Report Puts Hidden War Costs at $1.6T (to date!)

by mass producing oil sadaam was able to bring down the price. he probably threatened to tap the untapped fields, and sell cheap direct to businesses, and so he had to be removed and his oilfields controlled and restricted to push the price up

I think this ^^^ is a treatment for a lost episode of "Alias" or "The X Files"...

He lost control of his production capability when we created the "No-Fly" Zone and instituted sanctions. I think we'd see him sending convoys of Big Rig trucks over to Syria and we'd probably stop them. Iran wouldn't help him bring the oil to market. They hated that guy.

I think it's more likely we were bamboolzed by him more then he threatened massive production that would cripple "Big Oil."

I have come around that we went in there for the Oil and for nothing else. The Freudian in me thinks that Dubya didn't feel satisfied with punishing the Taliban and with being unable to verify Osama's death so he needed a new person to get all hot and bothered over...and getting revenge for Daddy Bush fits this too (although it's a little too simple and even for Dubya).
I don't give a shit about cost effective and efficient. We're murdering thousands of theirs and hundreds of ours, it's time we stopped breaking every international law and pulled out.

What exactly do you think would happen if we just packed up and left tomorrow? The world would become a better place, terrorism would stop, and everyone would have a mint on their pillow that night?
This theory doesn't pass the smell test. The pieces of it do fit nicely together though. I am wondering why the market isn't naturally flooded with oil as a result of Western Oil Companies "ramping up oil extraction." They've had 5 years to get extraction going. Something is going on. Maybe there isn't as much oil as Saddam postulated publically that he had?? It woudn't be the first time he was caught bluffing.

Saddam was allowed to trade oil for food through the UN. He did not set the market price. He did not spend his money on food, either, but that's beside the point.

I do think there is price collusion going on right now with oil. I just think Big Oil is in panic mode over a future without Bush/Cheney in charge..where they won't be able to stroll around the world puffing on cubans and shit-eatin' grinning all the way to bank...

Several recent books I read on Iraq, Fiasco included, talked about how the Iraqi oil infrastructure was in ruins, and required a lot more development than Bush sold us on. It's possible he didn't know, as he doesn't seem to know much. Remember this was 50,000 troops, and Rumsfeld refused to hear any opinions other than this own? So when he said the oil would pay for the war, why did anyone believe him, this administration was wrong every single step of the way in Iraq, and continues to "stay the course", in the wrong direction.

That was never any of our business. It was up to the UN, we didn't have any business there, we didn't have any good intentions whatsoever, and every day we stay there puts more blood on your hands and mine, and gets more people killed. LET THE IRAQIS DETERMINE THEIR OWN FATE. LET THE UNITED NATIONS DO WHAT IT IS THERE FOR AND PROTECT THE INNOCENT.

We don't give a shit about Iraqis or innocents. THAT is why we're there. We saw dollar signs and they sold it to the damn sheep as they did with Vietnam, and we never... fucking... learn. And even those of us who see through, it what the fuck can we do, in this system? What.

You didn't answer my question. I didn't ask should we be there... I asked what do you think would happen if we picked up and left today and left the Iraqis to sort things out on their own? Let the Iraqis determine their own fate? Is that your answer? That's pretty vague and I'm pretty certain it wouldn't go very well for them.

You keep saying WE saw dollar signs and WE don't give a shit about Iraqis or innocents. You have ABSOLUTELY no idea what WE think. Unless you're referring to the collective? The majority of Americans? Yeah, you still don't know. Nobody sold anyone on Iraq. Our leaders just did it. Unless I missed the day they opened the polls and had a vote on the war it was the people that EVERYONE voted for that made those decisions: republicans AND democrats. And at that time those leaders thought it was the right plan. But plans are like assholes... they can turn into a real shitty mess.

And I hope you're not referring to the men and women serving there as sheep...

Here's some pictures of people NOT caring:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Here's some of people who probably cared too much...
1 | 2 | 3

and I'm sure your response will be something to the effect of "those people wouldn't be in that situation if we didn't go there in the first place"

Well, here's what it was like before we decided to care...

Maybe if you ever put your life on the line for something you believe in you'll take as much offense to some coward referring to you as a "sheep". And maybe when you have fought to defend freedom and rights and then come home to see people perfectly willing ot throw those rights away (i.e. the Second Amendment) you'll have a different outlook on things.

But I'm sure you have some clever, well thought out response to this like you do for everything else. Something about how violence isn't the way to bring about change. How we are all part of the problem because we continue to support a system that is corrupt and blah blah blah... so get on with it.
This is a quote from the book, "Failed States", that I think makes the point eloquently.

"As usual in recent years, the 2004 electoral campaigns were run by the public relations industry, which in its regular vocation sells toothpaste, lifestyle drugs, automobiles, and other commodoties. It's guiding principle is deceit. The task of advertising is to undermine the free markets we are taught to admire: mythical entities in which informed consumers make rational choices. In such systems, businesses would simply provide information about their products: cheap, easy, simple. But it is hardly a secret that they do nothing of the sort. On the contrary, business spends hundreds of billions of dollars a year projecting imagery to delude consumers. Uncontroversially, that is the goal of advertising - not providing information. The automobile industry does not simply make public the characteristics of next year's models. Rather, if devotes huge efforts to deception, featuring sex objects, cars climbing sheer cliffs to a heavenly future, and so on".
You didn't answer my question. I didn't ask should we be there... I asked what do you think would happen if we picked up and left today and left the Iraqis to sort things out on their own? Let the Iraqis determine their own fate? Is that your answer? That's pretty vague and I'm pretty certain it wouldn't go very well for them.

I can answer this question. If the Democrats found their balls and stopped war funding...our Army and Marines would leave and Iraq would be given the freedom to decide what they wanted to do with their country.

Their would be a power struggle between conservative islamists organized by...Sheik Muqtdar al Sadr (The Sadr Army we hear about) and "pro Western" factions. Most likely there would be a 2-party system of parliment/congress with a freely-elected Prime Minister overseeing all. The difference between this and what is happening today is that there would be nothing for terrorists to do in Iraq. Terrorists and al Queda are not trying to take over a country or become a massive army capable of uniting the Middle East in some sort of crusade.

We would be wise to have islamic United Nations "peace keepers" patrolling the streets and we would be wise to urge the Kurds not to fuck around with Turkey.

Basically, in sum, if we started pulling out in Jan June 2008..everyone in our country would be saying why the fuck didn't we do this 2 years ago?
If the Democrats found their balls and stopped war funding...our Army and Marines would leave and Iraq would be given the freedom to decide what they wanted to do with their country.

Won't happen because they don't want to take the hit if everything goes to shit in the middle east. They like things as they are because right now their party looks a hell of a lot better than the republicans. They won't have to do squat in the next election except pick someone to run for president. Bush has pretty well buried any chances of another republican president for another 8 years.

The whole augument about this thread is our ignorance of the world economy. My wife was in an investment dinner/meeting and I was there to pick her up and stayed for a while when they discussed the world demand for steel and oil.

There is a new kid on the block: China competing against US for oil that is part of the problem causing this chao.

Read the following information about PetroChina:

The World’s First Trillion Dollar Company

The World’s First Trillion Dollar Company

PetroChina became the world’s first trillion-dollar company in terms of market capitalization. It’s debut on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, made it the largest company in the world, by far.

PetroChina is now worth more than Exxon Mobil and GE combined, by market cap. With such a large cash infusion, one wonders what are the next targets for PetroChina? Do PetroChina commit more to R&D? Are there attractive takeover targets? Will it meet protectionist legislation from others? Will it link humanitarian aid, to its foreign investments? There are so many questions, and so many options. Cash is king, and PetroChina is sitting in the catbird seat.
The book I just read makes a pretty good supporting case for numerous films which reveal the US wants the world in conflict for the financial interests of the richer 10% population.

Rather than really supporting peace and democracy around the world, in many cases, the dictator or US friend was put into or supported in power by both military and covert tactics. The ensuing struggle, would provide the basis for dramatic statements for peace and democracy when the goal was to sell weapons to the winning side and / or buy oil on the cheap.

The most recent clear example is Saddam and Iraq. The US supported him and trained him for years while tolerating his human rights abuses. Noriega was also in this situation as well as many others.

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It amazes me how NeoCons are die hard conservatives when they speak out against social programs aimed at helping improve the lives of the poor and working class Americans, yet they are no longer fiscally conservative when it comes wasting money to fund the military industrial complex, the war on terrorism and the war on drugs :rolleyes:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
It amazes me how NeoCons are die hard conservatives when they speak out against social programs aimed at helping improve the lives of the poor and working class Americans, yet they are no longer fiscally conservative when it comes wasting money to fund the military industrial complex, the war on terrorism and the war on drugs :rolleyes:

Well, one thing you have to remember though is that not all conservatives are neocons. Conservatism comes in many different flavors and forms. And the degree to which someone might be a conservative changes, depending on whether you're talking about foreign policy, domestic policy, religious/social policies or fiscal/economic matters. There's a lot of mixing and matching, just like with most any other political philosophy. Can you imagine some of the so called "conservatives" here on this porn board trying to sell themselves as social conservatives to a Fundie from Thomas Road Baptist Church? :rofl: Don't ask me about Will E Worm. It makes my head hurt to try to figure out what his deal is here.

The difference is, there are more than a few within the GOP who want to purify the party. Right now, it seems that the most powerful forces within the GOP are the (actual & true) neocons (pushing their beliefs on interventionist foreign policies) and the Evangelicals/fundamentalists (domestic social policy seems to be what they focus on the most). Course, you also have the well funded, intellectual Club for Growth types (free trade, whether it's fair to America or not). In the minority (and out of power for the most part) are the more traditional conservatives.... people like Pat Buchanan, Christopher Buckley, Colin Powell and Jack Kemp (R.I.P.). These are the people that the others now often refer to as RINO's, or whom they want marginalized or chased out of the party. In other words, the very same people who helped make the tent bigger are now being told to get the fuck out of the tent. Makes perfect sense. Clear as mud...

Ronald Reagan's words were: "If you analyze it, I believe the very heart and soul of conservatism is libertarianism." The Club for Growth types, within the GOP, only apply that belief about libertariansim to fiscal/economic issues. On social issues, they defer to the Evangelicals/fundamentalists, who are anything BUT libertarians. Even though they like to drag out the ghost of Reagan, the post-Reagan conservatives seem to hang more onto the motto of George W. Bush: "You're either with us or you're against us."

I think that's one of the reasons that so many people (myself included), who had voted for Republicans in the past, now refuse to be identified with that party. The number of people identifying themselves as Independents continues to grow :)thumbsup::nanner::thumbsup:). If/when the Democrats take the centrist position, the whackos in the GOP (Palin, Bachmann, et al) will have no place to hide. I think that's what many Independents hoped for with Obama. Thus far, I'm sad to say, he hasn't really delivered. But with that said, I'm under no illusion that the very same people within the GOP, who didn't know the right answers yesterday, have all of a sudden gotten it figured out today. Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann and Glen Beck are great cheerleaders for "the base". But the base isn't big enough to win a national election. So like Col. Custer and the 7th Calvary, some people only learn a lesson once the Indians are slicing their balls off for souvenirs. :rolleyes:

It's just a real shame that we don't have a well organized, centrist third party in this country. If the Democrats are to lose seats next year, why in the world would we want to give those seats to a party that is at least as foul and incompetent as the one we would vote out???!!! Those seats should go to a third party, IMO. A party that would be for (FAIR) free trade, non interventionist foreign policies and sensible domestic policies, that most sane Americans would favor.

Well, I can always dream. :helpme:
That's because they got the money for the war from an ATM.
Don't worry guys. Republicans now care about fiscal responsibility so they'll be cutting medicare, social security and veteran benefits so we can stay in these money pits forever. Hooray!

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
That's because they got the money for the war from an ATM.

Yeah, ATM: Ass-To-Mouth.

Apparently busting the budget is only good if you can sing The Star Spangled Banner while giving our money to some foreign shithole in the name of democracy, apple pie and lil Mary Rotten Crotch's (non existent) virtue.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
If you think that's bad, just wait until the U.S. starts to invade Iran.

By then, President Palin will be in office. Iran will probably fire a missile at Israel and President Silly Sarah will invade Canada by accident. Hey give her a break, geography isn't her strong suit (course, neither is economics, math, English, chemistry, biology, social studies, world history, etc.).
^ Ya Betcha! *Smile & Wink


Don't worry guys. Republicans now care about fiscal responsibility so they'll be cutting medicare, social security and veteran benefits so we can stay in these money pits forever. Hooray!

Aren't you an illegal alien? From Planet Mexico?
I'll bet you're just annoyed the free stuff isn't gonna keep coming...:crying:
Anyway...being a veteran of the Mexican Army doesn't count...