I was recently browsing the page of one model and noticed that one of the links showed a different girl. I reported the link and checked off the "wrong babe" button. It was CLEARLY the wrong girl. Yet, the 5-point reward for reporting a "shitty" link was rejected. So, I guess I'm wondering what the thought process was here: Page for Girl X + Link to Girl B = wrong babe (and 5 points). It doesn't get more clear cut than that. So, again, what's the thought process?
There have been probably at least a dozen other instances in which I reported a "shitty" link and the points were denied. Worse, I've gone into what had been a dead link and saw that it had been re-linked after I reported it. That's kinda dirty pool, don't you think? Either scrap the five-points-for-pointing-out-shitty-links system, or please start following your own criteria on a consistent basis. :logic:
Yeah, I know ... it's 5 measly fucking points and not the end of the world. But then again, why would anyone cheat someone over such a small amount? :error: :dunno:
There have been probably at least a dozen other instances in which I reported a "shitty" link and the points were denied. Worse, I've gone into what had been a dead link and saw that it had been re-linked after I reported it. That's kinda dirty pool, don't you think? Either scrap the five-points-for-pointing-out-shitty-links system, or please start following your own criteria on a consistent basis. :logic:
Yeah, I know ... it's 5 measly fucking points and not the end of the world. But then again, why would anyone cheat someone over such a small amount? :error: :dunno: