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Rewarding Illegal Immigration?

Fox man....I'm happy for you that you made it to this country and stuff. Thats great for you. But what if everyone takes the route you took?

God knows its hard enough for legal migrants who have to wait for years and years for a green card, so much paperwork etc. If we have smart people finding their way around the law, it only makes the case fr legals harder.

Like I said..I'm happy for you, but I hope their won't be many more cases such as yours!


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I was referring to my religion, Foxy. I'm jewish. As for the post, excellent. I enjoy a good read.. and with that, it was honestly the best reply I could hope for. No anger, true responses.. and all points covered. 'Cept that bit. Americans hated, nah.. my Yiddish brethren. ;)

And now I shall kindly bow out of this topic, satisfied with our exchange. :)

P.S. Sadly my expression of gratitude is lacking, for your gracious reply..


You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to ********** again.

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Doesn't it seem to bother anyone that millions of people try to legally enter the USA each year and are denied (granted, the USA needs to drastically streamline and simplify this process), while Jose, Juan, Gabriela, and Paco dash over the Mexican/U.S. border in the dark of night?

It's called "illegal immigration" for a reason. What's even more astounding is that illegal immigrants demand "their rights" - as if they have a fucking right to even be where they are!!! That'd be like me catching a flight to Chile, demanding a right to vote and a driver's license upon my arrival, and demanding access to the welfare and medical programs they offer there.


What's the point of national soverignty when your borders are wide open?

:2 cents:
First of all you can't compare murder with illegal immigration. That's weak.

Secondly, most people here, if not all, break the law sometimes. Run stop signs, drive above the speed limit, use weed, download music or photos on the internet... etc... so we're all so "wrong" by your perfect standards. If you are one of those very rare individuals who has never done any of the above, you are in the extreme minority my friend.

Thirdly, laws change. That's what the immigrants are fighting for, here. Once it's no longer illegal then, you can no longer complain right ;)

And fourthly, I have broken the law so very very many times. I try not to do it any more except traffic laws. And I can still look in the mirror at night and say I'm a decent man... I care about people, the environment, animals. It's illegal to give food from a grocery store to homeless people instead of throwing it out, I say fuck that law, you know.

I came to America as an illegal immigrant. After a lot of living covertly and being worried about my ass, I realized - they don't care. They want me here, earning low wages and all that. I stopped worrying. After awhile I was here long enough and got a sponsor and applied for residency and got it. They said, you can't get residency if you entered and stayed on a visa waiver, cause it's illegal. So what did I do? I saved up for a really good immigration lawyer. And I paid him. And he found a loophole. And he told me, if you have the money, you can become an American resident in months no matter what your story. If you have the money. Because there are so many holes in the immigration laws, and contradictions. And the better the lawyer, the faster he will get you the residency, and the more he or she will charge you. In the real world, laws are broken constantly. I feel sorry for all the ones who could never afford the 4,000 dollars plus I paid for my lawyer. Even without a lawyer all the forms and what not cost well over a thousand, and then they will potentially be declined with no possibility of a refund. The lawyers guarantee success otherwise (some of them) do not charge you, except for a small hiring fee. That is because they know they will get the application processed, because they know that the "law" is just to keep the poorer illegals ILLEGAL, and not to keep them OUT. On the contrary, our economy is massively dependent on illegal immigrants, and I think that sucks for them because it's akin to slave labor compared to the rights the rest of us have.

I'm now a proud (somewhat proud) and fully-fledged US citizen otherwise I wouldn't be discussing this. I wanted to move to this country and there was no other way, so I did it. I don't respect national boundaries, I have always believed that all of the world belongs to all of us and to none of us, and I stick my middle finger up to immigration laws and I say to the world, if you want to come to America, come, as an illegal you will be invisible and shit on, but you will not, ever, unless you are wickedly unlucky, be sent back home. There were so many times I could have been... never was. Thank goodness.

I may break the laws from time to time but at least I am 100% honest about it.

