6/10 - Great tits, but kinda simple...
member006 Closed Account Sep 15, 2007 #1,666 3/10 sorry I prefer pics to words and links. Note: I just tried to catch up on this thread, lol. You can't all sigs have changed since last voted on. Its a day to day thing I guess. *shrugs*
3/10 sorry I prefer pics to words and links. Note: I just tried to catch up on this thread, lol. You can't all sigs have changed since last voted on. Its a day to day thing I guess. *shrugs*
Undertaker Sep 15, 2007 #1,671 i like the sig. Ladylove has really caught the atmosphere in the sig. She should also have a lot of credit for making it in paint. 9.5/10
i like the sig. Ladylove has really caught the atmosphere in the sig. She should also have a lot of credit for making it in paint. 9.5/10
P Perilypos Retired Moderator Sep 15, 2007 #1,672 10/10 - very nice sig, I like the colours. :thumbsup:
D D-rock Sep 15, 2007 #1,675 8/10 Not bad LadyLove. Although, I hope she isn't picking her nose in that picture.
jdb67 Sep 16, 2007 #1,679 10/10. Wolves represent strength, unity and loyalty. I like Wolves. :thumbsup: