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Report Card: Rate Obama's Presidency So Far

Grade Obama's Performance So Far

  • A

    Votes: 5 6.0%
  • A-

    Votes: 3 3.6%
  • B

    Votes: 8 9.6%
  • B-

    Votes: 8 9.6%
  • C

    Votes: 15 18.1%
  • C-

    Votes: 8 9.6%
  • D

    Votes: 10 12.0%
  • D-

    Votes: 11 13.3%
  • F

    Votes: 4 4.8%
  • F-

    Votes: 11 13.3%

  • Total voters


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
President Obama makes his State of the Union address tonight and it has been approximately one year since he has taken office. How would you rate his performance and the performance of his administration thus far?

I voted for Obama and, personally, I am disappointed in the results at this point. The economy has not improved to any significant degree from what I can tell. In fact, it has probably worsened over this past year (although hopefully we have hit bottom). The deficit is out of control like never before. He has not been able to push forward his health-care agenda in a successful fashion. The war in Afghanistan has been escalated (yeah yeah, I know, that's what he indicated he would do if necessary. I just don't think it was necessary), We're still deeply committed in Iraq with no end in sight and White House security measures have been lenient so say the least. On the positive side, he has greatly improved relations with many of the nations who were alienated by the renegade style of the Bush administration so I am pleased by that. Otherwise, his tenure thus far has been less than expected.

By the same token, he has been battled at every turn by the opposition party and many of his campaign promises have not been able to come to fruition due strictly to the obstructionist policy of the republicans in Congress. There has been no spirit of "reaching across the aisle" that is so often talked about and seemingly never happens. In short, it's the same old partisan gridlock do-nothing government we have come to loathe and expect from this wonderful two-party system we have.

I still have hope for the next 3 years since my own personal stake and the future of my kids and grandkids depend upon it. However, I am not at all optimistic that a significant number of the incredibly humongous problems that confront us will be resolved anytime soon, if ever.

I predict that the fickled, flaky and frustrated swing voters of America, like a jilted teenage girlfriend, will swing back the other way in the mid-term elections and sweep a shitload of republicans back into office just as a way of rejecting what the democratic administration has failed to accomplish thus far. And we all know what a great job the republicans did the last time they had the ball in their hands, right? :rolleyes:

Grade Obama's peformance and post any comments you might have on same. As for me, I'm giving him a "C-" only because of all the roadblocks and landmines that have been placed in his way. Otherwise, I'd probably give him a "D". Not at all what I had hoped for nor expected. I sincerely hope for better things over the next three years or we may be mired in trouble so deep we will never find a way out.

The two-party system needs to go! We need alternatives, not the same old shit! As Einstein said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results".

I guess America is insane then. :(:mad::(
This should be an interesting thread. I have a few opinions to voice but will do it later in the day when I have a little more time.
If you are just doing the grade on the poll then fair enough but if you are seeking to make comments will those on the right of the aisle coordinate their answers. As I am to understand the message from that quarter President Obama has accomplished nothing and sent the nation hurtling toward socialist oblivion at the same time.

Can we be clear on which of these is the true picture.

For me he is a C+. (The + is for trying the healthcare thing. It was never going to be easy.) Which is OK given that he walked into a difficult set of circumstances. At no point in the last year have I thought that any of the candidates he faced in the primaries or the election proper would have bested him.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
The scary part is this could lead to a Palin presidency.:eek: I think Obama has had a tough road to travel, only because of how bad the previous 8 years had been.
That being said I am disappointed with the healthcare reform, well lack thereof. He has been roadblocked many times by those with their own agendas.
Jagger I agree, the two party system is no longer working.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
If you are just doing the grade on the poll then fair enough but if you are seeking to make comments will those on the right of the aisle coordinate their answers. As I am to understand the message from that quarter President Obama has accomplished nothing and sent the nation hurtling toward socialist oblivion at the same time.

Can we be clear on which of these is the true picture.

For me he is a C+. (The + is for trying the healthcare thing. It was never going to be easy.) Which is OK given that he walked into a difficult set of circumstances. At no point in the last year have I thought that any of the candidates he faced in the primaries or the election proper would have bested him.

Point well taken, MJ. Don't just throw out a bunch of expletives without providing lucid and well-thought-out reasons for your feeling and comments. Let's not turn this into a mud-slinging partisan battle please. We've had enough of those here.

BTW, I couldn't list a "+" grade due to the poll being limited to 10 choices. If you want to give a "+" grade, give the letter grade (i.e. "C") and then explain your reasons for feeling that way in your post.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I also voted for him. And to this point, I would also give him a C or C-. While I understand that the "Taliban tactics" of the extreme right might have muddied the waters, I don't believe he should have handed the Stimulus package and the Health Care debate off to Congress (Pelosi). By the time Obama made his own feelings known, the debate had been captured by extremists on the right and the left. So the American people spent the entire summer confused and being told things that weren't even the least bit tied to reality. But the Administration sat back, or did not speak up forcefully enough, so people didn't know what to believe. And while I believe there is going to be changes to health care going forward, whether there are reforms or not, the ONE issue that captivates the attention of the average American right now is the state of the economy (unemployment). If you've lost, or might lose your job, you're thinking more about keeping a roof over your head than whether or not a hospital will sue you when you can't pay your bill if you get sick. We're no closer to having a comprehensive manufacturing policy now than when George "Make it in China" Bush was in office. Some advances have been made on the unfair trade practices that cripple American companies, but not enough to turn the tide, IMO.