It's all of our country. Get over it. It belongs to them and you. Whatever language you speak, whatever the bastard Republicans may say about what our official language is, whatever country you hail from, whatever the colour of your skin, America is your country if you live here and work here and call it home, or at least temporary or new home. It always has been, always will be. Statements like yours, don't you see, are divisive rather than integral. Why is it necessary to divide by race? Do you think those divisions are more "comfortable" as you put it, for the races or nationalities that have to live in poverty and look up at the white Americans on the hill with the palaces and mansions and all the money? Not really. Division only ever breeds racism and resentment and lack of cross-cultural knowledge. We are moving away from that and mixing together into a mosaic more than ever these days, thank god.

Being pushed off the land by who? When was the last time you were pushed off your land? Does seeing nonwhites or nonEnglish speakers all over the place make you feel like you're being pushed off your land? It's all in your head, I promise you. No-one's pushing you anywhere. If you're white and male and American born and straight the world is your oyster. The statistics show you are hundreds of times more likely to be a million dollar earner than a female black/hispanic non American born homosexual, or any combination of those "undesirable" traits (sic).

We did kill the natives, yes, through disease and destruction. But you know what? The Mexicans killed the Aztecs too. And the Mexicans used to own all that land you feel like you're being "pushed off". They were pushed off it too. Now they just want to move back and share it, who are you to really tell them no? They're not wielding weapons now, they're willing to work. I say let them be. My other post on the other thread really covers it all:

The prison population are 99% from poor backgrounds. A huge percentage of the poor people in the southwest are hispanics, either immigrants, or American born hispanics, or illegals... the vast vast majority of hispanics aren't comitting crimes and going to jail, just like the vast majority of any ethnic demographic. What's more, THAT land used to belong to them, and before that it belonged to the Plains Indians and the Aztecs, and as far as I'm concerned those Mexicans have as much of a right to California and New Mexico and Texas and Arizona as any of us do, and I welcome them coming in as much as they please, we have WAY too much here to go around, and even though Mexico has more than almost any other latin country and is comparatively rich, they are practically third world when compared with what we have here, of COURSE they want to come here, and I welcome them completely. I don't mind sharing. America was never built with the intentions of having closed doors, and we have less people per square mile than most countries, and more money per person than virtually ANY country, so if any country can support endless immigration it's THIS one, I say keep them coming, and the sooner we open the doors the better.

Most people don't want to leave home, so anyone who thinks opening the borders would create a mass exodus from everywhere else is deluisional and self-aggrandizing... home is home, and most people don't want to leave home unless there are extremely harsh conditions.


So you admit that you are an lllegal alien? Finally things start to make sense. Plus you admit that you've broken the law many times. Now I can fully understand why I hate you so much. You are what I despise most about this country. You waltz in here illegally and make yourself at home. You bitch and complain about the laws of a country that you don't even belong to. You come up with fantasy statistics to try and back up your so called arguements. I have news for you my nemesis, not too many people want you here. Yes people do care about the problem it's just a shame that no one is doing much about it except voicing opinions and hiding behind "political correctness." What sucks is that your winning, you have us by the balls. Your an illegal and probably not white. Which means if I or a politician come after you we'd be labeled racists and have some fucking activist group protesting outside of our homes. I'd watch my mouth if I were you. Mention your status to wrong the person and the INS could be at your door. You may just run into someone like me one day on the streets who is more then willing to turn you in. Tell me too, what laws have you broken? Sounds to me like your just lucky to be sitting a computer at all typing up your bullshit. To sum it up.....you came to a county illegally and have broken the law on many occasions yet you can look in a mirror and say you're a good guy. Is this reality or am I living in the bizzaro world?
The citizens of a country are responsible for who holds the power of that country. Yes, Mexicans come to America to earn a living they could never earn in Mexico. This I know. What I am trying to say is…. CHANGE WHO IS IN CHARGE IN MEXICO. If you allow a government to do whatever the hell it wants and the citizens of that country do nothing to stop it then the citizens are responsible for living in poverty. That means that the cowardly Mexican Immigrants choose to illegally come to America instead of fighting the people and politicians who are responsible for putting them in the position to have to come to America. The Mexicans are choosing the safe way out. They choose not to fight for a fair wage in Mexico. The people who organized the protests should start organizing a protest against the Mexican government for allowing their citizens to live in poverty and fear of the drug lords who run that country. It is time for the Mexican people to begin a Revolution. A Revolution to take their country back from political corruption. It is not the responsibility of AMERICA to accommodate a cowardly population. Mexico should not be a third world country, the citizens of Mexico have allowed it to become that. So, they shouldn’t be able to take the easy way out and illegally come to America.
The citizens of a country are responsible for who holds the power of that country. Yes, Mexicans come to America to earn a living they could never earn in Mexico. This I know. What I am trying to say is…. CHANGE WHO IS IN CHARGE IN MEXICO. If you allow a government to do whatever the hell it wants and the citizens of that country do nothing to stop it then the citizens are responsible for living in poverty. That means that the cowardly Mexican Immigrants choose to illegally come to America instead of fighting the people and politicians who are responsible for putting them in the position to have to come to America. The Mexicans are choosing the safe way out. They choose not to fight for a fair wage in Mexico. The people who organized the protests should start organizing a protest against the Mexican government for allowing their citizens to live in poverty and fear of the drug lords who run that country. It is time for the Mexican people to begin a Revolution. A Revolution to take their country back from political corruption. It is not the responsibility of AMERICA to accommodate a cowardly population. Mexico should not be a third world country, the citizens of Mexico have allowed it to become that. So, they shouldn’t be able to take the easy way out and illegally come to America.

