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Religion - The Other Taboo for Discussion

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Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
You dislike quite a few foods that I love, I actually like everything you've posted. I don't like fruits in the melon family like cantaloupe and water melon because they're sickly sweet, I don't like organ meats because they're too oily and mineraly, I don't like beets because they taste like dirt, those are all I can think of. I like that you derailed this thread, it needed it. lol

lol you can always count on me for a friendly derailing. I seem to make an unintentional habit out of it.
Ironic and apropos that it turned into a food thread. Nice work Maggie And Harley.

It's not ironic. Ironic is not a synonym for apropos/fitting. In fact, it's nearly an antonym for fitting. Irony is where the opposite occurs to the intended or expected, or where one thing is stated and the complete opposite is meant.

If Mariah (or anyone) started a thread intending to criticize Bible-bashers and it transformed into a thread where a whole load of posters were praising Christ and talking about the ways in which they worship = ironic.
If somebody started a thread saying "I hate food and cooking" and it became a thread where we were all discussing our favourite recipes = ironic.
What has happened here = not ironic.

It's a fairly common mistake. Alanis Morrisette's song "Ironic" is full of lines where what she is describing is merely annoying, and not ironic at all. The very fact that the song called "Ironic" doesn't actually feature any irony is in itself, massively ironic. So depending on if she meant it or not, she's either an idiot or a genius.

Sorry, that was a fairly random tangent.
Petra put all of you up to this, didn't she?
Sorry, it's a pet hate. Misuse of "literal/literally" being the other.

But yeah, religion. I love a bit of religion.


Oh God, religion. Fuck yes, religion.
"My heart literally broke when Bambi's mother died." - if it had, we wouldn't be talking now.
"He is literally a piece of shit." - no, he's figuratively or metaphorically a piece of shit.



Official Checked Star Member
I used to have a list of things I wouldn't eat and then I started traveling. now I'll try everything. When i was in Australia I had stuff that my friend told me I didnt want to know what it was. In Trinidad I had sousse which is a sour sauce they make with chicken feet and all these other things that looks horrible but was delicious.
"My heart literally broke when Bambi's mother died." - if it had, we wouldn't be talking now.
"He is literally a piece of shit." - no, he's figuratively or metaphorically a piece of shit.


You know what I can't stand? People misusing "anymore". It's only ever used in a question, or in the negative.

"Does he go to the gym anymore?" (Yes.)
"He doesn't go to the gym anymore." (Yes.)
"Oh wait, I was wrong. He goes to the gym anymore." (No, fuck you.)


Official Checked Star Member
I am reading this thread and my heart is hurting at some of the opinions stated here. I'm not religious, but I am a person of faith, and to read that some people (not naming names but if it looks like a Mariah and smells like a Mariah...)

Seriously, I totally respect that you have your own opinions on whether there is a God or not...but insinuating (or straight out saying- whatever) that people who believe in God are (in your words) crazy, and don't belong on a porn forum because its "hypocritical" ... like really? That opinion right THERE makes you no better than the judgemental, bigoted, religious people you are going on and on about!

Organized religion can be a very dangerous and close-minded thing. But if you even took the time to understand the basic fundamentals of Christianity, you wouldn't be saying half of the things you are saying. Christ was loving, forgiving and tolerant. He loves the gays, he loves pornstars, he loves EVERYONE and accepts them in spite of their flaws and sins. I am in the adult industry, and I know that Christ loves me regardless. If people actually strived to be more Christ-like, then the horrible parts of religion wouldn't exist. What would Jesus Do? Thats the slogan you hear time and time again. Jesus would LOVE. And show tolerance. So for you to sit there and not only judge me but degrade and belittle me, and everyone on this forum for believing in God is pretty horrendus. If you are the face of Atheism, then I'll keep my faith thank you.

