Red ring killed my xbox should I buy a PS3 or Elite


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I'd pick a PS3 Slim, but the choice is all up to thou.
Go with the PS3 Slim - the 250 GB version is coming out, too.

As far as I know it's the XBOX 360 that's getting the 250 GB HDD not the PS3. To answer the question I'd say buy the system that has the most games that you want to play because that's what it's actually about. Don't listen to fanboys, trust your own tastes.
As far as I know it's the XBOX 360 that's getting the 250 GB HDD not the PS3. To answer the question I'd say buy the system that has the most games that you want to play because that's what it's actually about. Don't listen to fanboys, trust your own tastes.

actually a 250 gig has been annonced for both the elite and the slim by holiday. Why people need a hardrive that big is beyond me. With the ps3 however you can plug in a external hardrive and put game saves,video downloads and what not on there.......
actually a 250 gig has been annonced for both the elite and the slim by holiday. Why people need a hardrive that big is beyond me. With the ps3 however you can plug in a external hardrive and put game saves,video downloads and what not on there.......

What are people putting on their HDD that they need one that big? I have a 120 GB for both XBOX 360 and PS3 Slim. I've only used about half of one and maybe 10% of the other. I have a 300 GB external HDD that I can transfer stuff to my PS3 but I had that before I ever got the PS3.
What are people putting on their HDD that they need one that big? I have a 120 GB for both XBOX 360 and PS3 Slim. I've only used about half of one and maybe 10% of the other. I have a 300 GB external HDD that I can transfer stuff to my PS3 but I had that before I ever got the PS3.

Downloaded content, music, pictures, videos, and patches for games.

Sure some seem frivolous. Thing is, what do people have on their computers that need to get into the Terabyte area?

We all have our little collections when it comes to HDDs.

Microsoft, 1: being a computer company and 2: now a gaming company they are merely trying to meet demands.

As for the PS3 a lot of games are downloaded onto the memory space. That is a lot of memory right there. Not to mention whatever else one can put on that.
Downloaded content, music, pictures, videos, and patches for games.

Sure some seem frivolous. Thing is, what do people have on their computers that need to get into the Terabyte area?

We all have our little collections when it comes to HDDs.

Microsoft, 1: being a computer company and 2: now a gaming company they are merely trying to meet demands.

As for the PS3 a lot of games are downloaded onto the memory space. That is a lot of memory right there. Not to mention whatever else one can put on that.

I have a good collection of games for ps3 and I'm yet to max out the little 40 gig hardrive. I got rockband songs,shooter map packs,other DLC and shit like that on there too. If you are like me and trade games in than theres no reason to have that game data still on your hardrive,I erase it and its freeing up space constantly. People underestimate how big 40 gigs actually is. If I used the hardrive on the ps3 for just downloads,songs,demos,videos etc. and put all my game saves on an external hardrive,I bet I would never max out the 80 gig model. 40 gigs stores alot of shit. Game save files,videos,music and things other than demos are very,very small in memory. Than theres always the option of deleting stuff you bought on psn store that you are really never using. Once purchased you never have to pay for it again,just re-download
Ah. That is why you keep space available. You trade your games in. I keep all of mine.

Who knows what people put on their drives. It's like how some people can manage to feel computer drives up like crazy in no time! How!? It can be mind boggling.

Also, it could be down the road thinking, games might be taking up more space as will the DLC. Patches might get bigger in file size. In the end, it's for now, sure with a lot of space. However a couple years down the road, some people will still have stuff on the drive they have today and have from years ago when it all came out.

Yeah. Gigs are big, indeed. It is a huge amount of space to fill. Still, people do it, somehow.
so you can put games on the HD and never use the disc again?
then why wouldnt i just go and rent some games save em to the HD and then return the game and have a huge stash of games?
there has to be something with the disc needing to load something correct?
give me more info on putting games to the HD
so you can put games on the HD and never use the disc again?
then why wouldnt i just go and rent some games save em to the HD and then return the game and have a huge stash of games?
there has to be something with the disc needing to load something correct?
give me more info on putting games to the HD

you can install games, but it sometimes doesn't install everything. at the very least, even if you do install everything, it's going to run a disc check to make sure the disc is in the drive.
Just as an update I bought an Xbox, I'll buy the PS3 at christmas when they have some better deals. I actually got the elite, fifa 10, halo odst and a controller for £200. Sold my old hd, fifa 10, halo odst and the controller for £100 so altogether cost me £100 ($200) for the elite :rolleyes:.