eh...I wouldn't call them "cowards". It might be possible that they do not know how to fix the problem or are awaiting a spokesman to fight for them. Whenever someone does come out to fight, they usually wind up dead.
Revolutions, and I mean that literally to a certain extent, are not often without the spillage of blood. For example, a dear dear friend of mine is Iranian. Her family moved to the United Arab Emirates, to Dubai, where things are more free and "western." She has told me on many occasions how desperately the Iranian people loathe, hate, and disagree with their leadership, but for them to show so much as a gesture of contempt, they can be killed, kidnapped, "made to disappear," etc. They live in fear and forced compliance with the Iranian gov't.'s policies, laws, and edicts.

The price of liberty isn't cheap (often costing humans' lives), but freedom is priceless, once achieved and secured.

:2 cents:

dangerousD said:
eh...I wouldn't call them "cowards". It might be possible that they do not know how to fix the problem or are awaiting a spokesman to fight for them. Whenever someone does come out to fight, they usually wind up dead.
Illegals should just invade other countries like Canada. Mexicans should just cross the Mexican Canadian Border and then we wouldn't have to worry about Illegal Immigrants comming to the US.
I've been over this a thousand times. Why make so many assumptions when it's all written right here on the board for you? I've told my story so many times it's ridiculous.

I am a U.S. citizen as of earlier this year, was a U.S. permanent resident for several years before that, I stayed in this country illegally originally because I wanted to be with the woman I loved, we saved up a lot of money and paid for a great lawyer and he got me my residency and citizenship, it happens all the time, the system is designed to allow it to happen, so people with money can become "American" and people without can not. I don't have money, in any case, but I was dedicated and fortunate enough to be able to get it done with hard work and luck.

Legally I am now as American as you, and it must break your heart to know that in all of your "you are not white" and "you are not welcome here" rhetoric that speaks volumes about who YOU are, you are not representing America, you are representing yourself, loudly and clearly. You live in a country that recognizes me as being as much of an American as you, despite the fact that you were born here and I wasn't. You think the majority of people don't want me here, I think the majority of Americans don't want people like you here, so we have one thing in common... thankfully those kinds of thoughts from your post are a thing of the past and your views are a relic to a racially divided past which is disappearing before your eyes and being replaced by an ethnic melting pot which everyone and anyone can call home, which must depress the hell of out of you, I suppose. You break the law too, every time you go over the speed limit. Keep clinging to what you think America is, but America is something different to every American and you can't say "we" any more than I can. There is no "we". You just wish people thought like you, but most don't. You can't stop the foreigners and non whites and women and homosexuals anymore, because the law is now on everyone's side, and they are now as important and as powerful in this country as you. Maybe not literally, but legally. And legally, will ultimately lead to literally.

