of consent for sex to 16.


3. Mr. Watson posted $5,000.00 bail and severe restriction is placed on him to stay at home in Canada with his wife and three children until the next Immigration hearing.

4. But does this really open a Panorda Box for American who committed crime and convicted and served out their sentences in Canada ?


United States and Canada do have treaties regarding to their citizens who committed crime in the other countries.

For Canadians who committed "minor" crimes in United States such as possession of drugs, they can also petition to the U.S. Judge to serve 1/3 of the sentence in U.S. and the rest in their home Province up North.

As in this case, Watson is a U.S. citizen but married to a Canadian woman and became a permanent alien resident and live in St. Catherine, Ontario but continues to commute everyday to work in Buffalo, New York State.

So Mr. Watson is taking advantage of Canada as a haven and actually use his "wife and three children" as bargaining chip to the Prosecutor and the Judge to allow him to stay up North and enjoy the freedom.

The issue is not the age of consent for sex but Mr. Watson abused his position as a teacher, abused his permanent alien resident status by marrying a Canadian woman and then used these argument to stay up north and be free.

Mr. Watson should be treated like any other American and serve his sentence in U.S. jail.
There has to be a line where you can classify somebody as an adult. While teenagers might believe they are mature, in my experience that is just what it is, something they believe and not something that is true. Almost everybody I knew growing up and almost everybody that hasn't reached 18 years old are with very few exceptions dumb kids that don't have the common sense or life experience they need to make adult decisions.

And, unfortunately, most of these people don't get any real life experience until after 18, when they're legally considered an adult.

I'm 23 now, and I'd have to say that I've earned more life experience in the past 5 years than I would have thought when I was 18.

The point that I'm trying to get around to is that when you define a line as to when somebody is an adult, there is a tendency for the young folks not to grow up until years after that defining age. At least a year or two.

As for an answer to that problem? I can't say I have one. And as far as Mr. Watson's situation, I don't have much of an opinion really, but I'm sure that girl *did* know what she was getting into.
No matter how old you are, you think you've got it all together, until you look back from 5 years later. :jester:
scarier thing, i live just outside st.catharines.
my midgets are on patrol 24/7