I may be a crazy, God-loving woman, but at the end of the day at least I can rest my head knowing that I treated everyone I encountered online and IRL today with respect and decency. Its a shame you can't hold yourself to the same level of class that I and others have shown you today. God bless.

(and I'm not going to debate in this thread because nothing...and I mean NOTHING...is worse than a religious debate, so this will be my only post. No ones religious views are going to be changed in this thread, and everyone has their own personal beliefs and that is the way it should be. We live in a free country, where we can believe what we want. Only thing is, is that we SHOULD be able to do that without persecution. Live and let live. Peace.)


Based on that analogy then Mariahxxx would do well for herself to holster her big dong (boisterous views as voiced in this thread) and stop trying to shove it down others throats in public. Again summed up as her own hypocrisy.

Would someone please tell this fool what an idiot he's making of himself? It's getting really embarrassing.

1st post :facepalm:

2nd post :facepalm:

3rd post :facepalm:



I am reading this thread and my heart is hurting at some of the opinions stated here. I'm not religious, but I am a person of faith, and to read that some people (not naming names but if it looks like a Mariah and smells like a Mariah...)

Seriously, I totally respect that you have your own opinions on whether there is a God or not...but insinuating (or straight out saying- whatever) that people who believe in God are (in your words) crazy, and don't belong on a porn forum because its "hypocritical" ... like really? That opinion right THERE makes you no better than the judgemental, bigoted, religious people you are going on and on about!

Organized religion can be a very dangerous and close-minded thing. But if you even took the time to understand the basic fundamentals of Christianity, you wouldn't be saying half of the things you are saying. Christ was loving, forgiving and tolerant. He loves the gays, he loves pornstars, he loves EVERYONE and accepts them in spite of their flaws and sins. I am in the adult industry, and I know that Christ loves me regardless. If people actually strived to be more Christ-like, then the horrible parts of religion wouldn't exist. What would Jesus Do? Thats the slogan you hear time and time again. Jesus would LOVE. And show tolerance. So for you to sit there and not only judge me but degrade and belittle me, and everyone on this forum for believing in God is pretty horrendus. If you are the face of Atheism, then I'll keep my faith thank you.

I may be a crazy, God-loving woman, but at the end of the day at least I can rest my head knowing that I treated everyone I encountered online and IRL today with respect and decency. Its a shame you can't hold yourself to the same level of class that I and others have shown you today. God bless.

(and I'm not going to debate in this thread because nothing...and I mean NOTHING...is worse than a religious debate, so this will be my only post. No ones religious views are going to be changed in this thread, and everyone has their own personal beliefs and that is the way it should be. We live in a free country, where we can believe what we want. Only thing is, is that we SHOULD be able to do that without persecution. Live and let live. Peace.)



Official Checked Star Member
Well Spexy lol we are all entitled to our opinions. I will pose the question to you that I asked earlier of someone else who ignored the question entirely. they say more than 90% of people of faith were raised to be believers so i assume this is true of you. If not I am sorry for assuming incorrectly. Let's say you lived all twenty however many years and had never heard of any type of religion whatsoever in your life. Then one day, someone tells you about this book written about a guy who lived 2000 years ago who walked on water, parted the seas, his mom was a virgin, was willingly tortured to death so we could all sin as we wished and then his body disappeared. then when we die we're all going to a place where everyone you ever loved is there waiting, happy and healthy. And that there's an invisible man who knows everything thought you have and everything that you do.

Now tell me Spexy, you wouldn't think the guy was a fucking lunatic? the son of sam said his neighbors dog told him to murder all those people. should we believe him? how about david koresh who claimed to be the final messiah of a religion he founded. he was raided by the FBI and in turn he and his followers burned themselves in their compound. So clearly we don't take these people seriously who make no more outrageous claims than the bible does. Noah's ark is physically impossible yet people believe it really happened. people on this board actually!