What's great is that you are losing, and no matter how hard you try to teach them otherwise, your children, and the children of those who blame the non Americans and non whites and non conservatives and non patriots and non militaristic minds for their troubles, will be a lot more open-minded, tolerant and accepting than you, and will probably not think like you, because the schools and the media and the minds of the nation are gradually moving from white supremacy and ultra nationalism (despite the efforts of Bush) towards equality.

I bet the post makes you feel all warm on fuzzy on the inside doesn't it? Believe me, I am not alone in my views. Pick up a paper or watch CNN and look at the polls on illegal immigration. Most Americans hate it. Just about everyone I know can't stand the fact that when you go into a store or call a customer service rep now adays you need a translator. So where are you getting your info from, your ass as usual? There are a lot of people like me. The sad fact is because of "P.C." they don't have the balls to make their voices heard for fear of negative labeling. Me, I could care less what other people think of me. I'd say about 99% of the people on this board totally disagree with what I have to say. I don't lose sleep at night. There just might be 1% of people on this board who feel like I do but might be too afraid to admit it because they don't want to argue with people like you.

You are right about one thing I am racially motivated. I don't think a person should get a job, or a free ride to college based on his/her skin color or ethnic backround. I've read about lots of hard working white kids who have to pay thousands for an education while some immigrant fuck get's to go to school for practically nothing. I'm sure you support something as idiotic as that.

You will never be as American as me. You have no idea what it's like to be an American. You can't take pride in a country that's not yours. You seem to like being an American but you sure as hell bash us every fucking chance you get. Do you have anything positive to say about this country? Maybe but I'm sure I would disagree with that too........
I don't understand the controversy - this should not even be subject to debate or question, I think.

There's legal immigration and then there are border-jumpers and people who over-stay their tourist or student visas, etc. who become illegal immigrants. Either way, you're either a legal resident (wanted and welcomed) or you're an illegal alien/trespasser/immigrant who, rather than going through the (granted) complicated bureaucratic channels of moving to a place legally, takes it upon himself/herself to bypass the law and invade a sovereign nation. Then, for one of those people to DEMAND social assistance, financial aid, voting rights, a driver's license, etc -- it's just absurd to me.

That's like breaking into "Bill's Corner Store" by crawling through an air duct and then claiming to have a "right" to a certain amount of food and drink and property when the police come. Absolutely asinine, IMO. People, more and more, are feeling a sense of entitlement without the responsibility of earning and achieving for themselves. I've been at both ends of the spectrum, in my life, but I surely never felt like the world owed me anything.

:2 cents:


