Raven Riley retires from Adult Industry

Don't worry, Tommy. She has found the God to fill some void just like Erica Campbell! ;):)
Why is this stuff such a shock to everyone lately? One of the first lines of that article said it all "Models leave the industry every day..."

So why is everyone getting so worked up about this? Hey- newsflash- there's still lots of naked women to look at on the internet :hatsoff:

Oh, well. The sun will rise again. It's been rising everyday since Erica Campbell decided to call it quits, why shouldn't it do the same now?
From a tactical standpoint this is also a good lesson for future models to learn from. If you're going to sing a contract, make sure it has some clause about how much unpublished material somebody can have at one time and how soon they have to release it. That would keep producers from loading up and keep selling your photos and movies for years, and give the models more leverage.


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
From a tactical standpoint this is also a good lesson for future models to learn from. If you're going to sing a contract, make sure it has some clause about how much unpublished material somebody can have at one time and how soon they have to release it. That would keep producers from loading up and keep selling your photos and movies for years, and give the models more leverage.
That's not going to happen.

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
Well, its sad...really sad...she is one of the hottest babes out there.
She is amazing actually, but its her decision and I wish her all the best.
That's because porn is viewed or more accepted by young girls as a job such as working at the fast food joint where girls flash the gash for instant sums of cash.

Porn was a profession now girls get gangbanged for example to pay back student loans which I find amazing. There are very few porn stars.
I guess she will post her reasons for leaving on her myspace page and I wish her all the best. I hope she decided to leave the industry to do something else and hasn't become a born again christian. That will really piss me off if we have lost yet another porn star to religion.
If she is a born again christian this is what I think will happen on her myspace.
1. She will remove all of her photos that were from her site
2. She will remove the photos of her with other pornstars at events and conventions
3. She will remove all of the pornstars that have myspace pages from her friends
4. She will put on her blog on both her myspace and her offical blog that she has found god and jesus (the usual crap) and then bad mouth the industry most likely will say that she will join Erica Campbell on her mission to convert every single pornstar in the world
Hmm, well I like Raven, she's one of my favorite girls. But she has lots of material out there, so not a problem.
It's a bit surprising since Raven seemed to be very engaged with her site, did lots of cam shows and did a whole tour around that Succubus DVD. But, whatever happened, I wish her well. She seemed like a nice and fun girl.
Well like a few of you have said. She has TONS of stuff out there for your pleasure. So much of her stuff just shot onto the scene at once and I liked her at 1st but I grew quite tired of her. Too much of the same ol same ol.


Every time I've seen her, my first thought was - When is this girl ever going
to look a day older than a high school sophomore ? Cute though, can't knock it.

Is she supposed to be Cassia's little sis ? :)

I guess she finally ate crow :tongue: