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Redefining Rape - The Republican Agenda

That fact that you have been raped is irrelevant, although i feel for you.
Rape is shit and rapists should rot in jail. I haven't seen anybody on this thread disagreeing with this. Once we have established this, though, could you enlighten us on your position over men unjustly paying for false rape claims? Are there women over there stating that if they fucked under the influence (and not being forced to take drugs or alcohol) they have been raped, yes or not? Is this, if yes, a despicable thing that should be punished equally hard yes or not? Or is it a necessary evil to have some innocent men ruined and in jail because of cunts exploiting the rape card? Would you be so kind for once to answer clearly with a yes or a no, without your usual flight of fancy style, Mariah?

you got what i was trying to say, women who claim to be raped and acting just to get revenge on some men who in fact aren't fault and are innocent victims.
Again, we're talking about people making laws that will make it harder for ACTUAL rape victims to come forward which is already under 20% due to the humility and the blame, just as a tool to work for a political agenda having to do with abortion. Not every woman getting raped gets pregnant so why should they be punished because some ideologues want to redefine what rape means?

The % of rape victims, once again, who report the rape is under 20% due to the way they are treated when they do. So why make a law about rape just to get an abortion law passed? They are rarely tied together.
Rape - forcing someone to have sex with you by putting over him physical or psychological violence.
Nobody can be shown as guilty as long as facts are not proven.


Official Checked Star Member
Yes so punish actual rape victims to protect the tiny % of men who are accused wrongly. Genius.

Hurrah for the stupid bitches.

Well, maybe your son will be part of one of those tiny % of men (8% in the US according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report and the United States Department of Justice - tiny my ass) who are accused of rape wrongly one day. We'll see then whom he'll think the bitch is. Oh are you saying that if it happened to your son it would be rightful to protect him? Go figure...

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
So it's a necessary evil to have men going to jail and being ruined unjustly. As i suspected. Hurrah for the liberals.

From what I've seen in this thread, if you and Camille Paglia were at the forefront of the women's movement, we would ALL be better off. :hatsoff:


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
If a woman lies about being raped to get a guy arrested, she should be charged with rape. She's fucking him (over), and he doesn't want to be fucked. Sounds like rape to me.

Well spoken, sir, great observation. Sex crimes in general should carry a lot stiffer penalties, short of murder it's probably the worst thing that can happen to a person.
From what I've seen in this thread, if you and Camille Paglia were at the forefront of the women's movement, we would ALL be better off. :hatsoff:

I love both Camille and Christina Hoff Sommers. I would love for them to be able to take back the title of what REAL feminism is.

Again, we're talking about people making laws that will make it harder for ACTUAL rape victims to come forward which is already under 20% due to the humility and the blame, just as a tool to work for a political agenda having to do with abortion. Not every woman getting raped gets pregnant so why should they be punished because some ideologues want to redefine what rape means?

The % of rape victims, once again, who report the rape is under 20% due to the way they are treated when they do. So why make a law about rape just to get an abortion law passed? They are rarely tied together.

Can you please provide sources for these statistics?
Yes so punish actual rape victims to protect the tiny % of men who are accused wrongly. Genius.

Hurrah for the stupid bitches.

nope, but either not get steretypically blind that women are always victims and men are aggressors. let's leave it to the evidences and facts. don't trust what people say, trust the evidences, they don't lie. no one should be judged by mistake, even with a price to pay for.
This might sound crazy, but I'm against women being raped AND against women falsely accusing men of rape for whatever reason. They're both shitty things to do and I'm all for similar sentencing for both. The 2 don't have to be mutually exclusive.
Problem with rape is a large portion of the evidence is the victims testimony. majority of the time rough sex will leave the same evidence of rape.
There's no easy solution, that's for sure. But doesn't mean we can't accept that both are a problem.


Closed Account
Some statistics on rape:

Thought I throw out some numbers. The main numbers given are from RAINN as they used a variety of sources from the US government and I needed to start somewhere. I added other information from websites in italic to give a broader perspective since numbers will vary wildly depending on sources. I did not attempt to distinguish between numbers given for certain years or certain periods, nor did I try to make a distinction between sexual assault and rape where some statistics made that difference at some point and others didn't. Websites who did not mention sources were ignored. All number should be for the US. Basically: statistics are a mess and blurry at best, so there's no use in debating exact numbers.


- Women who were the victim of attempted or completed rape: 1 out of 6
Other sources give number from 1 in 10 up to 1 in 4
- Men who were the victim of attempted or completed rape: 1 out of 33
Other sources give numbers ranging from 1 in 71, up to 1 in 10

Perpetrators (numbers not given by RAINN):
- Nearly one in 10 women was victim of completed or attempted rape by an intimate partner in her lifetime (including completed, attempted or alcohol/drug-facilitated completed penetration). Other sources mention numbers ranging from 46% to 1 in 7.
- An estimated 16.9% of women and 8.0% of men have experienced sexual violence other than rape (being made to penetrate an intimate partner, sexual coercion, unwanted sexual contact, and non-contact unwanted sexual experiences) by an intimate partner in their lifetime.
- Approximately one in 45 men has been made to penetrate an intimate partner during his lifetime.
- In 8 out of 10 cases, the victim knew the person who sexually assaulted them
- In a survey answered by hundreds of rape and sexual assault support agencies, they estimated that 93.7 percent of male rape perpetrators are male and 6.3 percent were female.

Lifetime rate of rape /attempted rape for women by race:

- All women: 17.6%
- White women: 17.7%
- Black women: 18.8%
- Asian Pacific Islander women: 6.8%
- American Indian/Alaskan women: 34.1%
- Mixed race women: 24.4%

No numbers found for men.

Numbers for age of victims:

- 15% of sexual assault and rape victims are under age 12.
- 29% are age 12-17.
- 44% are under age 18.3
- 80% are under age 30.3

- 7% of girls in grades 5-8 and 12% of girls in grades 9-12 said they had been sexually abused.
- 3% of boys grades 5-8 and 5% of boys in grades 9-12 said they had been sexually abused.

Other sources give roughly the same numbers and or give additional info:
- 12.3% of women were age 10 or younger at the time of their first rape/victimization, and 30% of women were between the ages of 11 and 17
- 27.8% of men were age 10 or younger at the time of their first rape/victimization
- More than one-third of women who report being raped before age 18 also experience rape as an adult

- 1 in 9 girls and 1 in 53 boys under the age of 18 experience sexual abuse or assault at the hands of an adult.
Other sources mention 1 in 4 for girls and 1 in 6 for boys

About perpetrators of juvenale sexual assault:

- 34.2% of attackers were family members.
Other sources mention 34% as well
- 58.7% were acquaintances.
- Only 7% of the perpetrators were strangers to the victim.

The perpetrators were...

- 80 % was a parent
- 6% were other relatives
- 4% were unmarried partners of a parent
- 5% were "other" (from siblings to strangers).

Other sources give additional information:
96% of people who sexually abuse children are male, and 76.8% of people who sexually abuse children are adults

Effects of rape. Victims of sexual assault are:

- 3 times more likely to suffer from depression.
- 6 times more likely to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.
- 13 times more likely to abuse alcohol.
- 26 times more likely to abuse drugs.
- 4 times more likely to contemplate suicide.

Crime reports (information not given by RAINN)

- Rape is the most under-reported crime; 63% of sexual assaults are not reported to police. Other sources mention "The FBI finds that only 1 in 4 rapes are published in the Uniform Crime Reports. The Uniform Crime Reports do not include rapes that end in death, since those are reported as homicides." Wikipedia mentions 84% went unreported to the police.
- Some types of rape are excluded from official reports altogether (the FBI's definition, for example, used to exclude all rapes except forcible rapes of females), because a significant number of rapes go unreported even when they are included as reportable rapes, and also because a significant number of rapes reported to the police do not advance to prosecution. As well as the large number of rapes that go unreported, only 25% of reported rapes result in arrest.
- Data on the prevalence of rape vary greatly depending on what definition of rape is used. The FBI recorded 85,593 rapes in 2010, while the Centers for Disease Control counted nearly 1.3 million incidents in that same year. It should however be noted that the CDC's definition of rape "represents the public health perspective" and takes into account the ability of the victim to consent to sex because he or she had been drinking or taking drugs while the FBI defines rape as "Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim."
- Only 12% of child sexual abuse is reported to the authorities
- The prevalence of false reporting is between 2% and 10%. For example, a study of eight U.S. communities, which included 2,059 cases of sexual assault, found a 7.1% rate of false reports. Astudy of 136 sexual assault cases in Boston found a5.9% rate of false reports. Researchers studied 812 reports of sexual assault from 2000-03 and found a 2.1% rate of false reports.

Pregnancies Resulting from Rape:

In 2012, 346,830 women were raped. According to medical reports, the incidence of pregnancy for one-time unprotected sexual intercourse is 5%. By applying the pregnancy rate to 346,830 female survivors, RAINN estimates that there were 17,342 pregnancies as a result of rape in 2012.

This calculation does not account for the following factors which could lower the actual number of pregnancies:

- Rape, as defined by the NCVS, is forced sexual intercourse. Forced sexual intercourse means vaginal, oral, or anal penetration by offender(s). This category includes incidents where the penetration is from a foreign object such as a bottle. Certain types of rape under this definition cannot cause pregnancy.
- Some victims of rape may be utilizing birth control methods, such as the pill, which will prevent pregnancy.
- Some rapists may wear condoms in an effort to avoid DNA detection.
- Vicims of rape may not be able to become pregnant for medical or age-related reasons.

This calculation does not account for the following factors which could raise the actual number of pregnancies:

- Medical estimates of a 5% pregnancy rate are for one-time, unprotected sexual intercourse. Some victimizations may include multiple incidents of intercourse.
- Because of methodology, NCVS does not measure the victimization of Americans age 12 or younger. Rapes of these young people could results in pregnancies not accounted for in RAINN's estimates.


National Sexual Violence Resource Center - Statistics about sexual violence:
The Hathor Legacy - Rape statistics:
The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey - Intimate Parner Violence in the US
Wikipedia - Rape Statistics (US):

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
This might sound crazy, but I'm against women being raped AND against women falsely accusing men of rape for whatever reason. They're both shitty things to do and I'm all for similar sentencing for both. The 2 don't have to be mutually exclusive.

I fully agree with you; they don't have to be mutually exclusive. But using even an extreme case, like the Jackie Coakley/Rolling Stone affair at UVA, typically there is no criminal prosecution of a female who lies about being raped. With the help of a hack writer at Rolling Stone, Jackie Coakley all but wrote a screenplay for a movie (all false), but she has not (and will not) faced prosecution. She didn't even face an Honor Trial at a school which has one of the strictest honor systems in the United States. And further investigation found that she was a serial liar, who has had some sort of bizarre obsession with rape for quite some time. Some publications still won't publish her name, while the name of the main student, she was spinning her tale about, was published by some publications. This will haunt him for the rest of his life and he will be damaged by this for the rest of his life. I hope, at the very least, that that student is successful in his lawsuit against Rolling Stone. Jackie Coakley (last I heard) has now slithered out of Charlottesville and gone back under whatever rock she came from. But I think the way that affair (and several others) was handled should have cost the president of the University, Teresa Sullivan, her job. A number of alumni, myself included, have been very specific about why no further donations should be expected as long as this incompetent person is allowed to keep her job. An honor system, that snagged Ted Kennedy and Olden Polynice, now lets a liar go based solely on the basis of political correctness. :facepalm:

For victims of any stripe, Justice For All.

Won't happen, but it doesn't hurt to dream.

The rate of rape and sexual assault was 1.2 times higher
for nonstudents (7.6 per 1,000) than for students (6.1 per

New study says it's possible for women to rape men: 18% of surveyed guys say women used physical force to make them have sex against their will

A new study challenges some widely held assumptions about coercion, sexual assault and gender. According to a paper published in the American Psychological Association journal, Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 43% of high school and college-aged men say they’ve had “unwanted sexual contact,” and 95% of those say a female acquaintance was the aggressor.


Ari Dee

Official Checked Star Member
I should've known that I couldn't open a thread about rape on here without almost every guys biggest concern being false rape reports..
something men sure do like to pretend happens a lot more than it does, so that they can easily question the validity of rape claims. Innocent until proven guilty.. unless you're a female victim! Right? Because we all know rape & assault victims regularly have their character and lives scrutinized.

Let me clarify- I believe reporting a false rape is heinous and should be punishable.
But I think people have honestly become totally fucking delusional when it comes to how often that actually happens.

From RAINN with references from the Justice Department & FBI:

NSVRC & FBI say false rape reports make up about 2-8%, that's about THE SAME PERCENTAGE FOR OTHER FELONIES. (Stanford MAAN)
So I'll take that issue more seriously when every time someone reports getting robbed, everyone claims false robbery!

I would very much like to address rape against males with respect and consideration as well, as I've seen plenty of posts on FreeOnes directly where a man in an article reported a rape and a bunch of people on here all huddled together to talk about how "lucky" he was.. even if the male is an underage kid.