My disappointment centers on the perception that I have that Obama has focused on things that should be lower down on the pareto, while not working hard enough on the thing at the top of the pareto (IMO): employment and domestic fiscal policy. The President has little or nothing to do with monetary policy, other than nominating the Fed Chairman. But the overall domestic fiscal policy of this administration doesn't seem to be on point, IMO. On foreign policy, I believe he's done a reasonably good job. In that way, he's more like Bush I... not exactly a ringing endorsement. :1orglaugh

But with all that said, would I take back my vote for Obama? Hell no! By his own admission, John McCain said that he didn't really understand economics - and having Gramm as his main man on econ... I wouldn't trust Phil Gramm's crooked ass any further than I could throw him. And just the thought of Sarah Palin anywhere near the Oval Office would make me "pull the lever" the same way again. I have (or had) a lot of overall respect for McCain. But his past health issues introduced too many risks; the prospect of a President Palin would be like the second coming of Nero, IMO.

Good and timely question, Jagger! :thumbsup:
The two-party system needs to go! We need alternatives, not the same old shit! As Einstein said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results".

Hit the nail right on the head there!

I don't have much to say really. I did not vote for him I voted for McCain but in all honesty I wish I had not voted at all. This country is in some serious trouble and it's going to take more then spending money to fix it. It's impossible for us to expand when we don't manufacture any more. I don't have any numbers but I can only imagine what % of our major business have moved over seas to save some money and avoid government constraint.

Despite how I feel about Obama I will give him a C to a C-. I too disagree with escalating the war efforts in Afghanistan. If you look at history anyone who has ever fought a "war" there has really yet to succeed. It seems like a lost cause, but he never said he was pulling out of there. I also think that the economy should have shown some sign of at least slowing down the decline. I think the health care plan is going to be a failure without some help from every side possible. I know republicans seem to be trying to defeat the bill, but I believe that some of them may have some good insight on the process and it would not hurt to include them in the negotiations.

But he has at least 3 more years to make some progress. I hope he does some positive things for this country because thats who the majority voted for!


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I gave him a D. We all knew that it was never going to be easy following George Bush and his wonderful 8 year dump on America's international reputation, but Obama for the most part repaired America's reputation on the world stage even before he even became president. However, his domestic policies have been a disaster, and from up here I have slowly watched as the American people have gone from loving him to hating him. I gave him a D because I don't feel he has done anything to deserve a rank above that; so far he has been a very average president.
Seems unfair to have a poll with minuses but not pluses :dunno:

ok I see Jagger69 addressed this. Still, could have stuck with straight A B C D E F
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Member, you member...
He's showed the world his peaceful ways, hence his prize, he wants to fine people if they don't get health insurance, he did not close Guantanemo, he wanted to ramrod his health bill with his dem buds, but was halted in Mass. - no "reaching across the aisle" there, his whistling dentures annoy me!

Ha, okay, there.
I give him a C because if he listened to the born-again Fiscal experts and let the economy go, we'd have 30% unemployment and breadlines. We'd have to have our own Foreign Relief effort:(

I think if we put 10% nationwide unemployment--we can look at it as 5% for blue collar workers and 5% for white collar workers. The Stimulus seems geared toward blue collar workers, but States seem clueless in how to "spend it" effectively.

TARP was a White Collar bailout, which I believe was needed, HOWEVER, the bailout included no provisions on how to spend the money NOR have we seen the necessary Regulations put back in. It's hard not to blame Obama for the missing regulations, but I find it hard to blame him for Corporate CEOs using TARP to pay bonuses. That wasn't how it was supposed to work! Yes, the fact that it did speaks more to failures of Corporate Capitalism than Government!

I blame Obama completely for going status quo with the Middle East occupations. BRING HOME THE TROOPS NOW!!!:mad: We are wasting our soldiers' lives, time and our money in a giant boondoggle at this point. The wars have been over since 2004. That's the truth.

Obama can still turn it around, but he needs to go in a REAL LIBERAL DIRECTION and not this namby pamby compromise with the GOP shit that he's tried thus far...:hatsoff:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Considering the absolute shithole of a mess that he inherited, I'd say that he's done a fairly good job with what he had to work with. He hasn't followed through with all of his promises yet, but he still has 3 years left in office to do so. But, to give him a fair and honest grade for his first year's performance, I would say that he deserves...



I gave him a B- has he has inherited a shit load of problems. But should read this I know its wikipedia which isnt a great source but its seems mostly correct from what I can remember from history class:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Depression_in_the_United_States

It was Franklin Delano Roosevelt New Deal he was citing in his campaigning wasnt it? Well he has two problems as well as the inherited dung

1. There is no world war
2. Is farming still a primary industry in the US? I doubt it.
Corporate Farming Congolmerates like Cargill rule the Farming Industry today. There are maybe 15% of Family Farms today compared to the 20s-50s....

Green Technology is the right sector which employs Blue collar AND white collar workers. These jobs can't be offshored/outsourced and the benefits of Green Technology give us a better quality of life, less reliance on fossil fuels, less money to Middle East Shieks, etc..



I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
B- and that scratch and sniff sticker that smells like pepperoni pizza