Rate the persons Avatar above you.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
10/10 I love those lips of yours.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
:ak47: 09/10 Only because it's not a civil plane! :ak47:

:nanner: Regardless: Planes are sexy! :nanner:



Ya see, now I feel bad for scoring ya so loW!

Edit 6/10 I cant see her enough.

5/10 still

To join the mile high club of course!

I should have realised. You'd like that plane; it has toilet, kitchen, 2 seats and space to lie down and join the mile high club. And woe betide anything, land sea or air, foolish enough to try and stop you.

Oh yeah, and 9/10 because a 10/10 rating on a woman is impossible.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
9/10. You can change your avatar too, you know. Maybe like to something with boobs. Or it could even have boobs. Hell, even boobs would be nice.

Just sayin'...

Ace Bandage

The one and only.

OMG I can. I had no idea thank you so much. What would I do without you. :rolleyes::kiss:

Am I detecting some sarcasm there? :mad: Don't think I won't dropkick you just because you're witty and beautiful...

You get a 9/10, but I'm not happy about it.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
10/10 A sleeping beauty