Many months ago, I got hit with a virus that took alot of my files but the ones I was able to protect, ended up looking transparent and saying they're empty. They weren't empy and the pics that are in them became transparent aswell. I have thousands of pics to fix and I know how to do it (open in paint and save as in another folder then replace old versions of the pics with the new versions) the problem is this is taking so damn long and I'm wondering if anyone knows a quicker way to do this. Thanks.
If you're running Windows on a PC or have a Mac running Parallels/Boot Camp and Windows, this should work. There are probably other ways but I'm not an expert on this, so here's my best try for you: there is a free Windows based program called
IrFanView. I've had it for many years and I think it's great - as do many others. Once the program is installed and open, under "Edit", select "Batch Conversion/Rename", follow the on-screen directions and just do a group conversion - you might also want to choose a fresh, uncorrupted destination folder. But before I did that, I think I'd scan those files for the virus before re-introducing them onto my system.
It's really too bad that ShayD doesn't post here any longer. He could probably suggest a better solution. But I think what I mentioned will work for you. Good luck.