I have really enjoyed this thread, kudos to all who have shared their thoughts with the rest of us.
I don't have any deep wisdom to impart, but one thing is clear...most opinions tend to be focused on the person's feelings, which tend to cause a drift from the actual subject being discussed and often lose objectivity.
My personal feelings and what's right are sometimes the same, sometimes not. I put a bit of effort towards discerning the difference, to keep my own personal respect.
On illegal immigration...
My life has been connected in many ways with other cultures, and over time some things stand out as common to us all, and others tend to be rather specific to the individual culture or person.
The Latino culture is not the same as the Euro...in many ways. As a product of the Spanish repression of indiginous culture, there are so many elements of Mexican society that are not transferable to American (as in USA) culture.
Immigrants are basicaly vetted for desireability by the country accepting the new citizen; this allows for an influx of talents and attitudes that would (ostensibly) add positively to the current society.
Fence jumpers obviously don't go through this process, so the country "invaded" ends up with non educated non citizens, criminal non citizens, ill non citizens, and various other problems that are already found in large numbers of the resident population.
Lou Dobbs (CNN) has pointed out many negative factors that are the result of the massive influx of illegals here; a million illegal Thais, Brits, etc. would not be such a big problem. However, many millions of Mexicans bringing Mexico here and continuing to live as Mexicans has created a serious problem that has been hard to swallow by legal residents trying to cope with all the difficulties that come with living in a competitive capitalist society.
I have been in so many Mexican homes, in some of the jobs I have had over the years, and in Mexico and Central America as well.
I personally don't want to live in those neighborhoods, life is depressing there. And getting worse. The disconnect from their roots has left many angry, disenfranchised, and with no feeling of connection.
Most people will take something for free, or that's easy to have...me, too. But without the background to sort things out, like growing up in the USA or a similar culture, what seems like a freebie is actually not free. People are paying for those services, and as a group we are trying to provide for all citizens as much as possible, ourselves as well as those less able to cope. Parasitic subcultures are doable in small numbers, but illegal residents are way past small numbers.
I work with many Latinos, and I know most are illegal, with false documentation. Individually, I like most of them, but when anything large threatens me, I get defensive and look for a solution to the problem. The illegal problem has become gigantic.
The rhetoric on the subject is all over the map, and most self serving discussions are obvious upon hearing the direction of their logic.
The fact is, the situation has gotten out of hand, and the facts of life dictate a snapping back of what has stretched too far.
Those citizens who haven't had much direct contact with the illegal situation are trying to be nice towards the poor people they ocasionally meet, they don't feel the pinch. But for the middle class, working people who just can't keep life on track with gov't services becoming unavailable, wages dropping, jobs harder to find (with living wages), neighborhoods degenerating, unintelligible people permeating their world, and the rules they have to follow seemingly only for them and not for millions of others, it's become too much to take.
Sadly, the backlash is coming and those illegals who just don't get it are going to be hit hard. The political structure is going to respond to the anger and begin to close it all down, and there isn't a great deal of fairness in cultural momentum.
I think that when the dust settles things will work out ok. Mexico will finally have to address it's social and political problems, with all the returning people who've had a taste of the "good life" wanting more from the richest country in Central America than poverty.
And we can continue on the course we were on a few years back of continuing to upgrade the quality of life here. Nowhere is close to perfect, but we had a good life for many and the potential was there for those without it. The USA has always been a milling about of many people with many ideas of what life should be about, and the whole story here has been the working out of those many opinions to create a great way of life. Some wrong turns are inevitable, as long as the society as a whole keeps trying to make things work.
At the risk of sounding a bit silly...
God Bless America.


Closed Account
As for myself, as part of the most hated people on the planet.. I dont have the luxury of BS'ing myself that we're all equal.

Enough of you people (Jewish individuals) living in lavish luxury and culturally 'dominating' the 'host' nation while simultaneously acting as if you are living in the existence of a 'Schindler's List,' or a 'Pianist' type enviroment, 24/7 in said nations. How a people that, in proportion to their ridiculously small numbers, which harbor so much occupational power in very important areas of society, can still be playing the largest violin in the room - is really beyond me. Antisemitism, in a lot of roots, is based on jealousy and fear of 'foreigners' (namely: you guys) dominating the 'culture,' and government policies of said nations.

An antisemitic argument reads more along the lines of a thousand year conspiracy by an allegedly leechlike, ultra-cunning, and power mad race of superiority (in many senses) than it does attacking, 'poor innocent people,' who just look different physically, and want to practice their religion to themselves, like the Amish. You're not hated because you're the Amish. You want suffering?

Think of that biracial kid whose black father left him (much to the stereotypical delight of the racists) in total financial peril, white grandparents never wanted him because they were humliated and disgusted with their daughters marriage choice, and mother forced to work 2 jobs. You want suffering? Think of the aborigines who are not even really considered on the human scale, by the racists, while to you guys they think, 'well, they look white enough to me.'

Really, I reminisce about the environments on the Indian reservations and then compare it to the type of existence that your average Ashkenazi Jew is living in this country.....why do you always have the first hand in suffering?
It's funny that this land was stolen long ago since the Natives had no fire power to defend it, and greedy white people (even black and asian) are trying to act like it's theirs. Well not as funny as it is fucked up. This land was stolen and no matter how many people sacrifice their lives for it, it'll never be the WHITE MANS, or any other non natives race for that matter.