Just to add onto the hdd question - I installed COD4 to my hdd last night it took about 10 minutes and was about 7-10 GB on my hard drive, I can't remember. When you play the game from the hdd - the disc has to be in the tray. Its just so that the xbox doesn't have to read from the disc which is probably a good thing considering the amount of xbox games i've had to get resurfaced just to play again :mad:. Also when playing from the hd it doesn't sound like you have a lawnmower next to you.
Just as an update I bought an Xbox, I'll buy the PS3 at christmas when they have some better deals. I actually got the elite, fifa 10, halo odst and a controller for £200. Sold my old hd, fifa 10, halo odst and the controller for £100 so altogether cost me £100 ($200) for the elite :rolleyes:.

Just to add onto the hdd question - I installed COD4 to my hdd last night it took about 10 minutes and was about 7-10 GB on my hard drive, I can't remember. When you play the game from the hdd - the disc has to be in the tray. Its just so that the xbox doesn't have to read from the disc which is probably a good thing considering the amount of xbox games i've had to get resurfaced just to play again :mad:. Also when playing from the hd it doesn't sound like you have a lawnmower next to you.

The thing I like about the XBOX 360 is that they give you the option of installing. I put Smackdown vs RAW 2010 in my PS3 and it was an automatic install. I didn't want to install that game.
You have to have the disc to play the game. When you install game data on your 360 or ps3 hardrive you are cutting down on load times alittle bit,improving things like pop up and framerate. On 360 you have the option to install any 360 game yes,do they all run better after you install,no.

It works like the ps3 but the ps3 does this automatically since the dev decides whether they want to require this for their game to function. It has to do this automatically cause if it were manual than how would the gamer know when to do it or not. There isnt one 360 game out there that I know of that requires an install to run. That said you can be installing the game for no reason. The game is either dev'd to work more effeciently when istalled or its dev'd to stream the whole game off the disc. If its dev'd to stream the whole game off of the disc than installing it does nothing,the system reads the disc as you play the game.

Installing game data puts info on your hardrive so the whole game doesnt have to stream off of the disc. This takes pressure off of the system cause small tasks are put on the hardrive. Thats why it was described in this thread that the xbox is very loud when running. It takes alot of drive speed to stream a videogame the whole time you're playing it. Enter one of the reasons for the RROD's.
i install all my xbox games to the hdd.

no wear and tear on the optical drive = win!

the system should be a bit cooler, too, with a hdd install ...since the optical drive isn't giving off as much heat and the hdd is located on the side of the xbox, outside of the console.

most games will load a bit quicker with a hdd install, too. most ...not all, but most will.

i love having the option to install now. :thumbsup:
i install all my xbox games to the hdd.

no wear and tear on the optical drive = win!

the system should be a bit cooler, too, with a hdd install ...since the optical drive isn't giving off as much heat and the hdd is located on the side of the xbox, outside of the console.

most games will load a bit quicker with a hdd install, too. most ...not all, but most will.

i love having the option to install now. :thumbsup:

It is def a great application to have.....
I own a ps3 and I have never felt regret over not choosing the xbox. the ps3 is in a clas of its one in everything. Plus you get a blu-ray player.
so if there is a game i play regularly (like NHL10) curently i should go and load it onto my HD? i do notice that my 360 does sound like a lawnmower but like a newer slightly quiter lawnmower.
so if there is a game i play regularly (like NHL10) curently i should go and load it onto my HD? i do notice that my 360 does sound like a lawnmower but like a newer slightly quiter lawnmower.

you can give it a try....I did it with 09 and it didnt do a thing for me. I only play nhl series online 1 on 1.nhl09 streams off of the disc not too sure about nhl10. Also when you're playing online you either have a good connection to your peer or you dont,so a hardrive install isnt gonna do anything there.....
If it weren't for the games on the 360 (Fable 2, L4D, Dead Rising, Gears of War) I would have given up on Microsoft long ago. The systems are just built like shit! I'm currently on my 3rd system (traded first two thanks to my warranty) but now even my 3rd one is acting up. I'm going to have to give in and get a PS3 sometime, though. I gotta play God of War 3.


If you got the "Ring of Death" then you can send it in and they will fix it for free! Even if it is not under warranty. Try that first, and then decide if you want to go buy something else. Personally I would wait until after Christmas.