I am happy that you "love gay people" Well the majority of christians, especially the ones who make laws do NOT like gays. they quote the bible repeatedly about it being "unnatural" and "sinful" the bible does say that men lying with men is a sin, and the entire sodom and gomorrah thing is all about gay sin. So you loving gays is great, but you have to realize you are part of a very small minority of christians who do. take yourself into a church and announce that you fuck on film for money for a living and see how much love you feel.

and Spexy, we do NOT live in a free country. that is total bullshit. try building a deck onto your house without getting permission from the local government and paying them fees. you're in the adult film industry, so go to pittsburgh and apply for a permit to shoot a scene. mail a copy of one of your videos to a fan in Alabama and see how "free" this country is. You'll go to prison.

I am not sure how many different ways it has to be said, there are laws written that are based on relgious beliefs that apply to ALL of us. one group of people decides for all of the people what our moral compass should be. they decide who marries and who doesn't. they decide who can adopt a baby and who can't. florida won't even recognize civil unions so if someone in a gay relationship is injured and in the hospital their "partner" can't even get in to see them.

if religious people kept their beliefs to themselves that would be wonderful. I would be happy for them. but they dont. ask the natives in africa and south america and mexico.

so you can say what you wish but this is not a free country. sure we have some freedoms other countries don't, but we don't really have choices. we have politicians who are supposed to represent the best interest of the people who elect them, but they represent the interest of the people who fund their elections. and one of the largest contributors to political campaigns are evangelist christians. and who do they fund? people who will pass the laws that they want to see passed.

in an interview in 1986 Barry Goldwater, a life long republican call the "Godfather of conservatism" who ran for president and was in the lead in the polls against JFK when he was killed said:
"I am a conservative Republican, but I believe in democracy and the separation of church and state. The conservative movement is founded on the simple tenet that people have the right to live life as they please as long as they don't hurt anyone else in the process."
(in a 1994 Washington Post essay)
"The religious factions will go on imposing their will on others,"
"I don't have any respect for the Religious Right."
"Every good Christian should line up and kick Jerry Falwell's ass."

"There is no position on which people are so immovable as their religious beliefs. There is no more powerful ally one can claim in a debate than Jesus Christ, or God, or Allah, or whatever one calls this supreme being. But like any powerful weapon, the use of God's name on one's behalf should be used sparingly. The religious factions that are growing throughout our land are not using their religious clout with wisdom. They are trying to force government leaders into following their position 100 percent. If you disagree with these religious groups on a particular moral issue, they complain, they threaten you with a loss of money or votes or both. I'm frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in 'A,' 'B,' 'C,' and 'D.' Just who do they think they are? And from where do they presume to claim the right to dictate their moral beliefs to me? And I am even more angry as a legislator who must endure the threats of every religious group who thinks it has some God-granted right to control my vote on every roll call in the Senate. I am warning them today: I will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of 'conservatism.' "

The five-term U.S. senator from Arizona was equally unimpressed with TV preacher Pat Robertson. When Robertson sought the GOP nomination for president in 1988, Goldwater wasn't about to say amen. "I believe in separation of church and state," observed Goldwater. "Now, he doesn't believe that . . . I just don't think he should be running."
A few years later he told The Advocate, "I don't have any respect for the Religious Right. There is no place in this country for practicing religion in politics. That goes for Falwell, Robertson and all the rest of these political preachers. They are a detriment to the country."


Alternatively you could tell me yourself and why you feel that way.

I guess that shoots my "fool" theory outa the water..."stupid" is my next guess, going by the facts.

By the way...does the word "rhetorical" mean anything to you?
good luck philbert. he's a troll with a virtual penis. his entire purpose is to disrupt and annoy. best to simply "blah blah blah blah" him. ;)

Actually, he's asked you some pretty legitimate questions that you have failed to answer. You do your best to make people who don't hold your beliefs look bad, but you fail. You look rather foolish in this thread. The most amusing part is that you don't see it, and you continue to think yourself superiour.
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